Chiyou, Dracula, and the volcano giant came out of the star space and ended their own tempering. Their cultivation level has skyrocketed a lot, and they obviously have the momentum of a peerless powerhouse.

Too much movement!

Alarmed the people on Earth, Qin Nantian and other Chinese bosses, as well as Chu Tianjun and the others, arrived at the first time.

Get together for a while, and have a banquet to catch the wind.

Such a terrifying powerhouse directly made those restless forces completely give up.

Relatively speaking, in the days to come, there will be no more troubles, but Qin Nantian will do his best to improve the environment of the earth.

Pacific Ocean!

The quiet sea water suddenly boiled, and countless bubbles emerged from the water, and the red glow burst out, covering the sky and the sun.


The sea cracked, split apart, and countless figures flew up and swish, suspended above the void.

Li Zhenwu walked at the end, tired of small flowers and grass beside him, and stepped out.

"grown ups!"

Out of the sea, tens of thousands of blood clan powerhouses bowed and saluted.

"Well, let's leave first, and tell Dracula that if you want to return to the Great Wilderness, half a year is the opportunity."

Li Zhenwu nodded lightly, and immediately turned and left with the two women, heading towards the land of China.

After watching the three of them leave, the tens of thousands of strong blood races flew away one after another, galloping fast towards the location of Prince Dracula.

Soon, so many powerhouses appeared, which indeed alarmed countless people.

But under the strong pressure of the cultivators, the news did not spread, and only a few people in the upper class knew that Zhenwu had returned.

Xi'an, Qin Family Manor.

Upon hearing the news of Li Zhenwu's return, Qin Nantian brought the other four bosses and rushed back immediately.

After not seeing each other for so many years, they can be sure that the place where Li Zhenwu first arrived was definitely his parents' place.

However, compared to Li Zhenwu's teleportation, they were one step behind.

At this time, Li Zhenwu, his family, and Qin Yao were gathered in that small courtyard, and the atmosphere was warm.

Accompanying his parents until late at night, he quietly left and returned to his courtyard.

"Your Majesty, do you really want us to go?"

As soon as Li Zhenwu stepped into the courtyard, he saw Qin Yao standing in the courtyard, with jet-black hair like a waterfall, beautiful and refined, like an exiled immortal, not stained with any dust.

Three years ago, after breaking through to Jinxian, Qin Yao recovered the memory of the past life and already knew the cause and effect of the past life and this life.

"Did Xiaocao and the others tell you?" Li Zhenwu smiled, came to Qin Yao's side, sniffed the faint fragrance, and said with a smile: "The war in the Great Wilderness is very tense, if you go back first, at least you can To ease the pressure on the Wu Dynasty, the main thing is to bring the news of my return."

"Aren't you coming with us?" Qin Yao turned around and stared at Li Zhenwu, her face tensed and her eyes firm.

"Can't go!"

Li Zhenwu sighed and said, "I'm not from the prehistoric times. I don't have the right time. I can't even go back. How can I leave with you?"

"So it turns out, it seems that the king is really an alien, but do we have to wait for countless years?" Qin Yao raised her snow-white neck.

At the beginning of the battle of the saints, although the saint was sealed in the chaotic starry sky, Li Zhenwu himself almost fell, and finally escaped after being reborn.

Now, Qin Yao is afraid in her heart. If they are separated, they don't know when they will be able to see each other again.

"It won't be too long, and I have already thought of a way to travel through the Great Wasteland, but I haven't been sure yet. After you leave, I will rush over as soon as possible."

Li Zhenwu took a step forward, opened his arms, and hugged Qin Yao tightly in his arms, with a fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, which made one feel at ease.

On the other hand, the girl in her arms trembled violently, and finally took the initiative to hug Li Zhenwu's waist, and she remained silent.

"How long will it take?" Qin Yao was buried in Li Zhenwu's arms, her eyes rippling in autumn, and she asked in a dream.

"Soon, within ten years, it will definitely reach the great wasteland. I sense that the seal of the saints is gradually weakening. I will not let the saints return to that world again."

Hearing this, Qin Yao completely quieted down and felt the strong beating of her heart.

After a moment of silence, she stood on tiptoe, took the initiative, and kissed gently.

In an instant, the world was quiet.

The two of them forgot their love, and in the courtyard, the silver moon shone down like a veil covering it.

In the courtyard building, inside the window, Xiao Hua and Xiao Cao's pretty faces were blushing. Looking at the scene below, they felt their hearts thumping like a deer, and they were very shy.

This is a parting kiss, and it is also an emotional explosion that has been together for countless years.

A crazy night, the cold moonlight falls and the sun rises.

In the room, Xiaohua Xiaocao meekly took care of the two of them, dressed neatly, and then pushed out the door.

Outside the Qin family manor, Qin Nantian and the others had been waiting for a long time, with a solemn expression and excited eyes, walking back and forth in the same place with excitement.

Not only the people of the Qin family, but also all the high-level officials of Huaxia gathered here at this time.

Chapter 3 Return to the Tomb of the First Emperor! ([-])

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