This scene is quite shocking and shocking.

Countless high-levels of the earth feel the war in their hearts.

How terrifying is this?

In front of the [-] soldiers, each with the ability to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and now, to be so respectful to Li Zhenwu, it makes the heart agitate and cannot be calmed down for a long time.

"[-] people, only [-] people have arrived. It seems that you have encountered a change, but you can rest assured that one day, those dead soldiers, their heroic souls will reappear in the chaos and fight side by side with you."

Looking at the crowded crowd, Li Zhenwu was very emotional and spoke solemnly.

Bai Di and others were just silent, and their hearts were tragic, but for the return of the Holy Father, they felt that everything was worth it.

Now Lingshan occupies the six reincarnations, and the dead soldiers have no way to reincarnate.

It's sad and irritating.

"First Emperor Ying Zheng, who died for the prosperity of the Chinese people, deserves better cause and effect."

Li Zhenwu raised his eyes, passed through [-] soldiers, and looked to the rear. The solitary chariot with an ancient bronze coffin on it looked very desolate.

In BC, the first emperor ruled the world, ended the Warring States Period for thousands of years, and laid the foundation for China's eternity.

At the same time, it also paid a price.

He slept there, forever with the darkness, and was gradually forgotten by the world.

At this time, when everyone heard Li Zhenwu's words, they were all silent, and their eyes showed sorrow, but there was nothing they could do.


Li Zhenwu raised his hand, spread out his five fingers, grabbed the empty space, and a dense purple air appeared in the palm of his hand.

This dense purple air contains a mysterious aura, with strands of Dao rhythm pervading it, containing the heaven and earth of the universe.

"This is?"

Seeing this scene, Bai Di Shaohao sucked in a breath of cold air, widened his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief.

When the others saw this, they all felt that their brains were blank, and they felt too dreamy.

"Hongmeng Ziqi, this universe needs saints. Although they are not as good as the saints of the Great Desolation, they can recover anyway." Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, a little embarrassed.

Yes, what he was holding was the opportunity for sanctification, the legendary Hongmeng Purple Qi.

However, this primordial purple qi is not as terrifying as imagined. It has the same origin as the Great Desolation. However, because the universe was first opened, it was not nourished by the existence of Pangu, so it was very fragile.

Even Hongmeng Ziqi is not as good as one of the hundreds of millions of saints in the flood.

Therefore, although it is holy, it is almost the same as the golden immortal of Honghuang.

However, as long as Li Zhenwu continues to be strong, the value of this primordial purple energy will continue to increase, and there is almost no upper limit.

Knowing the mystery, everyone suddenly realized, but they were still shocked.

call out!

Just when everyone was immersed in shock, Li Zhenwu waved his big hand, and Hongmeng Ziqi flew away and disappeared into the ancient bronze coffin in the distance.


The next moment, the ancient bronze coffin shook suddenly, and a figure flew out and landed directly in front of Li Zhenwu.

This person looks young, with a resolute face, bright star eyes, and the spirit of the emperor when walking, shocking the world.

"Ying Zheng welcomes the return of the Holy Father."

He first respectfully saluted Li Zhenwu, then turned around and saluted Shaohao: "The descendants have seen their ancestors."

Back then, the [-] soldiers drove away the living beings and the demons in the wilderness of the universe. Because the spiritual energy of the earth dried up, and they were also affected, they chose to seal themselves.

"Well, you have the world in your heart, but you are a good seedling." Li Zhenwu nodded and commented casually.

This provoked the [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, even the White Emperor Shaohao, to be envious.

You must know that it is the highest glory of the human race to be praised by the Holy Father.

"Thank you Holy Father for your kindness!" Ying Zheng saluted again and thanked him.

The birth of [-] soldiers of the Wu Dynasty is bound to shock the world. Moreover, these soldiers from the prehistoric times are obviously unable to adapt to the environment of modern society.

"Master Qin, when you return to the outside world, these soldiers will be handed over to you. You should familiarize yourself with this world within half a year." Li Zhenwu turned his head and said to Qin Nantian.

This made Huaxia executives speechless, but also, if they had nothing to do, they wouldn't bring so many people in.

"Don't worry, Holy Father, I will adapt as soon as possible and help Holy Father return as soon as possible." Bai Di Shaohao said in a deep voice.

Immediately, a large group of people left the desert world.

What they experienced this time was really shocking. For a long time, their hearts could not be calmed down.

The Chaos Clock is suspended above the sky, suppressing the earth's space.

Otherwise, the [-] soldiers of the Great Desolation, with their momentum alone, would be enough to make the creatures on the earth kneel.

Back at the Qin Family Manor, Li Zhenwu directly acted as the shopkeeper, and threw everything to those high-level officials in Huaxia.

This made Qin Nantian and the others suffer.

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