The space trembled, and countless ripples spread. Wherever it passed, the holy light was wiped out by the fist mark and directly collided with Lucifer.

Immediately, a huge force erupted, and the sea set off monstrous waves, extremely terrifying.

A radiant figure was knocked upside down and flew out, the white wings behind it were mostly broken, and the hair was messy, very embarrassed.

"I am the first divine envoy under the throne of God, how could I be defeated by the cultivators?"

Lucifer roared, his eyes shone with red light, with a warm and holy breath, he became completely violent.

Before they landed on Earth, they suffered losses in the hands of the cultivators. At this time, they came in pursuit, but they did not expect that they would suffer losses again and again.

This made the honorable angel status feel humiliated and angry.

"What bastard god, you're just a birdman!" The volcano giant sneered with disdain on his face.

As the eye of the formation, he once again rode the volatile lotus in the void, and charged directly at it, to kill the bird man in one fell swoop.

You know, the true energy in everyone's body is already dry, and it seems to have reached its limit.

After erasing the ocean of holy light, the energy has bottomed out, and it may be extinguished at any time. At that time, they can only be slaughtered by others.

"Go to hell!"

Lucifer's face was full of resentment, his body shook, and the infinite holy light diffused out again, covering his whole body.

At this moment, he was incomparably holy, and his whole person was filled with the power of purification.

"I want to come again, I can't kill you with one punch!"

Seeing this scene, the volcano giant was furious, and was very tired of the power obtained from this prayer.

After all, this is not the power of the deity, but is obtained from a distant God, and then crosses the void and descends directly.

Of course, they did not know the relationship between angels and God.

As a creature shaped by the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, the body and mind are closely related to it, and no matter where it is, sincerity can be resonated.

This method is somewhat similar to Chu Tianjun and the others, but there are essential differences.


The lotus is in full bloom, blooming with mysterious power, resisting the erosion of the infinite holy light.

In the formation, everyone's faces changed drastically, their teeth were clenched, blood oozes from the corners of their mouths, their bodies trembled violently, and there were waves of weakness in their bodies.

"To the limit!"

At this moment, the only thought that arises in the minds of everyone.

The killing god formation formed by the crowd marched forward bravely in the face of the waterfall-like holy light, the lotus flower rotated, and the mysterious rules wiped out all energy.

"I can't beat you to death!" The volcano giant roared, his arms jolted violently, flames erupted, and he slammed his fists out.


The fist marks were incomparable, shattering the pale holy light, going forward, hitting Lucifer, and bursting with vast power.

Heaven and earth shook, space collapsed, forming a kilometer black hole, swallowing all energy.

The sea water poured back, and the holy light disappeared into the darkness. Even the holy body of the angel couldn't resist it.


The black hole gradually healed, and the world returned to normal.

The splendid picture in front of them disappeared, Chu Tianjun and others, their eyes were blank, and at the same time, they also fell into the sky, and their potential was completely squeezed out.

Chapter [-] The blood race takes action!

Yanjing Military Region!

Li Zhenwu stood in the empty training ground, his eyes were deep, penetrating the nothingness, looking at the volcano giants.

It wasn't until everything was over there that he slowly retracted his gaze.

"It seems that these guys are amazing, and they may have something to do with me when they finally got to that point." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, with a gratified smile on his face.

You must know that the three hundred cultivators, including the volcano giants, were all trained by him.

Moreover, the level of concern is even more serious than Xuanyuan in the prehistoric era.

Now, the price paid has finally paid off.

"It's getting closer and closer to guessing. When these gods are over, I'll go to verify the truth."

Li Zhenwu whispered to himself, then turned to look at Europe.

Now that the earth is fighting, except for God who is trapped in the space of the stars, there is only that side left.

In the Mediterranean Sea, the movement of the final battle, and even the imprisoned space of the earth, violently shook, and the creatures on the planet could clearly sense it.

With that blow, the space was broken and collapsed, extremely terrifying.

The gods of the Olympus Mountains sensed for the first time that the vibration from the void seemed to have caused a terrifying battle in a distant place.

"I can't get in touch with God, and the army of tens of millions in Siberia has disappeared. There was a lot of movement in the holy city before, but now the light has disappeared, and the energy it contains has quieted down." God King Zeus looked at the unfamiliar land and spoke lightly.

Half an hour ago, all the advantages over Huaxia suddenly disappeared.

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