"Instructor, what should we do now?"

Ye Tian stared at the merit pool, which was extremely hot, and even Mox and the blood family steward beside him were envious.

"Go in. How much good fortune you can get depends on your mind. For a while, Dracula and the others may not be able to come out."

"Can we go in too?" Mox looked apprehensive.

"Of course!"

Hearing this, everyone smiled.

At the moment, everyone no longer hesitated, jumped into the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, and performed the baptism of the system and soul.

The stars became quiet again, Li Zhenwu did not take back the vision that reflected the earth, and the outside world could clearly see everything here.

Of course, some places in the star space cannot be seen by the outside world.

For example, in the star with dense runes, the three women inside were stunned, their mouths opened wide, and they felt like they were dreaming.

Chapter [-] The battle is over!

A global war has come to an end, and billions of people on earth feel like a dream.

Until the confirmation is completely over, many people have not responded.

The vision of the stars in the sky is still the same. Now, there is a pool in the vision.

In the Siberian snowfield, when the ten million coalition forces, the Pope and others appeared, the signal of the communication equipment was restored.

When the Western leaders contacted the army, they did not dare to let them retreat, but stayed where they were.

Moreover, all hot weapons must be turned off, waiting for China's final judgment.

Because everyone knows that the fall of the gods and gods represents the end of the era of Western beliefs.

Huaxia, Diaoyutai!

Qin Nantian and the other five Chinese bosses, with solemn faces at the moment, are having the final discussion.

"The Western countries have surrendered, and the army in the Siberian snowfields is still waiting for our decision. However, the island country and the Bang country are in a bit of trouble."

Speaking of those two small countries, everyone present felt dumbfounded.

The coalition forces headed by the West have surrendered, but the two Asian countries are still resisting.

"That's easy to handle, now it's up to the sincerity of the Western countries!" Xia Xiacheng laughed: "Since the countries will no longer be divided in the future, the forces that are still resisting will be handed over to the previous Western countries."

Now, the presidents and heads of state of various countries have arrived in China, and they have to sign an agreement to surrender to China.

Only those two countries ignored them. On the contrary, they were very arrogant and threatened to die with them, which made people laugh and cry.

Of course, it also made Western countries secretly curse, thinking that the two small countries are too brainless, and they don't know what they are thinking.

"Otherwise, I think they want to strive for greater interests, but unfortunately, small countries have no strategic vision after all. At this stage, there is only China, and no other countries."

"Since they are going to die, let those guys in the West handle it, Huaxia's son, you don't need to shed blood for these idiots."

"That's it, let the West handle it first, and then we'll talk about other things."

Soon, the five Chinese bosses negotiated and directly issued the first order to Western countries.

Handle the affairs of the great country and the island country, and then talk about the division and appointment of a region.

As soon as this order came out, the senior officials of the Western Allied Forces yelled at the two countries.

"It's really a hindrance, and now you still want to fight for benefits? Is your brain sick?"

The President of the United States directly exploded and was furious. He wished to drop a few nuclear bombs directly and wipe them off the earth.

But, as everyone knows, that's unrealistic.

Because this area belongs to China from now on, it is easy to destroy, but it is very troublesome to build.

After that, the earth is unified, and there are not so many resources to rebuild the ruins.

While the world was discussing future plans, Li Zhenwu was in the star space, walking towards the star with dense runes.

There, the three girls of Athena looked at Li Zhenwu with fiery eyes, with a touch of admiration on their faces.

The strong, no matter where they are, are respected.

Moreover, it is the powerhouse who defeated God and played with the invincible gods in the world, which made women feel affectionate.


Li Zhenwu strode forward, so he descended and landed in front of the three of them.

"Master!" Athena and Gabriel saluted respectfully, with a blush on their pretty faces, their eyes rippling with autumn water, and they contained deep admiration.

"True warrior!"

Athena's mother, the princess of the gods, has a complicated face.

"It's over, God and the gods have fallen, and you are free. From now on, you can leave here." Li Zhenwu pointed at the star space and smiled lightly.


Hearing this, Athena trembled slightly, and immediately shook her head, not wanting to leave here, but to accompany her master.

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