
The bell sounded slowly and slowly, echoing slowly, and passed it out.

All beings on this planet can clearly hear them, no matter whether they are gods or mortals, whether they are plants or animals, their souls are trembling, feeling the pressure from heaven and earth.

The sound came and went quickly.

When countless people woke up, the melodious bell had disappeared.

Siberia, above the white snow field.

The cold wind whistled fiercely, like a knife across the face, and the monotonous colors made the whole world look dull and tasteless.

Holy Son Yehe stood proudly, his body was wrapped in holy light to resist the wind and snow here.

At the same time, pure brilliance pervades the surrounding people, making people feel the cruelty of the snowy environment.

The soldiers landed on the magnificent Golden Bridge, lined up neatly for dozens of miles.

dang dang...

Suddenly, on the Siberian snowfield, a bell rang, leisurely and long, simple and clear.

This was very abrupt, and tens of thousands of soldiers were stunned.

"Could it be..."

Saint Son Yehe's face changed dramatically, he turned his head in disbelief, stared at the direction of Dongfang Huaxia with deep awe in his eyes.

If we talk about this planet, there is nothing to fear and fear.

That is this bell, which can definitely be ranked first in his memory, even more fearful than God.

"Holy Son, this bell is unusual. It rang once before the gods came." The Pope wore a golden robe, solemn and sacred, but at this moment, his face was full of worry.

He told the Son of Jesus that the sound of the bell was very terrifying, and that the aircraft carrier battle group of the United States had been destroyed, so he suspected that the strange sound of the bell was for it.

Moreover, according to the ancient books of the Holy See, there is also a record of this bell.

Once the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China and massacred in the territory of China at that time, a bell rang, I don't know where it came from, I don't know where the end of the sound is.

However, the coalition forces at that time suffered a lot of casualties.

Various countries have repeatedly studied and scrutinized this strange bell, and they have come to the proof that as long as it does not hurt the foundation of China's luck, it will not appear.

Of course, these are top secrets in the Western world and have never been leaked.

Saint Son Yehe glanced sideways at the Pope, the corners of his eyes twitched, thinking that heaven's study of bells is more in-depth than mortals.

From a long time ago, when the Lord of the Gods was in charge of the Divine Star Territory, this bell had been heard occasionally.

Therefore, after the arrival of God and the gods, they did not dare to act rashly, for fear of causing misfortune.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this mysterious bell still attracted, which is frightening.

Mount Olympus.

The gods stood on the top of the mountain, they overlooked the earth and watched the distant Siberian army, ready to attack China at any time.

In the eyes of the gods, the army of tens of millions of mortals is enough to make China die.

As long as China's luck is completely shattered, it will be the moment for their gods to take action.

However, a melodious and quaint bell sound completely shattered the illusion of the gods.

"What? Is this bell in China?"

The face of God King Zeus changed drastically, his calm aura suddenly became messy, his eyes were a little flustered, and there was a strong sense of fear in it.

"Sure enough, it is a divine object of heaven and earth. Before the formation of the universe, the great creation of the heavens already existed. Could it be that the existence that led us here already knew the reason?" to the far eastern land.

In the records of the Divine Spirit Star Territory, the previous generation of Divine Kings had heard of it before they grew up.

At that time, as soon as the bell rang, a miraculous change suddenly occurred in the vast universe, and it was precisely because of this that the life planets in the universe had the opportunity to break free from the shackles of heaven and earth.

Vulcan's eyes became fiery, it was the treasure he dreamed of, the treasure that could subvert his forging craftsmanship.

It is also the regret that he has been looking for, but has no idea.

"Father, the existence that guided us, although everything points to the true warrior, we don't know where the true warrior is at all. I think we should find the source of the bell, so as to get the good fortune. Vulcan Immediately turned to look at Zeus, his eyes firmly said.

God King Zeus looked ugly, and was about to speak, but his face suddenly changed drastically again.


He waved the hammer in his hand, smashed down the foot of the mountain, and smashed a big hole in the ground, which was densely covered with thunder and splashed with dust.

But, it's just a big hole.

"Space has been reinforced?" God King Zeus couldn't help but exclaimed, unprecedentedly surprised.

You know, when the King of God is angry, the stars of the heavens can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

In the past, although the earth was more stable than ordinary stars, the space was quite fragile, and the void could be torn apart easily.

But now, Zeus made a full effort, and only smashed a deep pit on the ground. What a terrible accident?

Seeing this scene, the gods were all terrified.

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