The Chaos Clock is engraved with heaven and earth on the surface, and the inner wall of the clock is even more imprinted with stars and stars, claiming to be a world.

"Since it's started, give them a little pressure!"

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and held the suspended Chaos Clock. The azure light filled his body and the azure lotus mark on his forehead. At this moment, the lotus flower slowly bloomed, exactly the [-]th grade.


A mysterious energy vented from his body, using the Chaos Clock as a medium, constantly sketching complicated and mysterious runes in the void.

In just an instant, the shock of the void disappeared.

The magnetic field of the earth seems to have undergone some changes, but if you feel it carefully, nothing has changed.

"Lock the sky and lock the earth!"

After a long time, Li Zhenwu slowly exhaled a turbid breath and whispered to himself.

Chapter [-] See how you pretend to be forceful!

"Bastard, this old guy is powerful and terrifying!" The volcano giant yelled and got up from the ground, suffering serious injuries.

The rest of the crowd, with lingering fears, immediately set up the formation again.


The power of three hundred immortals, and three earth immortals, and now with the true immortal power of the volcano giant, the lineup is unprecedentedly strong.

Just because they were not prepared enough, it didn't mean that they couldn't even resist.

At this moment, everyone's spirits and spirits resonated, like one body, with a vast fighting spirit.

Moreover, there are lotus marks blooming between their eyebrows, and the fairy light is dazzling.

"Old God, the humiliation before, this time I will give it back to you!" The volcano giant was extremely fierce as his eyes, and his eyes were bright and dazzling.

He is [-] meters tall, with red glow all over his body, like a volcano, with terrifying power.

After the superposition of the power of the killing god array, the god at this time, in the eyes of the volcano giant, the power of the two is already equal.

However, God wants to maintain the space channel, so he can only use part of his power, but there are also true immortal peaks, and even half-step Jinxian is as terrifying.

After all, this is the deity, not the previous incarnation.

"Do you have to destroy the space channel? Do you want the army of angels to be annihilated in the channel, thereby delaying the demise of China?"

At this time, God's face was holy, his eyes were peaceful, and he asked gently.

Beside him, the scene of the passage is clear, and the vast army of angels has almost reached the exit.

Among them, an eighteen-winged angel, the speed is even more terrifying, it does not need five minutes, enough to come to the earth, that is the powerhouse of the real immortal realm.

When it comes down, the pattern that Chu Tianjun and the others have worked so hard to lay down will be completely changed.

"Since you already know, there is nothing to hide, just want to destroy this passage." The volcano giant said with a murderous voice.

The vast army of angels, at a glance, there are hundreds of millions, and they can almost occupy a planet.

"Then come on!"

God spoke softly and didn't care, his face was still holy, and his eyes had a playful look.

Facing the power of the Killing God Array, he was confident that he could easily destroy it.

Even at this time, he dared to wait for the cultivator to take the initiative to attack, and the cold eyes were full of contempt, and he didn't pay attention at all.

The three hundred cultivators despised others, angered the sky, and one by one, they stimulated their potential to the limit.


With a loud roar, the Vulcan giant didn't talk nonsense, and rushed over directly.

He is surrounded by raging flames, which is the true fire of Samadhi, which can burn everything in the world, and even the space trembles violently, and its power is terrifying.

At the same time, the mountain-like fist, Chixia bloomed, and shot a splendid beam of light, charging towards the space channel.


The positive film is boiling in the void, the energy bursts, and the space ripples are like ripples, sweeping all around.

so horrible!

After the blessing of the killing god array, the true fire of Samadhi erupted with terrifying power, and the earth space almost couldn't bear it and was torn apart by it.

"God said that darkness and light coexist!"

Seeing this scene, God did not panic, spoke lightly, and followed the law.

The next moment, the heaven and earth in this area instantly fell into darkness, and the ghostly aura filled it, it was absolutely pitch black, and it seemed to engulf the beam of light.


The two collided, energy surged, and exploded in the void.

This world is blazing, the light is gorgeous, the colors are colorful, and it is very gorgeous.

With a bang, the void could not bear the pressure, and at the center of the energy explosion, a pitch-black hole was blasted out, the space collapsed, and the violent energy was instantly swallowed.

Heaven and earth regained its clarity again, and the blue sky was filled with holy brilliance.

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