"There is a response, but the judge Kuafu came here!" Bai Di Shaohao respectfully said.

The king of hell and the judge, the biggest leader of the underworld, and Kuafu was favored by Li Zhenwu, who was in charge of the book of life and death and the judge's pen.

If Kuafu came to meet him, he would not leak the news.

"Very good, then go in!" Li Zhenwu nodded, and immediately walked into the thick fog with everyone.

In the mountain stream, densely covered, the road twists and turns.

A group of people stepped on the void and came to a space node, waiting for the underworld to open.

There are already many people waiting here, and Dracula leads everyone in the blood clan, all waiting respectfully.

However, it is worth mentioning that Mox actually meant to leave, and wanted to follow those warriors in this universe to kill the enemy.

"I don't know the date of my return. I hope the king can return safely." Qin Yao was very sad, tired of being crooked for so many days, and she had already given up on Li Zhenwu.

In the distance, Xiaohua Xiaocao looked sad, and was also infected by the atmosphere of parting, and remained silent.

"I promise you, I will find you soon." Li Zhenwu sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable with the sadness.

Fortunately, Kuafu didn't make everyone wait too long. The thick fog in the mountain stream gradually stirred up, and a gloomy aura came towards him.


In the distance, a loud noise erupted, and a crack appeared in the space.

Kuafu was dressed in a jet-black robe, and his face was like black charcoal. He was extremely calm and walked out of the crack.

Behind him, the underworld was terrifying, the smoke of war was everywhere, and there were countless screams that came out from inside.

"Holy...Holy...Holy Father?"

Going out of the outside world, Kuafu was stunned, looking at Li Zhenwu with disbelief on his face.

Beside him, Bai Di Shaohao laughed, he liked watching other people's reactions, and he was as shocked as they were back then.

"Kaofu pays homage to the Holy Father!"

After waking up, Kuafu immediately saluted respectfully, and immediately saluted Qin Yao: "I have seen the Empress Huangtian and two immortals."

The latter sentence was said to Xiaohua and Xiaocao.

After all, as the maids of Emperor Zhenwu, their status is naturally extraordinary, and the two women are also senior sisters of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, and they are even more noble.

That is the figure who leads all the tribes in the prehistoric world and fights against Lingshan and Heavenly Court, and all beings in the prehistoric world must bow their heads sincerely.

Chapter 1 People can't stand without roots! ([-])

"It's been a long time since I haven't seen Kuafu. It seems that you have become a judge, and your life has been smooth." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

I have to say that the former Kuafu, with his muscles exploding, is now wearing a robe and looks like a modern middle-aged man, with a potbellied appearance.

Kuafu's face is as black as the bottom of a pot, and his confidence is not enough: "Holy Father Liao Zan, but there is really no need to fight and kill in the underworld, and my body feels unfamiliar."

"Forget about gathering the old, the underworld passage has been opened for too long, and Lingshan will find it. Let's go first!" Qin Yao suddenly made a sound and walked towards the crack with a small flower and grass.

"Let's all go back. If there is an accident, you can come here to find me." Li Zhenwu sighed, knowing that Qin Yao didn't want to stay any longer, for fear that he would be reluctant.

"Farewell!" Kuafu clasped his fists and followed behind Qin Yao and the three of them.

The blood race and others, led by Dracula, immediately followed and disappeared into the space crack.

Soon, when the space healed, the place returned to calm.

Bai Di and others stared at the side, silent, from the cracks, they felt that the underworld was not easy, and it had reached a precarious point.

But, as Li Zhenwu said at the beginning, he couldn't get out.

The origin of this universe is similar to that of the prehistoric world, but in the process of evolution, there is no great god like Pangu, so there are many shortcomings in the rules, and it cannot achieve that kind of power.

As for trying?

Li Zhenwu didn't at all, because he knew that if he broke in forcefully, it would only lead to changes in the wild world, which would affect the operation of the rules of the two worlds.

The only way is to take a detour into the Chaos Starry Sky, and thus return to the Great Desolation.

The barrier of the world, blocking the wild and alien species, what's more, he has now integrated the origin of the universe, which can be regarded as a complete existence of heaven.

Different worlds, even if their origins are similar, are difficult to overcome.

This is the Hunyuan rule. Without proving Dao Hunyuan, it is impossible to pass the barrier between the two worlds at will.

"Let's go too!"

Staring at the healed crack for a long time, finally, Li Zhenwu sighed and turned to leave.

Bai Di Shaohao and the others couldn't help looking at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Holy Father, why did you help the weak human race when you entered the flood?" Bai Di couldn't help asking.

After getting along for a while, everyone knows that the Holy Father is actually very casual and doesn't like those cumbersome etiquette.

Moreover, in the face of the ancestors of the human race, if they did not salute at every turn, Li Zhenwu was afraid that his parents would jiuchan endlessly.

"Yes, the Holy Father has the ability to traverse the sky and the earth. If he had chosen to support the two Lich clans in the Great Desolation, he would have been able to suppress the saints long ago." A soldier also said aloud.

It has to be said that after seeing the power of Emperor Zhenwu, all the tribes in the wild are in awe, and they are also envious of the good luck of the human race.

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