"The origin of the universe?"

With the sound of the voice, the dreamy Qinglian swayed gently, bursts of azure light sprayed, and swept away towards Li Zhenwu, as if responding.

And, a consciousness is transmitted from it.

"Haha, it turns out that this is my Daoji, it seems complicated, just because I am not there."

Feeling everything in his mind, Li Zhenwu suddenly laughed, looking very happy.

The phantom of the green lotus in front of me is not an illusion, but a real existence.

Because this is the origin of the universe, it is the location of everything in this universe, and it is also the foundation of Li Zhenwu, the origin of his true martial arts.

In other words, in this universe, Li Zhenwu is the sky, the earth, and the place and yearning for all things.

This is his universe, his world, and his origin.

Chapter 2 Creation Lotus Seeds! ([-])

At the beginning of chaos, the creation of Qinglian gave birth to the great god Pangu, which is one of the four great treasures of chaos.

Qinglian gave birth to five lotus seeds, one of which was a mature lotus seed, which turned into a twelve-grade fortune-telling green lotus.

Of the other four lotus seeds, three are transformed into the twelve-grade meritorious golden lotus and the twelve-grade karmic red lotus, which are owned by the Western-Second Sages.

Among them, the [-]th Grade Extinguishing Black Lotus was obtained by the Demon Ancestor, Rahu.

Only the last lotus seed was left, but when the flood was just formed, it disappeared.

And the green lotus that Li Zhenwu saw in front of his eyes would be transformed by the last lotus seed, and at this moment it would evolve into the universe and fully mature.

I saw that illusory swaying green lotus, with twenty-four rank lotus leaves, actually reached the form of atavism.

"I wanted to work hard all my life, but because of the appearance of this lotus seed, I have the capital to traverse all worlds." Li Zhenwu's eyes shone brightly, staring at the huge illusory green lotus beneath him.

Yes, Li Zhenwu's past has been merged with Qinglian, which is the capital of his rise.

Now reborn, it is still here, waiting for Li Zhenwu's return.

"Ding, detect that the host is nearby, turn on the last energy, and fuse with the host!"

At this moment, an unconscious voice came from the illusory Qinglian below, clearly echoing in Li Zhenwu's mind.

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Zhenwu was stunned and stiffened.

"It is so!"

He whispered to himself, a bitter smile on his face.

The lotus seed of creation, turned into a system, helped him rise and traverse all worlds.

Those worlds are not false, but real, and the dimensional world that belongs to this universe is constructed by the origin of the universe.

The origin of the universe is Li Zhenwu himself, so there is no illusion.


Li Zhenwu was in a trance for a moment, the illusory green lotus burst into light, and countless blue threads emerged from it, wrapping Li Zhenwu overwhelmingly.

In an instant, under the wrapping of cyan energy, Li Zhenwu felt warm all over his body, and his soul felt so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

"It's so comfortable, is this the origin of the universe?"

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself like a dream, his eyelids were heavy, and he wanted to fall asleep: "The source has made me, but my way of true martial arts has also matured the originally green lotus seeds, and finally returned to the ancestors and turned into a true creation of the world. lotus."

In the end, he couldn't resist the comfort from his soul, closed his eyes, and fell asleep peacefully.

The dark seabed exudes a soft light.

Gradually, the light cocoon that wrapped Li Zhenwu gradually sank into the blue lotus outlined by the blue light.

The inner space of Qinglian is very large, vast and boundless, and there are splendid rays of light everywhere, colorful and beautiful, and unusually beautiful.

At this moment, a group of pale-skinned people raised their heads one after another and looked at the colorful sky, on the slowly falling light cocoon.

"what is this?"

"God, I don't know, I just woke up, and I just feel that the whole world has changed."

"Everyone, be careful and protect the two young ladies."

"Don't worry, I can't feel any dangerous aura from the light cocoon. It seems that it's just the change of Dragon Palace."

"Hey, I don't know when the prince will come to rescue us."

"There's no way, this place is too mysterious, and any creatures who come in will not be able to get out of trouble."

"It is said that Lord Prince has already found Lord Zhenwu. Maybe, Lord Zhenwu will have a solution."

"Shut up. Anyway, they have been trapped for thousands of years, and they are not in a hurry."

"It's a pity that even the two young ladies came in. If there is any accident, our blood family will not be able to explain to Lord Cain."

Thousands of people, looking at the gorgeous light cocoon, are all talking about it.

In the center of the crowd, there were two little girls in red and green clothes, sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, practicing seriously.

The two little girls were obviously aware of the visions that occurred outside, and immediately opened their eyes and looked up.

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