Afterwards, they asked for advice on Huaxia's future planning. After getting the answer, they left consciously.

Li Zhenwu didn't hold back, and watched everyone leave, then slowly stood up, turned his head to look in the direction of Jerusalem, his eyes gradually deepened.

Jerusalem, where the secret power flows, covers the entire holy city, guarding it and cannot be destroyed.

However, in the Mediterranean Sea to the southeast of the Holy City, on the blue sea, an unimaginable bamboo raft drifted with the wind.

On the bamboo raft that was as green as emerald, stood dense figures, it was Chu Tianjun and the others.

"It's dangerous, but fortunately we took a step ahead, I didn't expect Zeus to be so powerful." Ye Tian checked the developments in Europe on the communicator.

According to the information obtained on the social platform, the god-king of Zeus became angry, turned into thunder, and the sea of ​​lightning intertwined, covering the whole of Europe, just to find out their group.

Fortunately, they went one step ahead.

After uploading those photos, set off immediately, approaching the Holy City from the Mediterranean, lest God be discovered early.

"It's terrifying. It's worthy of being the king of the gods. His strength is beyond imagination." Even the volcano giant had to sigh with emotion. There is still a big gap between him and the top existence of the Western gods.

Zeus turned into a thunderous ocean, and lightning filled Europe. When it fell, many mountains were destroyed, and the scene was terrifying.

Now, Europeans are frightened, and they are in awe of the power of the gods from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the current Greek gods, in the eyes of people, have completely changed their taste. Those photos have gradually approached the truth through conscientious speculation, making the gods lose face and become angry.

"Haha, Zeus is not our goal. Now that we set out to the Holy City, how confident are you?" Chu Tianjun calmed down and turned to ask the crowd.

"According to what the volcano giant said, it should be [-]% sure." Hu Ming said in a deep voice.

Yes, their goal is Jerusalem, to go to the Holy City and take the initiative to fight against God.

Facing the sea breeze, the green bamboo raft stirred the air currents, and there was infuriating energy, and it was no less than a modern boat.

The volcano giant's eyes narrowed slightly, glanced at a few people, and said: "I'm not sure, but a thousand years ago, there was such a saying, the Holy City of the Three Religions is not as simple as it seems, if we use it well, we can also With the help of external force, destroy the space channel and turn God into a bachelor commander."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent!

The idea is crazy, when it was mentioned from the volcano giant, everyone felt incredible.

But they are not strong enough to face God head-on, they can only fight!

Use the external power contained in the holy city to stimulate the confrontation with God, and at that time, they will give the angel who descended the space channel a devastating blow.

"Fight, if it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to leave immediately."

After pondering for a moment, everyone agreed to accept this proposal...

Not long after, with the movement of the green bamboo raft, it gradually got closer to the coastline.

Looking at the coast from a distance, it is shrouded in holy light, like a veil, and it looks like a dream, very holy and beautiful.

To the southeast of the holy city, above the blue waves, the bamboo raft stopped and did not dare to move forward.

"Being able to sneak into the holy city quietly, and everyone present, should be the only one who can do it." The volcano giant looked at everyone and grinned.

But no one wanted to laugh, they were all solemn.

Entering the holy city means getting close to God, which is also very dangerous. An accident can lead to never returning.

"I'm not a human being, but a congenital soul, but I can't compare with you. If I don't do anything, God can't find me at all." The volcano giant said, very confident.

"Okay, if there is an accident, we will go to the rescue immediately!" Chu Tianjun punched the volcano giant and fell silent.

In the end, everyone watched the volcanic giant leave and disappeared into the blue ocean.

The volcano giant is an innate fire attribute. Before entering the holy city, he took the initiative to wash his body and cover the fluctuations of the fire attribute.

Not long after, everyone on the bamboo raft saw a distant coastline, and a young man who looked like a human walked out of the sea and walked towards the holy city step by step.

The field fell silent, only the sound of the waves echoed. 0.3

Everyone can't calm down and is ready to take action at any time, because there is their chief, an alien, who is fighting for China.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, the silence in the field was interrupted by the rapid bell.

The atmosphere suddenly condensed, and everyone's eyes fell on Chu Tianjun.

Chu Tianjun took out the communicator, and the dignified expression on his face relaxed a little, and said, "It's very smooth, the team leader has seen God, and now he is going to enter the territory of other teachings to stimulate the energy there."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


"Come quickly!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, the communicator sounded hurriedly again, and a brief message caught everyone's eyes.


This book is organized by 【servant contract して】, the material comes from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, the text is for trial reading only, please do not use it for commercial communication!

【Servant and Contract して】Remind you: Arrange your reading time reasonably and stop being addicted to online novels!

More novels can be found in 【Servant and Contract して】299359586


Chapter [-]

The Chaos Bell was shaken, and the simple and melodious bell echoed in the void, and the whole world became clear and bright in an instant.

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