You must know that God is not Li Zhenwu, and the level of the space channel outlined is the difference between clouds and mud.

Otherwise, those angel legions would not have walked so long in the passage, mainly because the realm was too far apart.


That eighteen-winged angel, with red-white pupils, screaming in the sky, covered with holy flames, did not dare to stay in place, and galloped desperately towards the exit of the earth.

so horrible!

In just an instant, hundreds of millions of angels were killed and injured.

The rest, destruction is only a matter of time.

As for the eighteen-winged angel, it was originally the closest to the exit. At this time, the holy light was burning, and the speed accelerated again, and soon reached the exit of the earth.


However, the tunnel collapsed too quickly. No matter how fast the eighteen-winged angel reacted, he was still affected by a trace of energy, and half of his body suddenly turned into a light rain and disappeared.


The space passage suspended above the holy city completely collapsed, and only one eighteen-winged angel came to the army of hundreds of millions of angels.

Moreover, the lower body of this angel has disappeared, and only the upper body has come.

"Ha ha……"

In the distance, the volcanic giant laughed, his spirit shrank to the extreme, and the red light on his skin dimmed.

Even the God-killing formation formed by everyone was dimly radiant at this time, like a candle in the wind, and the intertwined energy seemed to be extinguished at any time.

"Let's go!" Ye Tian vomited blood, hurting his source.

If it weren't for this, the volcano giant could not avoid God's blocking at the last moment, thus destroying the space next to the passage.


Hearing this, the volcanic giant was shocked, and quickly withdrew his smile. With a sway of his figure, he rode the killing god array to the Tai, and fled into the Mediterranean Sea, where he wanted to escape back to China.

You must know that the energy of the people in the Killing God Formation was exhausted.

In the stay, if God reacts, they will all fall here.

The holy city is still radiant, exuding a peaceful and quiet atmosphere. Peace has been restored here, and the surviving believers have been completely sluggish and petrified in place.

The smile on God's face solidified, the holy brilliance on his body was indefinite, and the aura of the whole person gradually changed.

Yes, he was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the volcanic giants and the others, desperately, did not come to him, but to destroy the space channel.

Moreover, the power of the Killing God Array erupted, the space collapsed, and under the chain reaction, even the passage was implicated.

I have to say that after a series of actions, the cultivator is very decisive.


The eighteen-winged angel was broken and fell to the ground, his voice hoarse and full of unwillingness.

Seeing that the cultivator was about to disappear into the sky, he couldn't help asking aloud, hoping that God would leave these ants behind and kill them to wash away the humiliation.

Hearing this, God seemed to wake up and looked down at Lucifer.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, and there was not the slightest difference in his face.

"I'll give you the divine power again to wash away your own humiliation!" God raised his hand, and the holy light sprayed down like a waterfall of light and rain, drowning Lucifer.

In an instant, under the nourishment of the holy light rain.

Lucifer's remnant body gradually healed, and the lower body soon grew out.

Moreover, the white wings behind him are also increasing, becoming more powerful, twenty-two-winged angel!

"Ha ha……"

Feeling that he was getting stronger, Lucifer was full of surprise, sincere to the extreme, and thanked God.

Afterwards, his wings trembled, galloping out of the holy city, and chasing the cultivators in the distance.

"Hey, these angels don't seem to be able to fight anymore, but don't worry, I will bring your strength to level China!"

There was no one around, and God's eyes became more and more peaceful, whispering to himself.

As the voice fell, the vision in the sky suddenly changed, and a waterfall composed of light and rain emerged in the void, and then continued to fall towards God.

Light and rain attitude, and finally almost turned into a waterfall, pouring down.

At the end of the sky, Chu Tianjun and the others turned around, almost scared to death.

"The lower body is gone, and it's not dead yet. The bird man is chasing after him, and he has become stronger." Ye Tian exclaimed.

In the rear, the power that Lucifer exudes is very terrifying, almost reaching the pinnacle of true immortals, which is shocking.

However, the next moment, they exclaimed again, looking at the direction of the holy city with shock.

There was submerged in holy light, the figure of God was hazy, bathed in light and rain, and the breath of the whole person was constantly rising.

In just a short time, I have reached the horror of a golden fairy.

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