A loud noise erupted, and the entire light cocoon burst instantly.

A figure stood in the void, glowing all over, with crystal clear skin and bright treasures, like a chaotic sun star, exuding supreme will.

"Is this breakthrough to Jinxian?" Li Zhenwu said to himself, a little in disbelief.

His black hair was flying, and his roots were dazzling, and the entire 14 people were dazzling and dazzling.

The power of true martial arts in the body is beyond imagination, tough and strong, and it is continuous from the eyebrows, providing the energy needed by the body.


The next moment, a green lotus appeared between his eyebrows. The twenty-fourth grade lotus leaves were as crystal clear as jade, exuding a mysterious aura.

When the blue lotus between the eyebrows appeared, this strange space was shaking violently.


The colorful and splendid space, the light condensed, like a stream of water, gathered on Li Zhenwu's forehead, and submerged into the twenty-fourth grade Qinglian.

Soon, when all the light disappeared, this place was unusually quiet.

Thousands of vampires, looking at the tall figure, were stunned and shocked.

"Since I'm back, the origin of this place is naturally integrated into itself." Li Zhenwu nodded with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he turned around and walked towards the crowd.

In the crowd, two girls in red and green clothes stared straight at Li Zhenwu without blinking.


Li Zhenwu's footsteps paused, and he saw the two girls as well, and his eyes suddenly changed.

The three of them looked at each other, and they all contained longing.


The next moment, Xiaohua Xiaocao shouted in surprise.

At the same time, the two girls shuttled through the crowd like a gust of wind and walked towards Li Zhenwu.


When everyone heard it, they were all stunned for a moment, and they immediately reacted with shock on their faces.

You must know that although they don't know the identities of the two young ladies, they have been together for thousands of years and have long since learned from the mouths of the two young ladies who the so-called young master is.

It was the Great Desolate Era, the Great Emperor Zhenwu who shook the heavens and the world.

"Is this the Great Emperor Zhenwu? Once the Holy Father of the human race fought against the saints and changed the world pattern. Lord Cain has been instructed by him."

"It can't be fake, can it?"

"The two young ladies are not ordinary creatures. If they are fake, they will naturally know."

"God, what did I see, the most powerful being in the world appeared in front of me like this, it's unbelievable!"

Everyone in the blood clan was full of shock, and there was a monstrous wave in their hearts.

It is really the brainwashing of Xiaohua and Xiaocao for many years, making them feel that Emperor Zhenwu is an existence beyond saints.

Seeing this at this moment, I naturally felt a spiritual shock.


The small flowers and grasses have already emerged, and they are graceful, green and beautiful, just like Bao Lei in bud, blooming with a vigorous youthful atmosphere.

At this moment, they stopped, stood far away and called out, daring not to approach, for fear it was a dream.

"Xiaohua, Xiaocao, it really is you, haha..."

Seeing the girl shy and hesitating, Li Zhenwu felt amused, and his attitude was very casual.

It was his gesture that made the strangeness of the two women disappear instantly.

Master, still the same master.

No matter where you stand, your attitude is still easy-going, and there is no such high-level attitude, which makes people very comfortable.

"Master, we miss you."

The next moment, ignoring the eyes of everyone in the blood clan, the two women flew over, opened their small hands, and hugged Li Zhenwu tightly.

The hair is like a waterfall, and the girl's unique body fragrance lingers around the tip of her nose, which makes Li Zhenwu very comfortable.

This scene made the field surprisingly quiet.

Many people bowed their heads and dared not look directly, for fear of angering the existence of Emperor Zhenwu.

After embracing for a long time, the three talents separated. At this time, the two girls had a messy blue silk, and their little faces were flushed, like ripe peaches.

"You guys, why are you disobedient? You are so safe in Honghuang, what are you doing here?"

Of course, Li Zhenwu put on the air, posing the majesty of Emperor Zhenwu, his brows were not angry, and he reprimanded them softly.

It was just that dignified lesson that made the two women feel deeply concerned.

In fact, the two of them have almost no background. They are not like Su Xiaoli and Qin Yao. They have great luck and great cause and effect.

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