Li Zhenwu's eyes rose, staring at the three women in front of him, each of them was the best of the best.

However, at this time his mind was not here.

"Master, we don't want to leave, we just want to be by your side and serve you all the time." Athena and Gabriel showed panic on their faces, thinking that Li Zhenwu was going to drive them away, which seemed a little anxious.

"Then do whatever you want. In this star space, if you want to go out, you can go out at any time. I still have some things to deal with."

Li Zhenwu helplessly spread his hands, and immediately waved goodbye to them, turned and disappeared into the space of stars.

Outside, the world has been turned upside down at this time.

The war of aggression against China has not yet started, but the tough attitude of the Bang and the island countries has attracted the anger of the Western coalition forces.

After there is no supernatural power, everything moves forward to technological weapons.

"The two countries are obsessed and want to destroy the peace of the earth, but they are against our China."

High-level leaders led by the United States held a meeting and solemnly announced to everyone in the world that they wanted to cleanse the destabilizing factors that undermined the peace of the earth.

However, their words left people speechless.

"Your Huaxia? Big brother, we don't seem to have started to integrate yet, right?" Some netizens in the Huaxia area were speechless. They said it as if they were already a family.

With the end of the meeting, the tens of millions of coalition forces in the Siberian snowfield immediately received an order from the headquarters to reverse the direction of the attack.

After three days, the army entered the territory of Bangzi Kingdom.

At this time, Bang Guo and the island country suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Hua Xia was silent towards them.

But now it's too late to regret

Because the tens of millions of coalition forces have launched an attack, the armies of the two countries have been beaten back and forth.

In less than a day, the tens of millions of coalition forces, as well as strikes inside and outside the US base, will soon collapse.

But the Western 880 coalition did not stop. They hated the self-assertion of these two countries. Only by killing the two countries' armies can they vent the anger of all Western politicians.


In the Yanjing Military Region, after Li Zhenwu returned to Earth, he felt speechless when he sensed the war there.

When the whole world is uneasy, you still want to compete with the current Huaxia. How stupid courage does it take to do it?

"The gate of hell, when I verify the mysterious place in the Pacific Ocean, I must find out what the so-called demon is."

Li Zhenwu didn't intend to interfere in the mundane things on earth, and now he has more important things to deal with.

In the depths of the Pacific Ocean, the place called the Dragon Palace by Mox is too mysterious.

He used the Chaos Clock, but he couldn't detect the strangeness, and Xiaohua Xiaocao was also trapped in it, so he had to go and see it.

Moreover, he had always had a conjecture in his heart, and he wanted to verify it.

Before leaving, Li Zhenwu didn't tell Qin Nantian, but quietly came to Xi'an, wanting to meet his parents.


In Xi'an, in the complex deep forest, a figure descended from the sky and landed in front of the quaint manor.

Chapter 2 Ultra-high-speed evolution! ([-])

The Qin family manor is quaint and has not been influenced by the outside world. The Qin family disciples here live in peace, like a paradise in a modern city.

When Li Zhenwu arrived, he appeared quietly without attracting the attention of the cultivators lurking nearby.

"I came back again, and before I knew it, it's been almost half a year."

Looking up at the gate of the manor, Li Zhenwu felt a little emotional.

Originally, when he was reborn, he just wanted to live a leisurely life. Who would have thought that the accident of his parents would attract evil cultivators in Southeast Asia.

In the end, it led to all kinds of troubles, and I couldn't even go to school.

However, there are also harvests, at least you can meet an old friend from the previous life, and there are more than one. It is worth Li Zhenwu's great efforts to make Huaxia stronger.


At this time, the moon was bright and the stars were scarce, and the gate of the manor suddenly opened, and a graceful figure stepped out from it.

"It's really you?" The visitor was stunned when he saw Li Zhenwu, and then his eyes widened with a hint of shock.

It was Qin Yao who came!

She is slender, wearing a loose Taoist robe, her face is ruddy, and her eyes are rippling, obviously she has just finished her practice.

After not seeing him for several months, Qin Yao's face is even better than before, and her temperament has also changed, containing an indescribable nobility and coldness.

"Why can't it be me?" Li Zhenwu grinned.

On Qin Yao, he felt a mysterious aura that did not exist on the earth. It was very faint, but it was recovering, and it was extremely powerful.

"No, I mean, I was cultivating just now, and then I had a premonition that someone was approaching, so I came out. I didn't expect you to come back." Qin Yao shook her head and explained that her jet-black hair was scattered like a waterfall, and the roots were beautiful. , The temperament is dusty and cold, like a fairy in the dust.


Hearing this, Li Zhenwu suddenly looked surprised, and said solemnly, "If I didn't make a mistake in my estimation, it won't take long for your memory to recover!"

"What memory? Is it as amazing as you said?" Qin Yao still couldn't believe it.

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