The two collided, the space shattered, and the power swept the entire desert world.

In the dust rising into the sky, the war horse on which the strong man straddled screamed and flew out backwards, almost unsteady.

In the same way, Chi You wasn't much better than that. He was smashed into the ground like a cannonball, smashing a deep hole into the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Huaxia was stunned.

What kind of terrifying strength is this, and it can slash Chiyou flying with a single knife.

Although it can't be benefited by itself, it is enough to shock everyone's hearts.

You must know that Chi You is a ruthless character who dares to fight against God. After being tempered by the breath of a saint, his physique is even more terrifying, and no one on earth can shake him.

Now, it flew out backwards, which was very terrifying.

Moreover, the strong man paused for a while, and he was unscathed, and he wanted to rush to the past again, which was frightening.

"Iron Bull is back!"

At this moment, the golden-armored major general, his eyes were cold and stern, and he let out a loud cry.

Hearing this, the black-faced strong man gritted his teeth, turned around and left without hesitation, urging the horse to return to the battle formation.

Seeing this, everyone in Huaxia couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bah, Mad, this kid is not bad, he's a good opponent."

On the other hand, Chi You, who was in the deep pit, was scolding and disheartened, but he was unharmed, and walked back to Li Zhenwu.

On the opposite side, the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty followed Chi You with their eyes.

When they saw Chi You standing there respectfully, he seemed to be in awe of the young man.

Everyone's eyes are dignified.

Major General Jin Jia, with red lips and white teeth, with a handsome appearance, revealed a hint of doubt at this time.

It seems that he has seen the same boy before.


The next moment, Major General Jinjia turned over and dismounted, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he stared at Li Zhenwu with a very excited expression.

Seeing this, the [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty could not help but be extremely puzzled.

However, as the dusty memories opened up for countless years, the face of a statue standing on Wudang Mountain gradually overlapped with the young man in front of him.

Prehistoric and alien, Zhenwu the Great, the Holy Father of the Human Race!

One by one, the titles that circulated in the floods flashed in everyone's minds. They represented the ultimate glory of the human race, and they also represented the supreme prosperity of the floods.

At this moment, in the eyes of the [-] military soldiers, there is no other existence.

"Wait, the Holy Father is the supreme being among the saints, how come he is human now?"

Suddenly, the golden armor major general noticed that the strangeness of Li Zhenwu was different from the legend.

You must know that in the prehistoric era, the human race was weak, and the Holy Father Zhenwu appeared from that time.

No one knows the origin of the Holy Father Zhenwu, but everyone knows that he is the patron saint of the human race, sharing the incense worship of the human race day and night with Mother Nuwa.

Seeing the Holy Father now, although the appearance and breath are the same, they are not sure.

On the opposite side, Li Zhenwu seemed to sense what the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty were thinking, and suddenly his body was shocked, and a prehistoric atmosphere burst out outrageously.

His blue light bloomed, the blue lotus between his eyebrows appeared, and the breath of the ancient times made the souls of everyone present tremble.

"Is the person here the son of Xuanyuan?" Li Zhenwu said lightly, with a smile on his face.

The voice fell, the fighting spirit was sluggish, and the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty were all stiff in place.

Even the people here in Huaxia were stunned and dumbfounded.

Xuanyuan's son, Baidi Shaohao, one of the five gods.

"Shaohao is here, welcome the Holy Father back!"

At this moment, the White Emperor, who was wearing the golden armor, no longer had the slightest doubt, his eyes burst into tears, and his voice was hoarse with excitement.

Hearing this, the [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, the men who were beaten by iron, could not help but be moved to tears.

Even the senior officials of Huaxia were infected when they saw this, and they knelt down one after another, facing the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty, who were saluting their ancestors.

On the opposite side, [-] soldiers bowed to express their respect for the Holy Father in their hearts.

The [-]st chapter promises that the first emperor will be sanctified!

It’s too shocking!

Those high-level Westerners who had just merged into Huaxia were shocked beyond measure, and they all knelt down and imitated the people of Huaxia.

This scene lasted for a long time, and everyone was very excited.

The resurrection of the ancestors is the luck of China.

Not only Qin Nantian and the others were excited, but even Chu Tianjun and the others felt their blood boil, their fighting spirit was still alive, and their hearts were full of pride.

"Shaohao, on the order of the Yellow Emperor, led the [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty to come here to help the Holy Father return to the Great Wilderness!" Bai Di led the [-] soldiers to Li Zhenwu, and saluted solemnly.

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