"Yes, it seems that the advent of the gods, starting from targeting China, is a wrong path." There are also heads of Western countries who said, repenting.

"If our minds had not been enslaved, we would not have lost the tens of millions of coalition forces in the stars now. This is China's warning and punishment to us."

"But fortunately, from the surface of the planet at that moment, there is no danger for the ten million coalition forces. As long as we are sincere enough, we should be able to get the forgiveness of the invincible existence."

Western countries are all discussing it, and there is no hope for the gods.

Judging from various events, if they are still foolishly walking with the gods, then the West is not far from extinction.

At this moment, those decision-makers who targeted China's countries were trembling, for fear that they would be settled by the autumn.

In the star space!

The war was about to break out, and the two sides were suspended in the vast starry sky and confronted each other.

"God, is there any other way?" Zeus glanced at God and said lightly.

"Yes, submit to me and give you more power!" God said blankly.

For this method, the gods directly ignore it, because to submit to God is to betray the soul, and then it is not themselves at all, and it is no different from death.

"It's all over? Then let's end it quickly!"

Chi You's body is [-] meters tall, with red awns blooming all over his body, his aura is vast, like a demon possessed, and his breath is very terrifying.

"It should be over!" Dracula stepped forward, with an elegant smile on his face, his body gradually turned into a sea of ​​blood, covering the deep darkness around him.

"It's not the first time to kill God!"

The volcanic giant rode the killing formation, his voice booming, quite provocative, grinning and striding forward.

The people watching the live broadcast from the outside world were stunned, their breathing stopped, and they nervously watched the pictures sent from the Pacific Ocean.

The gods are fighting in the stars, exciting!

Moreover, this battle is related to the fate of countless creatures on the earth. Whether they are believers or ordinary people, they are all nervously looking forward to the ending they hoped for in their hearts.


With Chi You roaring loudly, this side of the army shot, and the earth-shattering energy burst into terrifying fluctuations.


The surrounding big stars exploded like the sun burst, the light was blazing and dazzling.

Opposite, Zeus sullen, raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand, infused with divine power, and a pale electric light erupted.

The next moment, the starry sky nearby, endless thunder swept over, like the coercion of heaven and earth, full of destructive power.

Chapter [-] God Battle!

Outside, countless people on earth are paying attention to this battle.

Qin Nantian's five Chinese bosses, sitting on the Diaoyutai, looked at the picture on the screen in front of them, their expressions were solemn, and their eyes contained deep respect.

Those three hundred cultivators are Huaxia Erlang, and now they are fighting against God, shaking the hearts of several old guys.

Countries across Europe, and even the entire West, are watching the battle of the century.

In the space of stars, Zeus tried his best, evoking endless lightning, obscuring the starry sky, and the picture was spectacular and shocking.


That destructive power made the starry sky tremble. Everywhere it passed, the stars trembled and finally exploded, like fireworks blooming, extremely beautiful.

But those who watched the live broadcast knew how terrifying that power was.

If the gods take action on the earth, I am afraid that the solar system will be destroyed, and the stars will explode, unable to withstand the monstrous power.


Chu Tianjun and the others screamed in the sky, shouting in unison with excitement.

Under the control of the volcanic giant, the formation was dazzling, and the lotus flowers in the void bloomed and rotated, erasing the drowned thunder.

At this moment, in their hearts, in addition to excitement, there is also a blazing fighting spirit

No one thought that the power they could display after being freed from the shackles of the earth's rules would be so terrifying.

Where the Void Lotus passed, the space was torn and shattered, creating a galaxy-like gap.


In the same way, everyone was shocked by how ruthless the earth's rules were.

The strength and cultivation realm of the two worlds are the same, but the power they exert is like a world of difference.

With all their strength, they could only shatter at most one island on Earth, but now, they believe, a galaxy will be destroyed.


The endless lightning, attracted by Thor's hammer, drowned the starry sky, leaving everyone under the attack of Zeus.

"I want to burn the sea of ​​blood and completely wipe out your blood clan from the world." He said indifferently, harnessed the lightning, and concentrated on attacking the three blood clan.

In an instant, ten thousand thunders crashed down, like a nine-day galaxy pouring down, causing Dracula and his son, as well as the blood family housekeeper, to bathe in pale thunder.

This is the lightning condensed by divine power, which destroys everything in the world and is extremely terrifying.

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