"Haha, do you think we are still the previous blood race?" Dracula laughed, standing proudly in the thunderous ocean.

He was full of blond hair fluttering, and his body was covered in red blood, covering his entire body, blocking the ocean-like thunder attack, and standing still in the starry sky.

Lightning crackled, filled with blood, containing terrifying power.

However, under the coverage of the blood light, Dracula and the three were intact, standing in place, with red glow blooming on their bodies, and a bright red glow burst out.


The three of them performed the blood demon avatar, which turned into blood, covering the starry sky, and set off a storm under the lightning.

You must know that when Dracula looked for Li Zhenwu, he found a way to make up for the shortcomings of the blood clan's physique.

In the face of God's holy light of purification and the power of thunder and lightning of the gods, the blood race seemed to be the one to suppress, and it was extremely difficult to resist.

But now, the lack of physique is still the same, but the origin of the Dao in the body has changed.

In this regard, in the face of the surging power of thunder and lightning, the three of them were as persevering as a rock, their expressions were indifferent, and their eyes were full of contempt.

"Have enough fun?"

After a while, Mox tilted his head, stared at the gods, and said this.

The endless coquettish sea of ​​blood swept across the starry sky, confronted with the thunder and the ocean, and erupted with supreme might, and the surrounding stars exploded in an instant, turning into gorgeous fireworks all over the sky.

This picture is horrible!

The earth was hurt, and the people watching the live broadcast were stiff, their eyes widened, and they looked at the screen and turned to petrification.

This is the power of the gods!

When they are freed from the shackles of the earth's rules, the starry sky is a battlefield, and the huge and boundless stars will be destroyed by the aftermath of the snap of their fingers.

"What a terrifying power, I don't know when we have to evolve to reach this point?" Someone couldn't help but wonder.

But soon the answer appeared.


I saw in the endless starry sky, cultivators formed a void lotus, spinning and rushing into the ocean of lightning, to wipe out the thunder that manifested divine power...


With the arrival of the Void Lotus, the starry sky collapsed, forming a terrifying black hole that devoured everything and then wiped it out.

"I'm going, what's this, I feel like the sea of ​​blood is gradually disappearing?" Mox shouted, his face full of distress.

He was the closest to the Void Lotus, and a sea of ​​blood touched the edge of the black hole, which was swallowed up in an instant and disappeared directly.

"Ha ha……"

In this regard, the volcano giant laughed, very proud.

You must know that the void lotus rotates, the space collapses, and the black hole formed is mutually blessed with the lotus. The power of devouring is endless, and all energy is instantly wiped out.


At this moment, under the fierce battle, God stretched out a pair of wings condensed by holy light behind his back, suddenly shocked, turned around and flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

"Want to go?"

Seeing this, Chi You stepped across the endless starry sky, and wanted to chase after God and not let him out of the battle.

However, God's speed was too fast, galloping in the space of stars, crossing a long distance, holy light transpiring on his body, staring at a planet on the edge.

It was an ordinary star, but there were living beings on the surface.

Thousands of allied armies are there, and the Son of God is lost there.

The goal of God, however, is the Son of God, without concealment, the killing intent rises, and there is no compassion at all.

"As long as I kill him, I can condense the golden body of merit. In the space of stars, this is the only way I can defeat Li Zhenwu." He whispered to himself, his eyes blazing with killing intent.

In the starry sky, on a lush planet.

Saint Child Yehe suddenly moved slightly, turned his head to look into the depths of the starry sky, and his eyes showed unprecedented fear.

"Father, are you going to kill me?" At this moment, he had a premonition of death, which was a murderous intention from God.

"As long as you're dead, we can get out alive, come back, you're part of me!"

In the depths of the starry sky, the indifferent voice of God came, and on the surface of this planet, a loud explosion echoed.

Tens of thousands of coalition troops, the Pope, and others, their hairs stood on end, and their hearts were trembling.

Chapter [-] The Golden Body of Merit!

God wants the Son of Jesus to die, and the energy returns to his side, so that the deity of the Eight Treasures Merit Pond can be complete, thus breaking through to the original peak.

When this scene was seen by outsiders, they were all shocked.

"God is going to kill the Son?" A former believer looked incredulous.

"Yes, God said that the Son should die and return to him."

The believers who were fanatical about the Holy See were indeed shocked, their hearts collapsed, and they couldn't believe it.

Tiger poison does not eat children, but God is indifferent and ruthless. In a crisis, it is necessary to use the Son to perfect itself. What kind of cold-blooded approach is this?

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