The terracotta warriors and horses made a clicking sound, the rock formations on the outside fell off, revealing the simple clothes inside, and the horses neighed, and the fighting spirit was incomparable.

As soon as this vision appeared, everyone was frightened, and they all looked at each other in dismay.

Especially those high-level white people, they were even more frightened, their knees trembled, they couldn't bear the pressure, and they almost knelt on the ground.

The earth trembled, the dust rose to the sky, and the sky was obscured. The scene was spectacular.

The wind was howling, the drums were beaten, the chariots hummed, and the horns were long and leisurely, resounding through the heavens and the earth, shaking everyone's hearts.

Li Zhenwu's expression was solemn and his eyes were bright. Seeing the warriors of the Wu Dynasty recovering, his heart was agitated, and he couldn't help but want to scream.

These warriors came for him.

Undefeated from the prehistoric battle, they were dispatched by their apprentice Xuanyuan. They traveled through a long time and space, traveled from the frontiers of the universe, experienced countless hardships, and were chased and killed by demons.

In the end, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were lost, and only [-] soldiers came to Earth.

The prosperous world of monasticism was brought by them, but what this universe brought to them was gunpowder smoke and blood and tears.


Large swathes of rock fell off, fell to the ground and smashed, and each of them burst out with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, which was so terrifyingly strong that it made people feel unmoved.

Those 4.7 warhorses bound with the reins, trampled the ground with their hooves, restless, swayed their bodies, and broke free from the seal of the rock formations.

"It's terrifying, this is definitely not an ordinary war horse." The volcano giant exclaimed, and from those war horses, he felt the demonic energy soaring into the sky, covering the sky.

Too strong!

The chariots screeched, a dull roar erupted, the wheels rolled, and countless dust splashed.

"It's a Lingbao, and it already has an artifact, such a terrible chariot." Dracula sullen and felt infinite pressure.

I have to say that this scene in front of me had a huge impact on everyone present.

In particular, those who participated in the battle of the gods were silent, awe-inspiring, and filled with awe in their hearts.

This is the real warrior!

Not afraid of the world, just relying on the momentum, it will tear the world apart, which is extremely terrifying.

The 1th chapter is waiting for the people of eternity ([-])

The desert is lonely, full of desolation, desolation and loneliness. This world, which has been silent for thousands of years, has ushered in changes again.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, they saw [-] terracotta warriors and horses.

After breaking away from the seal, every warrior, with a fairy light blooming on his body, is dazzling and dazzling.

They stood there holding format weapons, their horses neighed and their chariots vibrated violently, implying supreme fighting intent.


At this moment, one hundred thousand warriors suddenly opened their eyes, and their eyes were like electricity, bursting with divine light, as if they were about to tear the void.

"Where are the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty?"

In the front row of the phalanx, a young general in golden armor, holding a spear, roared suddenly.


The next moment, [-] people responded in unison, and the momentum was shocking and moving.

In front of them, the earth's mortal high-level, as well as the volcanic giant, Dracula's tens of thousands of blood, including the Chutian Army's three hundred Taoist cultivators, all appeared as insignificant as dust.

"Chiyou old thief, you are not dead yet?"

In the battle formation, a strong man straddled the war horse, swung the sword in his hand, and rushed over, targeting Chi You who was standing beside him.

In fact, Chi You is too obvious.

The four-meter-high body, dark skin, and the characteristics of the Wu people are very conspicuous in the crowd.

Moreover, he once fought in the prehistoric times and fought against the human race, so he was recognized at a glance.

"God of War, An dare to fight me?"

That strong man with black face, murderous aura, holding a three-meter sword, pointed at Chi You, his eyes were full of fighting intent, and there was nothing else.

He has experienced disasters from ancient times, once fought against the Wu clan, and is a true warrior.

"Why don't you dare!"

When everyone was in a daze, Chi You grinned and stepped out.


The next moment, without the slightest nonsense, the strong man straddled the war horse and galloped from a distance. The long knife suddenly fell, like the top of Mount Tai, and the space was cut open, which was extremely terrifying.

On the Huaxia side, there were countless gasps of cold air.

Some people who didn't know what to do, were frightened by the momentum and sat on the ground, trembling all over.


Chi You screamed in the sky, fearless of the sword, his fists were full of red glow, and he went up to meet him.

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