The surrounding void was trembling, as if unable to withstand the pressure of God, it kept humming, terrifying to the extreme.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Shocking Changes

Looking at the terrifying figure in the holy city, everyone's expressions throbbed, fear filled their hearts, and despair was bred.

"What kind of monster is this?" Hu Ming's lips trembled, he couldn't believe it.

"I know, those are the annihilated angels in the passage, which angelic energies did not disappear, but descended from the void and were absorbed by God." The volcano giant's eyes widened and he looked like a ghost.

"Could the legend be true? After the angel dies, he will return to God, and if God is willing, he can create the same angel again..." Ye Tian was shocked beyond words.

If this is the case, what kind of terrifying power will be after the energy of all the angels returns?

At this moment, they suddenly woke up.

At the beginning, God said that it was a stupid decision to want to annihilate the angel of the passage.

Now, the sight of the holy city seems to confirm what God said, which is shocking and terrifying at the same time.


The next moment, the volcano giant roared, and with a bang, he turned into this deity, spread his fingers, grabbed everyone, and quickly escaped from here.

so horrible!

There was a twenty-two-winged angel chasing after him, which was already a headache.

But now, the situation seems more urgent, when God has absorbed all the energy, do not know what the level of terror will reach.

At that time, everyone present, terror would be crushed into ashes by a finger.

There is a lot of movement here, the majestic and endless momentum is constantly rising, and it is going to impact the invisible imprisonment of this planet.

It can be clearly seen that the invisible ripples, centered on the holy city, spread in all directions.

"Haha, God said, you are really stupid, I have reminded you."

Bathed in light and rain, God opened his arms, his face full of enjoyment, and he let out a contemptuous laugh.

The rain of light fell, and the divine power seemed to be endless, thus, the power in his body reached the golden fairy realm, beyond everyone's imagination.

However, the earth was suppressed by the sound of bells, and the invisible shackles fell on the creatures of this planet.

"Break it for me!"

God roared in the sky, and around the body, the space ripples intertwined, resulting in violent fluctuations, such as the ups and downs of the ocean, which is very miraculous.

At the same time, the ripples in space continue to spread, covering the earth and breaking through the confinement of the bell.


In the holy city, a loud noise erupted, the blazing brilliance was dazzling, and the energy boiled.

This is an invisible contest, but unfortunately, God has failed, the imprisonment still exists and cannot be broken.

"As expected of the treasure of the universe, even my current strength cannot break it."

The light and rain dissipated, and the figure of God stood in the center of the holy city, with a body of [-] meters, exuding a holy radiance, holy and peaceful.

However, even if he couldn't break the confinement, he couldn't help him now.

Jinxian's strength has long since broken free, and the invisible shackles cannot have any impact on him.

"True warrior, now it's your turn!"

Suddenly, God turned his head and looked towards the east, his eyes were bright, and the holy light burst out. He wanted to see through the nothingness and find the whereabouts of Li Zhenwu.

The next moment, the holy light dimmed, and the figure of God disappeared in place, as if it had never appeared before.


Mount Olympus, the gathering place of the Greek gods.

God King Zeus's eyes were bright with golden light, and his expression became more and more dignified. The lightning around his body was pale and dazzling, ready to shoot at any time.

The other ten main gods, standing behind him, were all silent.

They are waiting, as long as the army enters the territory of Huaxia, if there is no accident, it is time for them to take action.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no information at all.

Even when those countries contacted the military at high levels, they did not get a response.

An ominous premonition shrouded everyone's hearts.

"If there is an accident, unless God takes action, we will wait for the passage to appear again, and then leave here." God King Zeus said indifferently with the intention of retreating.

This time, the gods suffered heavy losses.

Even the shrine has been copied, the symbol of identity has been destroyed, and the foundation has been lost. Before the battle, it has already lost.

Now, thousands of mortal armies are attacking, but no news has come back.

The gods are not fools, they naturally know how to advance and retreat.


In the Siberian snowfield, there are thousands of troops, tanks and armored vehicles, like a torrent of steel, slowly approaching the border of China.

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