Li Zhenwu had already walked to Lan Wan's side, squatted down, stretched out and put down the Konoha pill in Lan Wan's hand, patted the dust on his body, touched his head, and asked warmly, "Are you alright."

"No, it's all right!" Konoha Maru's little face was a little frightened, but seeing the 'bad guy' Kanjiuro at the moment did not dare to move in front of Li Zhenwu, and even trembled and trembled, he couldn't help asking curiously Said: "Who are you?"

"Me?" Li Zhenwu smiled and stood up. At this moment, in the eyes of others, he was extremely tall.

"At this time, Lord Zhenwu of our body ninja village!!"

Ranmaru, who was standing beside him, spoke with some pride.

"True martial arts?" Naruto's body trembled slightly, the name directly evoked his memory, and he remembered the partner in his memory.

But... Naruto looked at the changed Li Zhenwu at the moment... but muttered to himself: "It has the same name as Zhenwu..."

"Zhenwu..." Xiao Ying murmured, "This name is so familiar."

"There are such terrifying people in the Ninja Village!" Kankuro's teeth trembled, fearful, trembling, and he had different feelings, because the feeling from Li Zhenwu at this moment, it seemed that he might really die here in the next moment. !

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Chapter [-] twists and turns (fourth more)

In the end, Kankuro suddenly became lighter, but he took a few steps back, wishing to get away from Li Zhenwu immediately.

In the end, Li Zhenwu still did not attack Kankuro, but in Kankuro's heart, the seeds of fear had already been planted.

After patting Konoha Maru's head again, Li Zhenwu was about to leave here. He hadn't returned to Konoha for a while, and there were still many places he wanted to see and many people wanted to meet.

Just before leaving, he turned to look at the big tree next to the street, where Sasuke was squatting on a branch.

What Sasuke didn't know was that behind him, Gaara from Sandyin Ninja Village was also on the tree, and he didn't notice it.

This look of Li Zhenwu surprised Sasuke and Gaara.

However, after a casual glance, Li Zhenwu withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave here.

"Slow, slow!" Sakura suddenly stood up and first said to Kankuro from Sandyin Ninja Village, "Are you guys from Sandyin Ninja Village? Although the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind are allies, according to It is agreed that ninjas from both sides are forbidden to cross the border at will!"

Saying that, Sakura turned her gaze to Bai's side, and said, "Although the ninja village is a small ninja village, according to the agreement of the major ninja villages, it is not allowed to cross the border or even enter Konoha at will."

Saying that, Sakura's eyes were full of questions: "Then, why are you here? What is the purpose?"

"Haha." Li Zhenwu laughed and found that at this moment, Sakura and Naruto were still confused, obviously not knowing that it was time for the Chunin exam.

Li Zhenwu didn't turn his head, but said to her: "You explain it to her, then go to the reception and stay at the reception. I will stroll around Konoha."

After all, Li Zhenwu walked forward on his own.

On the other hand, Bai smiled gently and took out a pass from his body: "Now, the twice-a-year Chunin selection test will be held in Konoha, so there will be Shimonin from various ninja villages coming to participate in this The Chunin Selection Exam."

"That's why, we're here."

"The Chunin Selection Exam?" Naruto murmured. Hearing this word for the first time, he couldn't help but ask: "What is the Chunin Exam?"

Konoha Maru, who had already stood behind him, was speechless, and said with some shame: "Big brother, it is important to take that test to be promoted to Chunin."

Naruto's eyes lit up: "It's so good, then I'm going to participate too!"

Bai just smiled lightly and didn't reply, but turned to look at the tree by the street: "Aren't you tired standing on the tree? Why don't you come down."

Sasuke jumped down immediately.

However, Sasuke just jumped down and found some movement behind him. Looking back, a quicksand town fell from the tree to the ground, and then a red-haired Gaara with a gourd on his back appeared.

"When did it appear!" Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly.

"Kankuro, let's go." After Gaara came down, he just looked at the trio of Ninja Village, and then prepared to leave.

At this time, Lan Wan looked in the other direction and said, "Aren't you going to come down over there?"

"What? Found us!"

From the tree, three people jumped down, Junma Lu glanced at it lightly, and then said: "It should be the ninja of Yinnin Village, the strength is very weak, don't care."

"What, there are still ninjas hiding." Naruto was surprised, and even Sasuke was also surprised.

The difference is that after Sasuke was surprised, he even looked at the trio of Body Ninja Village, "The three of them are strong enough, and this observational power is no trivial matter!"

… Meanwhile, in the council hall.

Sarutobi Hiizan drank his pipe, looked down, and asked, "Kakashi, Hong, Asma, how are you, among the genin under your leadership this year, is there anything worth recommending to take the Chunin exam? Candidate?"

"I don't need to say more, according to the regulations, as long as you complete more than eight tasks, you will be eligible to be recommended for the Chunin Exam, but you are a management, and only those who complete more than twice the tasks are more suitable to participate in the Chunin. take an exam……"

Kakashi stepped forward and said indifferently: "I recommend the seventh class I lead, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno to take the Chunin Exam, in the name of Kakashi!"

Afterwards, Kurenai Yuhi and Asma also stepped forward, but they also recommended their students.

"All of them have been recommended, and all the newbies actually took the Chunin exam. It's the first time in five years!" Suddenly, the ninjas in the council room were talking a lot. This is a rare thing.

At this time, in the ninja group, a Chunin was sweating and pressing forward: "Please wait!"

"What's wrong? Iruka." Sarutobi Hizan asked.

"Please listen to me, it may be a little rude. The ninjas recommended by the three adults just now were all my students. Although they are all good, they still need to accumulate some experience to take the Chunin exam! Judging by how dangerous the Ninja exam is..."

Iruka persuaded that it was too early for Naruto and others to directly participate in the Chunin exam.

Kakashi turned around and retorted: "When I became Chunin, I was six years younger than Naruto now."

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