
The gods fell in the starry sky, and a few were killed in an instant. The rest were struggling to support, and it was only a matter of time before they fell.

Yanjing Military Region!

Li Zhenwu's head was full of black hair fluttering, his eyes were deep, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight smile: "As expected, relying on the breath of a saint, to achieve the perfect golden immortal realm, the golden body of merit, this tool spirit is still a little clever."

The voice fell, and the Chaos Bell in the void shook again.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu slowly shook his head, holding a wooden stick, and walked towards the Chaos Clock.

At this time, in the space of stars, only the god king Zeus was left.

"Ah...I'm not reconciled!"

Zeus's body was broken, golden blood flowed, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand was cracked by Chiyou's fist, and he was extremely embarrassed.

However, he was still struggling and did not dare to fall, waiting for God to rescue him.

However, the god in the depths of the starry sky looked indifferently and indifferently, with no intention of shooting at all.

"The ants can't get God's mercy!"

He said this in a low voice, then turned his head slowly and looked at the planet where the Ten Thousand Coalition Army was located.

There was a young man standing there, holding a wooden stick, looking at him with a faint smile.

Chapter [-] The Invincible God!


In an instant, the starry sky fell silent, and countless eyes were focused on the young man in the void.

The outside world is already boiling.

Who is this?

Why is it here?

No one knew who that young man was, but everyone knew that he was definitely a supreme powerhouse.

"Wait, his back is a bit familiar, I seem to have seen it there."

However, there are always a few of the billions of people who will recall the images that once shocked the soul in the back of their memory.

"Ah... I remember, that's the cultivator on the island!"

Someone shouted and finally remembered.

Immediately, countless people compared the blurry pictures they had collected and found that the two were very similar.

"It must be him! The invincible existence under the stars."

Some people are very sure and give a detailed analysis plan.

You know, in that starry sky, even if the gods enter it, they will be surprised and shocked.

However, since the young man appeared, they could not see any surprise on the young man's face, some were just a light smile.

Moreover, when facing God, there is no emotion in the eyes.

This is enough to show that the other party is not afraid of God at all, but God has a grim face and a blazing gaze, as if he saw his old enemy.

"The analysis is very good, and I agree with this statement. As for the truth, we can wait and see."

Suddenly, the Internet went quiet, and everyone on the planet was staring nervously at the live broadcast, waiting for the final result to come.

Star space!

"Ah... I am unwilling, I am unwilling, God has mistaken me."

In the distance, the battle of the gods came to an end, the body of the god king Zeus was broken, and he was bound by the sea of ​​blood to move, and finally Chiyou ended it here with a punch.

The majestic energy of the god king exploded, flaming and gorgeous, like the sun blasting open, and the terrifying power swept the entire starry sky.


The loud noise reverberated, and the picture was dazzling, dazzling and shocking.


At this time, the volcano giant and the others immediately exclaimed when they saw Li Zhenwu's figure.

As soon as this statement came out, the outside world boiled again, and countless people exploded.


"This young man is the instructor of the cultivator?"

"Huaxia's cultivators are already powerful and terrifying. If they were really their instructors, how invincible the world would be!"

"The invincible existence under the stars has really appeared. Is he going to fight God?"

"Look, the current God seems to have become more powerful, and even the god of the blood race is afraid."

"I didn't expect the gods to fall like this, it's really emotional!"

"Yeah, the gods have fallen, and I don't even have the slightest emotional fluctuations, maybe it's because other gods are too powerful."

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