This made everyone very worried, and they didn't know how long the quiet days could last.

"That must be the young master, the breath of the way of true martial arts." In the crowd, Xiaohua whispered to herself, her eyes clear and firm.

"Yes, I also feel it. It must be the young master who came to look for us. I don't know what I encountered, so it turned into a light cocoon and fell down." Xiaocao nodded, and there was a touch of joy on her face.

In the hearts of the two girls, at least the young master still remembers them, which makes the girls happy.

Before entering this mysterious space, the two of them had a blank memory of their previous life.

One thing is very strange, whether it is a small flower or a small grass, when it penetrates the illusory green lotus and enters this mysterious space, it will fall into a drowsiness.

Until waking up, the cultivation base has increased, and even the memories of the previous life are recovered from the deep sleep.

Others don't have this vision, only the two of them are like this, which is very strange.

"There is the breath of the young master here, so it stimulates the memory in our souls." Xiaohua affirmed.

Back in the flood and famine era, Nuwa and Houtu paid a considerable price to send them here.

After all, the six realms of reincarnation in the underworld were occupied by Buddhism, and sentient beings could not be reincarnated normally, which almost cut off the possibility of others wanting to come.

"Young master came here because there are familiar things, so this scene is created." Xiaocao pointed to the light cocoon in the distance, and said with certainty.

They all know Li Zhenwu too well, so they are very confident first.

Back then, during the prehistoric period, Wudang Mountain lived together for countless years, and it was impossible if they didn't understand. This is why they were willing to reincarnate and want to help Li Zhenwu...

However, when I was playing around thousands of years ago, I never imagined that I would be trapped here and have no way out.

They don't know anything about what happens in the outside world, and they can't help at all.

However, none of this matters.

Because they have already determined that inside the light cocoon, it is their young master, Zhenwu Great Emperor, who will shake the heavens and the world.


At this moment, the light cocoon in the distance changed.

A group of incomparably splendid rays of light burst out, blazing like flames, covering the entire strange space, and countless ripples appeared in the void.

This movement was too loud, and it woke everyone up in the blood.

"what happened?"

Someone shouted and looked around in a panic.

In the end, everyone's eyes stayed on the mysterious light cocoon.

I saw the performance of the light cocoon, flowing with dazzling fairy light, crystal clear like white jade, like the most perfect artwork.

Moreover, a mighty aura burst out from it, as if the Dao of Heaven had descended, causing the souls of everyone present to feel the throes of war.

The breath is so terrifying!

"Master..." Xiaohua and Xiaocao looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

If the guess is correct, the light cocoon, which has been quiet for a long time, is finally about to change.


The crisp 4.1 sound was transmitted from the light cocoon.

That voice made the blood clan's heart twitch hard.

Facing the fear of the unknown, which deeply dominated their souls, they felt more and more uneasy, and gradually moved closer to the two girls, preparing to protect the little flowers and grasses at the first time.

This scene moved Xiaohua and the two of them.

But they know that if there is an accident, facing this kind of terrifying aura, no matter how many people, they will just die.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, a drum-like sound, like the beating of a heart, was transmitted from the inside of the light cocoon.

I saw the crystal bright light cocoon, the surface was covered with cracks, and wisps of immortal light filled the air, and the breath was so powerful that the real immortal blood clan present felt trembling all over.

This is the golden immortal power!

Chapter 2 Reunion ([-])

At this moment, in the mysterious space, everyone froze in place.

The breath of the golden immortal is boundless.

Moreover, there is a mysterious Dao rhyme in it, which overflows, making people feel that they are facing the heavenly way, giving birth to a feeling of insignificance.

There, the fairy light is soaring, the light is shining, the golden light is shining, and it is dazzling.

At this time, a blood race cast a secret technique and wanted to contact the outside world, but unfortunately, there was still no response, which was extremely worrying.

The light cocoon is densely covered with cracks, the gaps expand, the fairy light is transpiring, and it is dazzling.

At the same time, that golden immortal aura became more and more condensed, very terrifying, with an aura that looked down upon the world.

I do not know how long it has been.


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