The field was quiet, everyone stood solemnly and stood neatly, daring not to make the slightest sound.

The door of the manor opened, and Li Zhenwu came out alone, leaving Qin Yao, who had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and Xiaohua and Xiaocao to take care of each other.

The moment he appeared, countless gazes came over one after another, extremely flaming.

"It's all here, let's go!"

With Li Zhenwu's order, the immortal light on the ground soared, condensed into substance, carried the crowd, and flew into the sky.

Such means shocked everyone.

Especially Dracula and others, they were even more shocked. They were horrified and knew how big the gap with Li Zhenwu was.

A group of people whizzed past from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The people who should come have arrived, regardless of the senior officials of Huaxia, there are also some senior white people inside, their eyes are blazing and full of awe.

Soon, the clouds outlined by Xianguang landed on the top of a mountain.

The altitude is not high, only a few hundred meters or so, but everyone here feels a sense of slaughter.

"follow me!"

Li Zhenwu spoke again and took the lead, without using his mana.

At this point, many people knew his intentions.

Especially the Chinese people, their expressions are solemn and solemn, and the respect from their souls permeates silently.

After passing this mountain, you can see that there are nine nearby mountains that are surrounded by them, which is very special.

"I feel hostile!"

At this moment, Chi You opened his mouth lightly, his eyes blazing brightly, and his whole body filled with fighting intent.

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at him.

Only Dracula and the volcano giant are smiling bitterly, can there be no hostility?

Back then in Honghuang, you were a demon-like being, and the massacre of human beings was simply outrageous.

But fortunately, the current Chi You, except for the true spirit, are all brand new creatures.

So, no one said much.

The group followed behind Li Zhenwu, went down the mountain in silence, came to the center of the basin, and looked around expectantly.

"Huh, this is your ancestor. If it weren't for them, you would have been wiped out by those so-called gods when the universe first opened." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and didn't know the details.

In fact, Li Zhenwu guessed it from the Amazon Lafite Queen.

At the beginning of the universe, it was the [-] warriors of the Martial Dynasty who were self-sealed who were competing with the Titans for hegemony.


Ignoring everyone's thoughts, Li Zhenwu spoke softly and followed the law.

The next moment, a fairy light bloomed in the basin, and the void split open, revealing the desert that was thousands of miles away.

Then, Li Zhenwu went in first, and the rest immediately followed.

The desert sand is like a knife, desolate and simple.

The sky is full of blood, and in the distant sky, it exudes an amazing aura of slaughter.

As they moved forward, everyone was shocked and stunned.

"That is……"

A high-level white man pointed forward and exclaimed.

At the end of the desert, the densely packed terracotta warriors and horses stood there, standing quietly in the sky despite the wind and sand, and the desolate and endless breath rushed toward the face.

"Is that the Terracotta Warriors?" Someone was puzzled and asked his companions in a low voice.

However, the results obtained are dazed.

When they were [-] meters away from the [-] Terracotta Warriors, the void trembled, and the vast fighting spirit burst out from the statues.

Many people couldn't bear it and trembled all over.

Even Chu Tianjun and the others felt their heart palpitations, and their eyes showed horror.

"What kind of violent aura is this?" Chi You narrowed his eyes slightly, his face full of anticipation, he felt the will to fight, and felt that these terracotta warriors were the real opponents.

"The [-] warriors of the Wu Dynasty, what a terrifying background, no wonder Lord Zhenwu doesn't care about the coming of God and Zeus." Mox's face was shocked, and his soul was shaking.

Dracula next to him was shocked when he heard it.

Yeah, who cares about gods and gods?

There are [-] monks who are good at fighting, not to mention the likes of God, in this universe, I am afraid that no race can resist their progress.


At this time, the sky exploded, the desert wind swept through, the sky was dark, and the scene was terrifying...

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