The lotus Ruixia towered to the sky, and the colorful energy spurted out. After rotating, it turned into a sharp sword, and it sank into the blazing holy light.

One 567 time, the void shook violently, and countless ripples appeared.

Everyone in the formation was completely white, and the energy was boiling. The structure of the formation was shaken, causing violent shocks.

"Haha, the devil is going to die!"

Outside, the twenty-two-winged angel Lucifer saw this and laughed wildly.

Anyone can see that the cultivator's formation is unstable and cannot penetrate the ocean-like holy light attack. When the energy dries up, it turns into ashes.

However, Lucifer's smile soon solidified on his face.


The vast and unpredictable holy light suddenly burst, revealing the scene inside.

I saw the void lotus with dim light, spinning constantly, facing the blazing holy light, although it was difficult to resist, but it was slowly penetrating, trying to break free from the bondage of the holy ocean.

"How is that possible?" Lucifer shouted, his face full of disbelief.

You must know that the radiance of the Void Lotus is on and off, as if the candlelight is swaying in a gust of wind, and it will go out at any time.

However, what is frightening is that it has not been extinguished, and it is very tenacious.

Finally, with a thud, as if the taut bowstring snapped.

The ocean of divine energy intertwined is penetrated by the void lotus, and the rotating power seems to be able to obliterate everything in the world.

Chapter [-] Lucifer Falls!


Lucifer's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he saw, it was beyond common sense and he couldn't accept it.

The cultivator in front of him, in Lucifer's eyes, was already a dead ant.

Under the strength of his true immortal peak, he believes that just one finger is enough to crush everyone and completely wipe them from the world.

However, the development of events was unexpected.

The Void Lotus is too fierce. The power of rotation can disintegrate the purification of the Holy Light, and even be gradually weakened, and the energy is already less than [-]%.

"Impossible, the power of God is the invincible power in the world. How can these ants obliterate the purification of the Holy Light?" Lucifer panicked, his eyes filled with endless horror.

Now, he is afraid.

The Void Lotus is like the grinding disc of heaven and earth. The light is not bright, but its unpredictable power is terrifying.

"Brothers, we succeeded!"

Rushing out of the boiling holy light, the volcano giant couldn't help shouting, very excited.

"Really, the combination of our resonance and the formation can really be invincible in the world!" Chu Tianjun's face was red, his body was full of vigor, and he had an indomitable aura.

They couldn't believe it before, but it has been verified that the desperate fight has indeed worked wonders.

On the planet of the gods, the instructor once told them that because of the problem of cultivation, they made breakthroughs together, and there was an unspeakable resonance.

As long as the potential is stimulated and the goals are the same, the world can be shaken.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a success!


Seeing that Lucifer was shocked and stunned, the volcano giant controlled the formation and rushed out, wanting to kill one of them.


The void lotus slowly rotates, wiping out the holy light that drowned.

Lucifer had prayed before and used the most terrifying power of divine purification, and the energy in his body was exhausted.

It can be said that the strength of the two is now almost the same.

However, Lucifer still has spare power after all, unlike the volcano giants, who have reached the point where the fuel is exhausted, so they still have the advantage.

"Presumptuous, you are the ones who died!" He reacted, screaming in the sky, and immediately counterattacked.


The two collided, and the void lotus trembled, unable to withstand the huge force, and was smashed and flew upside down, almost falling to the sea.

Lucifer was no better than that, his body flew backwards, an unpredictable energy raged in his body along his fist, and the white wings behind him were all broken.

"Come again!"

The volcano giant does not believe in evil, his expression is indifferent, he controls the void lotus formation, soars into the sky, and fights with Lucifer.

Despair is over, they were not afraid before, and now Lucifer, they are even less concerned.


The volcanic giant turned into a lotus seed, red as blood, wrapped in a spinning lotus flower in the void, and bombarded it with a punch.

The hill-like fist, glowing with blood, is very powerful. It gathers the power of everyone and bursts out with unparalleled power.


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