The atmosphere was terrifyingly depressing, and when the situation was unknown, the divine spirit felt uncomfortable all over.

"What happened, is it related to that bell?" Vulcan sullen, his eyes twinkling.

The rest of the gods felt that something was wrong.

The situation developed abnormally, beyond their expectations, and it was too late to even react. Everything seemed to be changed.

"God King, do we want to continue to stay on this planet?" The god queen wore a golden armor and looked majestic, but her pretty face showed a hint of panic.

"I have an ominous premonition that the current Huaxia is no longer the previous Huaxia." The water god said indifferently, and glanced at the guardian at the foot of the mountain, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Thousands of years ago, the Chinese monastic civilization flourished and was terribly powerful.

In fact, there are individual cultivators who can even fight on other planets. The overall strength is extremely powerful, and it can be called a powerful ancient star of life in the universe.

However, don't know why.

In the past few hundred years, the earth's spiritual energy has dried up, causing the monastic civilization to wither, thus causing China to enter an unprecedented period of weakness.

And the gods who have been guided by a certain existence, after careful and detailed observation.

Ultimately, they decided, this was the perfect time to do it once and for all.

Moreover, from the information obtained from the earth, the gods also discovered the appearance of similar true warriors, which made the gods no longer hesitate and resolutely chose to come down.

It's a good start!

The gods are powerful, and they have never suffered a loss in the cosmos.

But what I never expected was that at the moment of arrival, a mysterious bell rang on the earth, which led to the hesitation of God and the reason why the gods did not dare to take action rashly.

Now, all their advantages seem to have been silently changed by an invisible force in an instant.

At this moment, in the depths of the Alpis Mountains, in the deep ancient castle, there was a strange aura pervading, exuding an amazing murderous intent.

The ancient castle is wrapped in countless vigorous vines, and the whole is emerald green. For countless years, it has been hidden on the land of Europe.

At this moment, an elegant figure slowly walked out from the gate of the ancient castle.

Dracula was pale, middle-aged, wearing a tuxedo, with black hair tied up at will, with a refined temperament, like a gentleman enjoying the beauty of nature.

"Master, the lord has already taken action. I guess the gods will not be able to sit still and want to escape from the earth." The butler quietly followed behind Dracula and reported the latest movement softly.

In fact, when the unpredictable bell rang, Dracula knew he was going to shoot.

It's just that he wanted to see the reaction of the gods, and he took the shot calmly. He also showed his strong confidence. He looked down on the gods and ignored them.

clap la la...

In the deep mountains, a group of bats galloped from a distance, and when they came to the castle, they transformed into the figure of Mox.

"Father, you can already do it. Now we are left. God has the restraint of Lord Zhenwu, so it is no longer a concern."

Facing the blood prince Dracula, as a son, Mox did not dare to be presumptuous and seemed very restrained.

"Well, then send them to hell!"

Dracula nodded, his pale face flushed.

It was caused by inner excitement, it seemed very excited, and even felt eager to try.


The next moment, the energy was soaring to the sky, and three blood lights flew from the ancient castle, heading for the place where the gods were.

It has to be said that there are only three Draculas who can move now, but the breath they exude makes all powers feel shocked.


God King Zeus suddenly turned his head, his eyes shot a dazzling light, staring at the distance, his expression was slightly hideous.

"Dracula, are your blood clan here for our god clan?"

Hearing this, all the gods present were stunned.

"What? The blood race came to us? Could it be that they have any deal with Huaxia?" The Water God was shocked.

As Zeus' younger brother, he knew exactly what it meant.

You know, except for the goddess of war, the twelve main gods are here. If the blood clan is their enemy, the situation is absolutely unimaginable.

"Haha, long time no see everyone!"

Before the person arrived, Mox's cheap laughter was already passed from the end of the sky.

Not long after, with Dracula as the head, the three blood clan descended from the sky and landed on the top of the mountain, facing the gods head-on.

"It's really been a long time, it should have been three thousand years, right?" Dracula smiled lightly, with an elegant smile on his pale face.

The three people of the blood clan are calm and relaxed, and they have a little more confidence in comparing the gods.

"Why? Give me an answer!"

The God King Zeus held a hammer and pointed at Dracula and the others, his attitude was indifferent, and his tone was extremely cold.

Chapter [-] The stars manifest the world!

In the sky, visions appeared frequently, dark clouds rolled, thunder and lightning intertwined, and it was extremely terrifying.

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