Below the live broadcast screen, countless messages popped up in an instant, and the entire network was boiling.

People are discussing and speculating about the true identity of the young man, and at the same time, they are also surprised by the power of God.

As for the Greek gods?

When they fell, they were destined to disappear from people's memory.

"It's about to fight."

At this time, someone was reminding that the picture in the live broadcast changed again.

In the depths of the starry sky, Chi You and the others came rushing in, and their goals were the same, that is, to kill God.

"With the master here, we can rest assured." He said in a deep voice, the body of the Wu clan skyrocketed again, turning into a height of [-] meters, like a sacred mountain towering in space.

At the same time, there is a pool of blood between his eyebrows, which is blooming with blood-red rays of light, providing a steady stream of energy for his powerful physique.


Taking one step forward, Chi You came to God, extremely powerful, without any nonsense, he flew and bombarded it with a punch.

In the rear, Dracula and the volcano giant were all stunned when they saw this.

As expected of the witch clan, they have a violent personality. If they fight, they will not bother to talk nonsense.

"The ants also want to shake the world?"

Facing Chi You's violent state, God glanced at him coldly, and when Chi You's fist came close, he slowly raised his hand and flicked his fingers.


At the position of God's fingertips, the space collapsed, and powerful energy fluctuations swept out madly.

Chi You was the first to bear the brunt. Before his fist fell, he was swept up by the space storm, and the whole human feeling couldn't help but fly out.


A planet in the distance exploded and exploded directly, blooming brilliantly.


In the center of the planet's explosion, there was a long howl of anger.

The next moment, the mountain-like body flew out from the dust in the starry sky. The dark body was covered with cracks and exuded a bewitching red glow.

"Not even dead?"

God was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Chi You to be unscathed in the snap of his fingers, and it also aroused the other party's madness.

However, he was still indifferent, raised his hand again, a big handprint condensed by holy light, obscuring the starry sky, and lying in front of God.

hand of God!

Seeing this, the volcano giant in the distance couldn't help taking a deep breath, "If such a huge handprint is hit in the front, the consequences will be disastrous."

Immediately, driving the Killing God Formation, unequivocally, the void lotus blossomed, directly impacting the past.

"What a strong God, the perfect golden fairy realm is really daunting." Dracula sighed, and immediately turned into a sea of ​​blood that swept across the sky, blocking the hand of God.

The three blood races were intertwined with the sea of ​​blood, and over the boundless blood-colored ocean, streaks of red lightning flashed across, exuding terrifying power.

"You are equal to three strong ants. If you don't know the time, you will only be ants after all."

Facing the power of the three clans, God smiled lightly, his eyes were gentle, and he said, "You must remember that I am God, a symbol of invincibility."

As the voice fell, the handprint of the Holy Light burst into a blazing light, with a rumbling sound, and pushed towards the starry sky ahead.


In an instant, the layers of space collapsed, as if there was an invisible force, pulling the entire star space forward, which was extremely terrifying.

Outside the earth, this scene is like an eternal meteor, deeply imprinted in countless memories.

"Is God really invincible?

Someone whispered, trembling all over. Although they were separated by a different space, fear still bred in every heart.

If God wins, then the outcome of mankind will probably be quite tragic.

The [-]th chapter manifests the origin, fights God to the death!

The whole world is quiet, and in people's eyes, there are only blazing rays of light and the vast starry sky.

At this moment, countless people are praying.

People are not praying to God, but to God, hoping that the god of blood and the monks of China will win.

Because, no one wants to be enslaved by the so-called gods, nor do they want to live humble.

In the star space, Zhou Tian was densely covered with stars, the void trembled, and the huge stars swayed, as if they would fall at any time, which was very terrifying.

The stars are shaking, and the scene is terrifying and shocking.

"What exactly is going on?"

On the barren surface of the planet, the Pope and others looked up at the starry sky, all of them were shocked, almost kneeling on the ground.

What a terrifying aura this is, all the stars in the sky tremble for it.

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