Seeing this, the child girl's soul throbbed, her eyes widened, and her little face was full of surprise.

"What is this? How can I feel the breath of the young master?" Among them, the girl in bright red clothes spoke softly, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"I feel it too, but it shouldn't be. It's too mysterious here, maybe it's not necessarily an illusion of the mind." The girl in green said distressed.

The two little girls seemed to be seventeen or eighteen years old, carved in pink and jade, with skin as white as snow, big eyes, and quite spiritual.

In the crowd, the clothes of the two people are especially obvious.

"Ah, the two young ladies are awake."

Suddenly, someone cheered with a look of surprise on their faces.

The voice fell, and everyone looked over, all with joy from their hearts.

"You guys are so annoying, can you not disturb our practice?" Xiaohua scolded angrily.

However, everyone obviously understood their temperament very well, and they didn't take it seriously. They were full of smiles and not the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Miss, it's too weird here. For your safety, we can only guard by your side." Someone explained warmly.

Although, everyone knows, if there is an accident.

In this mysterious place, all power is in vain, not to mention them, even if the Prince Dracula is in person, it will not be much better.

It's just that keeping the two young ladies safe and sound is the mission of everyone here, so they don't dare to be careless.


Suddenly, there was a dull sound in the distance.

There was a splendid light, surrounded by blue light, and a huge light cocoon slowly fell to the ground, shaking countless dust.

"What is this?" Xiaohua raised her finger to the light cocoon and asked with a frown.

"Miss, we don't know what's going on. Everyone was asleep before. When we woke up, this light cocoon had already descended from the sky." An old man replied respectfully.


Hearing this, Xiaohua and Xiaocao looked at each other, got up together, and walked towards the light cocoon.

It wasn't a hallucination!

Is the breath they sensed just now real?

Is the young master in there?

Chapter [-] Jinxian Power!

Seeing the actions of Xiaocao and Xiaohua, everyone was startled, and dozens of people immediately blocked their way.

"Miss can't do it!" A strong man looked anxious.

"Yes, the two young ladies can't go there, if there is an accident..."

Before they could finish their words, Xiaohua and Xiaocao's little faces sank, staring at these people, angry and wanting to be angry.

In the end, he sighed helplessly.

"What can't you do?" Xiaohua has a delicate face and black hair. After years of imprisonment, she has grown into a slim body.

Although, in the eyes of everyone, they were still little girls, but the youthful and fluffy aura of the girls could not be concealed.

"My lady, this place is mysterious and unpredictable, and I don't dare to run around. The origin of the light cocoon is unknown. If it is dangerous, but it is obviously impossible to resist it with a few of us." An old man persuaded hard.

It's really that the light cocoon is so strange, it is constantly shrinking and expanding, which is obviously very unusual.

Everyone present can clearly feel that there are terrifying energy fluctuations inside the light cocoon, which is beyond imagination and terrifying.

Seeing that everyone was firmly opposed, Xiaohua and Xiaocao did not dare to force it.

After all, everyone is doing it for their own good, so it's not easy to get angry again, but his eyes are still fixed on the light cocoon in the distance, and his little face becomes more dignified.

In this strange space, apart from being unable to go out, it is obviously countless times better than the outside world for cultivation.

Several of these blood clans have reached the realm of Taiyi True Immortal and are very powerful.

Except for the hundreds of Earth Immortals, the rest of them, at least, are in the early stage of Human Immortals, which is a terrifying force.

Although they couldn't get close to the light cocoon, the two of Xiaohua did not give up and still paid attention to there.

Inside the Qinglian space, I don't know how many years have passed.

"It's strange, we communicated with the outside world using the secret method of the blood clan, but the Prince and the others did not reply."

On this day, everyone in the blood clan was uneasy in their hearts, and everyone's face was full of unease.

What's going on outside, they don't know.

Every time I contact the outside world with the secret method of the blood clan, I will get a reply as soon as possible. This time, after waiting for a long time, the outside world is silent.

This is very strange and disturbing.

However, when facing Xiaohua and Xiaocao, everyone did not dare to show it, but their worries lingered in their hearts.

But fortunately, this place is peaceful and peaceful, and during the cultivation, there is not much concern.

It's just that the mysterious light cocoon in the distance has become more and more bright during this period of time, and a vast and deep breath emanates from it, which is very clear...

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