And Konoha Maru wanted to vent his anger for his 'boss', but was also beaten up.

Then, when Konoha Maru saw Haruno Sakura leaving, she couldn't help but muttered a few words, but found that Haruno Sakura's forehead was jumping with blue veins.

Konoha Maru was startled, and quickly turned around and ran away.

"Bang!" Konoha Maru slammed into a person, and the whole person was bounced to the ground.

The ninja who was knocked down by him was named Kankuro.

Kankuro bent over, grabbed Konoha Maru by the collar, and lifted it up.

Naruto suddenly stepped forward in anger, but his feet were entangled in mud, and he fell to the ground.

Kankuro looked at Naruto: "Is this Konoha's Shinobi, it's really weak!"

Then, Kankuro looked at the Konoha Maru in his hand again, and smiled cruelly: "I hate brats the most, and they are so arrogant—I really want to kill them!"

Kankuro's voice was cold and full of real killing intent, which immediately surprised Naruto Sakura. Konoha Maru, who was pulled up by the collar, was kicking his legs weakly.

Suddenly, a deep laughter came from the side.

"Is Sand Ninja now so arrogant, even in Konoha, he dares to have a bad heart against Hokage's grandson, does he not want to walk out of Konoha alive?"

Chapter [-] Master Zhenwu of the Ninja Village! (third more)

Konoha, in the conference hall.

Many Konoha Joinin, all gathered together because of the news birds flashing across the sky.

"I called everyone to come here for nothing else. You should know this from my expression." In the upper position of the discussion hall, the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, who holds the title of professor of the ninja world, sat on it and said in a low voice.

"It's about time." Kakashi sighed softly.

"This matter has already been reported to other countries, because ninjas from other countries have already appeared in the village." Asma Sarubi in Joinin said with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"When will it start?" The only woman present, Hong Yuhi asked.

"One week later." There was very little smoke in Sarutobi Hizan's pipe.

"It's so fast." Kakashi said suddenly.

"That's right, on July [-]st a week later, the Chunin Exam officially begins!"

At the same time, in Konoha, on a street.

Originally, Kankuro, the puppet master of Sandyin Ninja Village, who was holding Konohamaru weakly with one hand and uttering a murderous threat in his mouth, was about to punch Konohamaru with a punch.

From the side, there was a deep laughter: "Is Sand Ninja now so arrogant, even in Konoha, he dares to be malicious to Hokage's grandson, don't you want to walk out of Konoha alive?"

This sentence reached everyone's ears.

At the same time, Kankuro felt a great coercion descending on him, as if he had fallen into some hellish abyss and was stared at by the peerless killing god.

A little more movement and you will die! ! !

At this moment, in Kankuro's heart, such an idea emerged very clearly!


Drops of cold sweat suddenly left on Kankuro's forehead, and his face with the pattern representing the level of the puppet master was almost squeezed together!

"Giggle!" From the deepest part of Kankuro's body, there was a chill and a chill, he trembled and trembled slightly, his teeth gritted out.

"Okay... such a terrifying killing intent." Kankuro didn't dare to move his hand, or in other words, the fear of his body at the moment overwhelmed his will, and he couldn't move directly!

Under such circumstances, Kankuro could only a little bit, turned his head in horror, and saw the person who just said that.

From the other side of the street, there are a few more people!

The leader was a young man with a tall stature, firm face, clear facial features, and a leisurely posture, but in Kankuro's eyes, the chilling killing intent and coercion he felt like a flood of beasts came from this young man. issued from the body.

"White? Junmalu, Ranmaru!" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed, but they recognized the other three people behind the youth. They were the 'Tin Ninja Village' trio they met in the Land of Waves. '!

While surprised and why the body ninja village trio appeared here, they also noticed that the body ninja village trio was just standing behind a young man, respectfully!

Naruto looked at the young man and found that the other party was wearing simple clothes, and he would be covered with a coat outside, but Ting Ba's posture could not be concealed, and his black hair stood up slightly, which was incomparable with the innocence of black pupils, yellow and color. The skin made Naruto feel a little familiar.

"Who is this person?" At this moment, such a question was born in Naruto Sakura's heart.

Naruto didn't know that the young man he was curious about at the moment was his only friend when he was a child, Li Zhenwu, who was once regarded by the villagers as an unknown monster like him.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu is in a changed appearance, and the way of nature will not be recognized, so he did not say hello to Naruto first, but looked at Kankuro coldly, and said lightly:

"If you don't let go of the Konoha Maru in your hand, you won't be able to walk out of this street alive."

Kankuro was shocked!Li Zhenwu's words were like a giant hammer hitting his heart. Suddenly, Kankuro lost strength in his hand, let go of his hand, and Konoha Maru suddenly fell from the air.


When Konoha Maru was lifted up, it was one meter above the ground. If he were to fall freely at this moment, he would inevitably fall, but even before he landed, behind Li Zhenwu, the purple-haired Lan Maru was already extremely He quickly reached his side and reached out to catch him.

"Being so arrogant in other people's villages, is your Sand Ninja Village so fond of courting death?"

Li Zhenwu looked like an adult at this moment, his face was indifferent, and he stepped forward.

However, Kankuro didn't dare to move, because the terrifying feeling always enveloped him and did not dissipate.

"Even among Konoha, does Hokage's grandson dare to treat him like this?"

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