"How to repair the relationship with Huaxia?"

This issue is the most important task among countries in today's world.

The top executive of the coalition had previously promised that all countries on earth would give up the control of the army and surrender to China from now on.

However, Huaxia has not given a clear answer from beginning to end, which is disturbing.

"We can't wait any longer, we must immediately send diplomatic envoys to China to appease the people there."

Some people say that, on the eve of the war, all countries have withdrawn their diplomatic envoys, but now they send envoys back again, which is very embarrassing.

And the Internet has already been boiling, and 530 netizens around the world are talking about it.

"From now on, we are all Chinese."

An archaeologist said this. He told everyone that the glory of China has created a splendid civilization, and the sea is inclusive of all rivers, which is the core essence of Chinese civilization.

"Huaxia welcomes the integration of any race!"

Of course, the netizens in Huaxia were all excited and quickly expressed their generosity and tolerance.

After the fall of God, the pattern of this world has been changed, and it has become unprecedented, which will create a glorious future.

Star space.

Li Zhenwu stood on the merit pool, glanced sideways at the ten million coalition forces on the barren planet, and finally waved his hand and sent everyone out there.

As for the world shaking, he was too lazy to pay attention, because there were more important things to do.


"Master Zhenwu!"


In the distance, Chu Tianjun and the others flew over, looking apprehensive, and respectfully saluted Li Zhenwu.

They looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes, looking very strange, and at the same time in awe, there was a trace of doubt.

"I know what you are thinking." Li Zhenwu glanced at the crowd and said lightly.

Chi You was seriously injured, his body cracked, and red light overflowed, and his aura became weaker and weaker, and Dracula was the same.

The volcanic giant's eyes were dim, and the source of the true fire of Samadhi was almost extinguished, and his face looked like a heart palpitation at this moment.

They have not recovered from the damage they had suffered in the previous battle with God.

"See this?"

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and pointed to the dense pond under his feet, until everyone looked there, and then continued: "I think you all know that God's deity is just the wisdom generated by a spiritual treasure, and this merit pool is the his body."

"Now, my spiritual wisdom has been erased by me, and now this spiritual treasure has become an ownerless thing. The effect of this spiritual treasure on you is beyond imagination."

Having said this, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and remained silent.

I saw Chu Tianjun's eyes lit up, and excited expressions appeared on their faces.

"Could it increase our strength?" Dracula asked.

You know, the power of God is obvious to all.

If he hadn't met Li Zhenwu, he would be truly invincible in this world.

And God's invincible source of power is the merit pool under Li Zhenwu's feet. So, do you want to give them strength and increase everyone's cultivation?

Thinking of this, everyone felt happy.

"No, you are wrong again." Li Zhenwu seemed to see what everyone was thinking, shook his head in denial, and said, "The power of the merit pool is not suitable for you at all, but it can make your foundation more perfect."

While speaking, he pointed to Dracula and Chi You, three non-human beings.

"Come here, for you, the breath of a saint is the greatest creation between heaven and earth. After fusion, your physique and soul can be sublimated to the most perfect state." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Dracula and the others were shocked and their faces were full of disbelief.

Especially Dracula, with the pale golden light surrounding the merit pool, his eyes were hot, and his soul felt trembling.

"Go in, when you come out, the damage to the source will be repaired, and all physical shortcomings will no longer be a problem."


When the words fell, Dracula, Chiyou and the volcano giant jumped directly into the pool of merit without any hesitation.


The three figures disappeared into the dense pool, causing violent fluctuations.

And Li Zhenwu held a wooden stick and tapped the edge of the merit pool lightly, and an unspeakable and mysterious aura emanated from it.

I saw that the aura of the saints surrounding the merit pool gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

"Did you succeed?" Chu Tianjun asked with a look of surprise, his face full of envy.

"Not yet, you don't have to be envious. The power of faith in it can also sharpen your will, so as to temper the foundation to be more perfect." Li Zhenwu shook his head.

The breath of a saint is born of heaven and earth, and it can be swallowed up so easily.

Judging by the strength of the volcano giants, it will take at least more than ten years. After all, it is too different from the saint level.

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