"It seems that you have obtained the treasure of the old god, and your strength is different from before." Dracula said coldly.

In the boundless sea of ​​blood, a blood demon clone rushed out, densely packed, and charged towards Zeus overwhelmingly, covering the sky and the sun.

"Under my destruction of thunder and lightning, your blood sea clone is like a moth to a fire." Zeus sneered and said arrogantly.

The voice fell, and at the end of the sky, violent fluctuations came.

The gods who were fighting were all stunned for a moment, and turned to look at them.

"A monk?"

I saw a bright fairy light in the distance, and more than [-] rays of light were intertwined to form a void lotus, which was rushing towards here.

The scene in the live broadcast, when the cultivator appeared, the whole world exploded.

People looked at the splendid fairy light and felt unbelievable, especially the people of China, and even more moved to tears.

"They want to slaughter the gods!"

On the Internet, someone said this, arousing countless discussions.

Chapter [-] The Twilight of the Gods!

Slaughter God?

Without seeing the power of the gods, one might think it was possible.

But now, even the body of the blood family can't crush Zeus, is it really possible for the cultivator to come?

Even the three of Dracula thought so in their hearts.

According to the original plan, the Greek gods were handed over to the blood clan, and Li Zhenwu would arrange the rest.

But, what is the matter with the monks coming?

"Brother, are you looking down on us?" Mox asked with a long face, pretending to be unhappy.

Of course, in the face of the siege of the ten major gods, he was extremely embarrassed. At this time, when he saw the arrival of the volcano giant and others, he was actually very happy.

"Quick decision, no need to delay any longer!"

The volcanic giant rushed towards the killing god array and spoke in a deep voice. Rao is because he is powerful. Facing Dracula and Zeus, he was shocked.

These two are very characters. If it weren't for the strange space here, this planet would have exploded long ago.

However, there is one thing that everyone present, including the people watching the live broadcast, can't think of it.

Li Zhenwu's intention was not to ask Chu Tianjun and the others to help Dracula and the others, but to let them participate in the following melee.

"Well, since that's the case, let's get started!"

As the voice fell, the Chaos Bell over Yanjing suddenly trembled, and Zhou Tianxingdou started to move in an instant.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be different.

In the eyes of the gods, the space in front of them gradually distorted, and they were trapped in it, but they felt less than the slightest strangeness.

Even Dracula and the volcano giant are the same.

The space is distorted and illusory, as if it does not exist, so that everyone present can easily penetrate.

Outside, people watching the live broadcast are boiling again, and the discussions are unprecedentedly fierce.

In the eyes of people, the pictures seen in the live broadcast are like a world different from the gods, and it feels extremely strange.

"Wait, have you seen it? The figures of the gods and cultivators seem to be becoming more and more nihilistic."

Someone exclaimed and couldn't believe it.

What kind of power can be so terrifying that neither gods nor cultivators can resist.

"I know, their battle is too terrifying, they will be kicked out of the earth space and enter another dimension, just like the world where God and the giant are." Some experts analyzed and revealed the truth.

Sure enough, when the silhouettes over the Pacific Ocean were illusory to the extreme, they gradually became clear.

However, it can be clearly seen from the picture that the expressions on the faces of the gods and cultivators are sluggish, and there is confusion in their eyes.

The space of stars fell silent at this time.

Chi You abruptly restrained himself, distanced himself from God, turned his head and looked to the side with a confused look on his face.

Even his opponent, God frowned at this time, turned his head and stared at his side, his face extremely solemn.

The atmosphere in the field is very strange, beyond common sense.

"Instructor is a good way, we also came in."

After a long time, Hu Ming's exclamation broke the silence of the starry sky.

That's right, the gods and Dracula have all entered the star space, and they didn't even notice it before.

Now that I am in the starry sky, I am shocked and frightened.

If Li Zhenwu really took action against them, it would be so terrifying, it would be so terrifying to move the gods into the space of stars without making a sound.

"It's over, the gods can't resist in front of the invincible existence in China. It seems that the end is doomed. This is the twilight of the gods." Outside, some high-level national officials responded.

People can see the picture in the starry sky over the Pacific Ocean, and see the situation inside clearly.

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