At the same time, the guardian of the mountain, the headquarters of the Western World Alliance.

"The King of God has an order, and all countries immediately send the most elite troops to the Chinese border to assemble!"

After bringing the words, the guardian of the mountain did not care about the reaction of everyone, and then turned and left.

The god king Zeus was angry, and the divine power was unparalleled in the world, and he wanted to flatten China immediately in order to wash away the shame of the destruction of the shrine.

The weapons of those cultivators all came from Zeus's battles in the universe, and the victories they obtained were now taken away by the cultivators, which is maddening.

It's a shame!

The dignified king of the gods, was his home raided by the ants in his eyes?

If this is spread, the majesty of the king of God will be damaged, and on earth, this rumor has spread all over the world.

People have already guessed, approached the truth, and Zeus couldn't sit still.

"The gods obeyed the order, follow me to kill East China, flatten it, and slaughter all the Chinese people!" Zeus roared, standing in front of the gods, his eyes were beating with lightning, and his eyes were extremely fiery.

The ten main gods were shocked. This was the first time they felt the anger of the god king.

"Father, but Huaxia has always been mysterious. It is rumored that there is a secret power to guard there. If we rashly take action, will it attract unexpected events?" Water God asked.

However, Zeus at this time, can hear it there.

At this moment, he just wanted to step on China, raze the East to the ground, and kill all the cultivators, so that he could relieve the hatred in his heart.

However, as the lord of the gods, Zeus is still rational and said indifferently: "The mortal army will go first, and we will go in later. If there is any danger, you can exit immediately."

What agreement with God, has been ignored.

Immediately, Western countries began to act, the army assembled, and they wanted to enter the country of Bangzi from Siberia by land, and thus began to arrange.

"It's too slow. Siberia is sparsely populated and covered with snow and ice all the year round. If you want to reach China by land, it will definitely not be possible to complete it in three days." said the god of fire, Hezhunstos.

His face was ugly, his hair was messy, and his legs were below the knees, but a golden crutch instead of walking on his legs.

When the voice sounded, all the gods were stunned.

However, no one dared to despise this Vulcan, even Zeus, the originally gloomy face, slowly converged.

"Father, the army of mortals has gone through Siberia. Although it takes at least half a month to travel, I have a way to get the army to reach the eastern border within half a day." Hezhunstos, the god of fire, said respectfully.

This is to think that a god-craftsman, skilled in craftsmanship, can forge many unimaginable artifacts and items.

Even Zeus carrying a defensive shield was forged by the god of fire, which was incredible.

The strength of Vulcan may not be very strong, but in terms of craftsmen, he is the first known person in the vast universe, and that is the highest glory.

"Do you have any ideas?" God King Zeus glanced over, although he didn't like this ugly son very much, but he valued the ability of this son very much.

"Father, the mortal armies of all countries can be assembled under the sacred mountain. At that time, I will have my own way." Hezhunstos, the god of fire, smiled, but because of the ugly facial features, the smile seemed even more hideous.

"Since you have a way, let God choose who will lead the army."

Zeus bowed his head, his eyes twinkling.

The next moment, the divine sense spread out and immediately contacted the God of the holy city.

Along the way, the spirits fluctuated violently, and the two supreme gods didn't know what they were arguing about, but they calmed down after a long time.

At this time, tens of millions of armies from various countries have assembled under the sacred mountain.

As long as Zeus gives an order, they can set off immediately and go to the Huaxia border to assemble.

The movement here is very big and cannot be concealed. Western countries did not expect to conceal it. Major media rushed to report, and the atmosphere of the war was unprecedentedly tense.

"God said that in this coalition crusade, the Son should be an example for all beings!" The Pope's voice sounded solemn and sacred.

At this time, a hazy holy light appeared in the direction of the Holy See, white and pure, like a clear spring, blooming from the Holy See, reflecting the bright and pale sky.

With a holy scepter in hand, the Holy Son Jesus walked in from the void, with a holy smile on his face, the light and rain fell, benefiting countless believers.

Chapter [-] is imminent!

Yanjing Military Region!

"I admire. I thought they could do things, but I didn't expect that they could do things like this. Yes, they are not reckless. They know their own advantages and use them."

Li Zhenwu crossed his legs and nodded in agreement after hearing Qin Nantian's report.

Even if there are not many people to tell him, he is aware of the development of this world.

For the actions of letting Chu Tianjun and others go, he obviously had a better harvest, and it was also a kind of tempering, which was in line with his style.

However, Qin Nantian and several Chinese bosses were full of worry.

"Holy Father, God's strength is unfathomable, are these young people really okay?" Xia Xiacheng asked, unable to help but worry.

Moreover, the twelve main gods have already started, and the army will soon reach the country of sticks.

If there is any accident, it will definitely be Huaxia's loss.

"I know what you are worried about. God is not omnipotent. Moreover, their potential has only just been discovered. At the Vatican, they were just not prepared enough."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and told them: "Look, these guys are free now, it's no wonder that they can save people's worries, you all get ready, the war will start in these two days."

Speaking of this, Qin Nantian and others were solemn, and a heavy feeling rose in their hearts.

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