"It should be a palace of a god, the body of a Greek god, and there are mountains..."

Just as countless netizens were commenting, they suddenly became quiet.

In an instant, the focus of the whole world was almost on the Olympus Mountains, and the expressions on the faces of countless people became strange.

Yes, people guessed.

The ancient Greek-style palace is huge and magnificent. Except for the gods, mortals are as small as ants in front of the palace.


On the top of Mount Olympus, Zeus's eyes were bright, his pupils were arcing, and he squeezed the communicator in his hand, sparks scattered.

"Cultivator, I'm at odds with you!" he growled, a gaffe he had never seen before.

Yes, the palace in the picture is exactly the shrine where the gods live, and it is also the residence of the twelve main gods, which is a symbol of the supreme power of the gods planet.

But now, it seems that the cultivator has a way to reach the distant shore, and what has he done to that magnificent palace.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the cultivator is allowed to take pictures so recklessly, the true gods of the twelve constellations, I am afraid that the bad luck is too small.

"Father, do the cultivators really come to our hometown?" The Water God's eyes were cold, holding a three-pronged weapon, his body was covered with fine scales, and he was obviously furious.

The rest of the gods all had ugly faces, and their eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

"The space channel has been closed, and it will only be opened after three months. Since they want to provoke me, they must step on China, and nothing can heal my heart." Zeus quickly calmed down and transferred all his anger to Oriental China.

They all know that even if they are angry, it is not helpful, and it is better to be practical.

Moreover, the shrine has a profound background, and the strength of those cultivators is not strong, perhaps just heavy casualties, and the palace is guarded by the power of stars, and the true gods are difficult to destroy.

Thinking of this, the expressions of the gods softened a lot.

However, they were too naive. A group of photos of the palace in ruins were then uploaded to social platforms, setting off a storm.

"Really destroyed, is the guess true? They destroyed the palace of the Greek gods?"

The whole world shook, and the news spread like a tsunami, flooding every corner of the earth in an instant.


In the Olympus Mountains, there was a roar of anger, thunder was dense, the sky was covered by electric arcs, and a pale and dazzling light was blooming.

The movement here was very terrifying, and the city residents in the distance were shocked by the terrifying coercion and shivered with fear.

It also proves that these photos do point to the location of the Greek gods.

However, the waves have not subsided, and there are pictures on the Internet again.

When these photos came out, the whole world fell silent.

Even people in the Huaxia region felt absurd, and even admired it. This was a slap in the face of the Greek gods, which made people feel unmoved.

"Counting, there are as many as [-] people, and the weapons in their hands seem to have a lot of styles that are biased towards ancient Greek myths and legends."

In the photo, [-] people lined up neatly, holding weapons high, blooming with rays of light, very magnificent and beautiful.

Moreover, the background of the photo, not far from the Olympus Mountains, clearly imprints this magnificent mountain in the photo.

Chapter [-] Tens of thousands of troops besieged the city!

As soon as these photos came out, the whole world was in a commotion, and countless people exclaimed.

The social network was completely boiled, and people from all walks of life in the West were shocked beyond measure. In addition to hating the Eastern cultivators in their hearts, they also had a little admiration.

"Amazing, no matter whether Dongfang Huaxia can stop the footsteps of God and Zeus, this courage alone is enough to make people awed." Someone left a message on the photo, expressing the most real thoughts.

"I didn't expect these cultivators to be so brave and not afraid of death that they dared to provoke God King Zeus. Are they playing with fire and setting themselves on fire?" Some people also questioned that although cultivators are powerful, they dare not collide in front of God King.

"I think they did it on purpose, to anger the gods, is there something that can't be conspiracy?"

Similarly, there are also conspirators who speculate that the behavior of the monks is strange and not worthy of attention.

However, regardless of the voices on the Internet, at the moment of Olympus Mountain, the gods stand in the sky, the divine light is soaring to the sky, spraying from their bodies, containing unparalleled coercion.

"Cultivator, these ants dare to offend Shenwei again and again, very good, they succeeded in angering me."

God King Zeus held Thor's Hammer, his eyes flashed with lightning, his blond hair was flying, and he exuded a fierce aura.

The next moment, he moved and turned into a powerful thunder.

This world was submerged by lightning, and the European sky was full of lightning, like an ocean of lightning intertwined, blooming with pale light.

The god-king Zeus took action, and he was in a hurry. He immediately monitored the land of Europe to find out where the monks were dormant.



On the earth covered by thunder, countless lightnings fell, deep mountains and dense forests, sparks scattered, and the power was terrifying.

There are also big mountains and canyons, which were smashed into pieces by lightning, and the scene was terrifying!

At this moment, people thought that the doomsday was coming, and the lightning coercion was so powerful that it shocked everyone on the ground to tremble.

Some believers knelt down and asked the gods to forgive them, which was extremely sincere.

The power of the gods comes, and mortals can't resist it. This is the power of nature, which can destroy the world, which is awe-inspiring and fearful.

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