It is difficult for children in modern society to accept someone from a previous life.

Moreover, when she just finished her practice, she did sense a familiar aura, and then followed the feeling, and met Li Zhenwu on the spot.

This explanation is incomprehensible, and can only be answered by what Li Zhenwu said about his past life.

However, what is the relationship between the so-called old friends in the previous life, Qin Yao was curious in her heart, and stared at Li Zhenwu's eyes, which gradually changed.

"Cough, I just want to see my parents when I come back, and there are still some things to deal with."

Li Zhenwu said, and was about to step into the door.

"You're afraid of me? Could it be that you did something that people and gods were angry with me in your previous life?" Qin Yao pouted, turned sideways, and said angrily.

Li Zhenwu paused in his footsteps and said with a half-smile, "Then what do you think I will do?"

After he finished speaking, he ignored the girl's blushing face, walked past her carelessly, and went straight to her parents' yard.

A family gathering will inevitably lead to shortcoming among parents.

On the video, Li Guohao and his wife also knew what happened outside, and they were shocked as never before.

Moreover, when they saw Li Zhenwu's current appearance, both of them were suspicious for a while.

"Xiao Wu, be honest with me, is that person circulating on the Internet you?" Knowing his son Mo Ruofu, Li Guohao stared at Li Zhenwu for a long time, and suddenly asked aloud.

As soon as this statement came out, Li Zhenwu was stunned. When he was in the star space, he forgot to cover up his identity.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, they were broken by their parents, and they were a little overwhelmed.

"It's okay, son, you have grown up, and now the world has changed, no matter what you do, as long as it doesn't touch the bottom line, we will support you." Li Guohao patted Li Zhenwu on the shoulder and said earnestly.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu can only say anything, but he can only return with a wry smile.

"Xiao Wu, don't feel embarrassed. Your father and I have also changed. According to Xiao Yao, the strength of your father and I is now reaching the level of immortals."

"We haven't done anything and have been living in seclusion here, but it's strange that our strength is growing every day."

"A human fairy?"

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu was taken aback by his parents' words, and immediately felt a little bit of surprise on his face.

As their parents said, their strength has indeed reached the peak of the innate, and they are only half a step away from breaking through to the realm of immortals.

Moreover, both of them can have this strength without practicing the exercises, which is really amazing.

In the end, Li Zhenwu fell silent, his brows furrowed, and he felt more and more that it had something to do with him.

Not long after the reunion, the family said goodbye again.

Li Zhenwu did not stop. After leaving Xi'an, he came to Su's house in Jiangnan again.

This is the city where he first entered the university, and now the scenery on the streets is still the same, and it is more prosperous than before.

The only change is that the patrolling police officers have all become monks.

Each of their strengths has an innate peak.

This is due to the changes in the spiritual energy of the earth, which led to the cultivators at the beginning, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and they are ahead of the evolutionary path, far ahead of the world.

However, no one feels invincible.

Because of the battle of the gods, the appearance of three hundred Huaxia cultivators let people know that they are the real powerhouses.

After arriving at Su's house in Jiangnan, Su Quan looked surprised and came out to greet him in person.

During this period, Su Xiaoli came, and despite Li Zhenwu's repeated inquiries, he still refused to cultivate, and politely rejected his good intentions and wanted to maintain the status quo.

"Well, no matter whether there is cultivation or not, in this prosperous world of cultivation, there will be no surprises." In the end, Li Zhenwu could only say this.

After being together for a long time, they talked about the sky and the earth, and they were also talking about the past, the present and the future. In the evening, Li Zhenwu said goodbye and left.

In the sky, Li Zhenwu overlooked the city below, pondered for a moment, then turned to leave, and flew straight towards the Pacific Ocean.

There are things he is interested in, and it is also related to the withering secret of the ascetic.

Moreover, Xiaohua Xiaocao is still trapped inside and cannot escape, and thousands of blood clans are also there.

On the eve of the war between the gods, he thought about where to investigate immediately after the matter of God was settled.

Now, time to go!

Chapter [-] The origin of the universe!

The Pacific Ocean, with blue waves and oceans, is vast and endless, with no end in sight.

Li Zhenwu hovered in the void, looking at the black sea surface, the pores all over his body stretched, as if wrapped in warmth, which made his soul feel relieved.

This is very strange.

After all, Li Zhenwu is not a mortal, but the Great Emperor Zhenwu of the Great Desolation. At the level of life, he has almost reached the peak of the Great Desolation.

Now, the breath emerging from the deep sea can actually make him feel comfortable?

That's full of weirdness in itself.

"Perhaps, my rebirth is also related to this place." Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and he swooped down, directly submerging into the blue sea.


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