so horrible!

The holy city was blessed with great power, and it was almost unbearable. It was going to be overturned by the remaining power of the war, which was very powerful.

"What to do, the space here is too stable, it seems a little difficult to tear the void and destroy the space channel." The volcano giant looked solemn, and his heart sank slightly.

"I have a way, try what the instructor said, concentrate on attacking the space next to the passage!" Chu Tianjun said in a deep voice.

The training at the beginning was not only the tempering of the cultivation base, but also the imparting of the knowledge of cultivation.

At one time, they knew very little about supernatural power, but after the instructor's patient explanation, they gradually understood the true meaning of the origin of heaven and earth.

The knowledge we have now can finally be put to use.

"Fight, I'm burning the source, and this guy's heart hurts." The volcano giant gritted his teeth, and his unyielding fighting spirit burned in his eyes.

The next moment, everyone looked solemn, and they were all shocked.

bang bang bang...

The crisp sound, as if the shackles were broken, and everyone's body burst out with extreme energy, which is the origin of their cultivation.

Colorful and gorgeous to the extreme, it makes people obsessed with the soul.

"Haha, even if you all want to perish together, it's just in vain. With this strength alone, you can't do me any harm at all." God smiled lightly, very disdainful.

Moreover, the holy light on his body became more and more intense, almost turning into substance.

The light shines brightly, reflecting the vast whiteness of the sky, purifying all the heretical energy in the world, and it has a very terrifying effect.

This is also the reason why the volcanic giants cannot break the passage.

You must know that before the attack is close, most of it has been consumed, and the energy is weakened. Even if the bombardment hits God, it will not hurt the opponent in the slightest.

"Son of a bitch!"

The volcanic giant roared, and the red glow bloomed, driving the killing formation, and slammed into the past.


The flames of the void flashed away, reaching the extreme, instantly reaching the front of God, the huge fist, containing the vast power, attacked the past.

"God said, you are too much in the way, you should go to hell to repent."

God's expression became indifferent, he slowly raised his hand, his crystal clear palm contained endless power, and he wanted to use the hand of God.

However, the volcano giant who came to him suddenly twisted and flew past God.

The kilometer tall figure, the gilded wings behind it shook violently, and the golden light filled the sky, turning into a beam of light, and the speed was terrifyingly fast.

"Look at how you pretend to be coercive!"

The voice fell, and the volcano giant smiled coldly, his fist fell, and smashed into the void, and the majestic power was vented frantically from the killing god array.


A slight crisp sound came from the space, and dark cracks appeared one after another, gradually spreading toward the space channel not far away.


In the end, the space could not bear the pressure, and a large hole was smashed out, swallowing the nearby energy, directly tearing the space channel, and shaking violently.

Chapter [-] Angels are annihilated, God deity!

The sudden change was unexpected.

The speed of the Vulcan giant is indeed very fast, but at the last moment, it is to use Ye Tian's energy to increase the speed to a terrifying level, and then avoid a head-on collision with God.

Of course, it is not realistic for them to attack the space channel.

Because God is blocking the front, people can't do anything, so they can only retreat and attack the space node next to the channel.

It was collapsing, the space shattered like a mirror, revealing a dark hole that devoured all the energy crazily.

And God maintained the energy of the space channel, bearing the brunt of it, was suddenly swallowed up, and the channel of the vast army shook in an instant.

You don't have to look to know that this is a sign of a channel collapse.

Stop a little, and all the previous efforts will be abandoned. Because of this, the Vatican God can only condense the incarnation, but the deity remains here.


The black hole is too big, and it is still expanding. It will soon reach the edge of the channel and collide with the space node here, producing devastating energy fluctuations.

Inside the passage, the last angel army was annihilated by the unstable energy, causing heavy casualties.

The one who walked in the front was fine, and didn't die instantly.

However, the collapse of the channel was extremely fast, and it began to spread at the starting point, and it has been sweeping towards the exit of the earth until 550 years.

"Ah... God is us!"

"The cultivator demon, if we come, we will definitely slaughter you!"

"Lord Lucifer, save me!"

Countless angel armies were torn apart, their bodies shattered, and turned into a rain of light, like a vast ocean of photons, a vast expanse of white.

The scene inside was terrible, and the screams came one after another, which was creepy.

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