
The volcanic giant was desperate, his eyes were red, the Void Lotus and the Killing God Array were pushed to the limit, spinning rapidly, to wipe out the energy of the hand of God.

However, the power of the hand of God is too terrifying. In just a moment, cracks appeared in the void lotus, and the killing god array trembled violently.


Boundless Blood 577 Sea screamed, was pushed horizontally by the hand of God, and kept shrinking.

The spirits of the three of the blood clan almost collapsed, it was simply torture, and it was difficult to resist. The divine power continued to purify their origin, which was very miserable.


Chi You was the most powerful, with his arms shaking, he stood at the front, and he used his tyrannical body to block the hand of God and continue to move forward.

However, his body cracked, covered with dense cracks, and even between his eyebrows, there were cracks spreading, which was very terrifying.


The hand of God covers the starry sky, and facing the powerhouses of the three races, they are still extremely strong.

People feel desperate, is God really invincible?

However, when people watching the live broadcast, they saw the back of the young man floating in the void, and for some reason, a trace of hope rose up in that desperate heart.

Perhaps only this invincible existence can compete with God?

For a moment, people stared at the boy's back, anxiously expecting something, and they didn't dare to come out.

However, Li Zhenwu stood in the starry sky, motionless, like a rock, no matter how stormy the waves were, he couldn't move his body half an inch.

The space storm swept in, blowing his black hair flying and his clothes neatly dressed.


At this time, Chi You went mad, his pupils glowed red, his body was cracking, and pieces of rock-like skin fell off, revealing a crimson light in his body, which was very coquettish.

Seeing this scene, countless people were terrified.

Even the volcano giants and the others felt their scalps tingle, and they found that this witch powerhouse was really ruthless.

"I fought with you."

Chi You let out a loud roar, and the whole person was completely mad, his body collapsed, endless red light shot into the sky, and a body of hundreds of thousands of feet was condensed in the starry sky.

The blood-red figure was full of strange aura, and there was a huge star, and his fists slammed out suddenly, bombarding the hand of God like a madness.


The dull sound was continuous, and the body condensed with blood, like a godless demon without reason, exuded supreme fierce flame.


The volcano giant, Dracula and the others all sighed in relief.

"It's ruthless, is this completely giving up the body to cast the magic?" Dracula exclaimed.

Obviously, if you want to use this magical power, the price you need to pay is unbearable.

"Fight." The volcanic giant roared, his huge body swayed, the layers of rocks on the surface fell off, and the magma flowed out, blooming with red light.

The surrounding temperature instantly increased, and the void was distorted by burning.

This scene is touching and shocking.

The volcanic giant revealed the true origin, the true fire of Samadhi burned the galaxy, the rock layers covering the body collapsed, and the whole person turned into a cluster of flames, reflecting the heavens and the world.

"You stand back!"

Dracula gritted his teeth, scolded Mox and Guan Zhi, and immediately transformed into the deity and flew out.

In the space of the starry sky, his figure was illusory, changing into a pool of blood, exuding an aura of destruction.

Next to him, the volcano giant waved his hand and threw the Chu Tianjun and the others away, away from the battlefield.

The next moment, a pool of blood, a cluster of flames, and a giant transformed by the blood of Pangu boldly attacked the hand of God.


Bright rays of light, blazing energy, sweeping the endless starry sky.

The space could not bear it and collapsed directly.


Mox, Chu Tianjun and the others, their eyes were splitting, their stomachs were full of anger, and they wanted to burn the sky.

The picture in front of you is frozen in the starry sky, like an eternal landscape.

They know what it means when the three of them exert their source power.

Even if the hand of God is resisted, the source will be damaged, and the price will be very heavy.


At this moment, the hand of God condensed by the holy light finally cracked, and it shattered immediately, turning into a rain of light falling from the sky.

At the same time, the three figures flew out and smashed into the distant stars, smashing several big stars.

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