After all, it is the luck of the entire race to be favored by this existence.

Li Zhenwu was silent, pondered for a moment, and said lightly: "No one can stand without roots, just because I am also a human race, so I have no choice for a long time."

After he finished speaking, he ignored whether they understood or not, and immediately walked away and disappeared in place.

On the spot, Bai Di Shaohao and the others frowned and pondered, recalling that sentence, concise and to the point, but to the heart.

In fact, because Li Zhenwu was originally a human race, his way of true martial arts also requires the prosperity of the human race to temper his mind.

People can't stand without roots. As long as the fate of the human race is not damaged, the avenue of Hunyuan will one day be stepped on by him.

If you want to prove the Great Dao of Primordial Primordial, the foundation is still on the human race.

The lunar surface is full of craters and craters.

At this time, huge stone houses stand, scattered in an orderly manner, stretching ten kilometers on the surface of the moon, which is extremely spectacular.

"Haha, the name of the God of War, but that's it."

A proud laughter came from the void.

There was a fierce battle there. The black-faced strong man, the iron bull, urged the war horse, and the long knife in his hand ripped apart the void and fell suddenly.

"Hey, the kid is very proud, isn't he?"

Chi You sneered, his body turned into ten thousand feet, like a sacred mountain floating in space, surrounded by red glow, extremely powerful.

The two have been fighting for three days and three nights, and there is no winner yet.

Of course, the shots are very restrained, and there is no desperate and use of the source to fight.

However, with such a record, it is already very good.

On the surface of the moon, Chu Tianjun and the three hundred soldiers also followed these ancestors and trained them with actual combat.

Everyone dared not relax, and there was a sense of oppression invisibly.

However, no matter what everyone is doing, they occasionally glance at the figure in the distance.

There is no wind on the moon, but Li Zhenwu's clothes are automatic without wind, his hair is fluttering, his eyes are looking at the starry sky, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

He had been standing here for a long time, like a sculpture, motionless.

Not far away, Emperor Bai Shaohao and dozens of elite guards guarded him to ensure that Li Zhenwu would not be disturbed.

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu moved, holding a wooden stick, pointing lightly at a star in the Milky Way.


Suddenly, in the eyes of everyone, I saw the star moving and galloping in the vast universe.

"What is the Father doing?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was puzzled and full of doubts.

Moreover, the movement of a star is just the beginning. Next, Li Zhenwu shot continuously, the end of the stick facing the distant star, constantly adjusting and pointing.

I saw that in the vast starry sky, the stars, according to some kind of weirdness, were moving extremely fast.

"To sort out the galaxy, the Holy Father is about to set up the formation." Bai Di Shaohao said with a solemn expression.


With hundreds of millions of stars as the foundation, the power of the sky and the latitude is hidden, and the real star array is arranged.

This approach made everyone present feel incredible.

"Could it be that war is coming?" Someone asked, feeling that the recent atmosphere was indeed a bit depressing.

"No! We are going to fight back!"

Someone grinned, eyes blazing, and expectations were written on their faces.

Starting from the Great Wilderness, after going through endless distances, he came to this universe in a thrilling way.

The hardships and dangers on the road, they have experienced it once, and they do not want to experience it a second time.

At this time, the Holy Father made a move, and since he was going to fight back, he naturally had to take that road again and enter the flood from here.

Chapter 2 Jingtianweidi, the great array of stars! ([-])


One by one, the vast stars galloped in the dead universe, passing through brilliant beams.

The wooden stick pointed, Zhou Tianxing Dou revolved, forming a picture of extreme beauty.

The changes in the starry sky are quite visually impactful and shocking.

On the moon, Chu Tianjun was shocked, and the three hundred soldiers and monks behind him were all shocked.

"The instructor's methods are beyond imagination!" Ye Tian whispered, feeling unbelievable, and at the same time, excited for their decision.

After all, being able to follow a group of unparalleled powerhouses is of infinite benefit to their cultivation.

The stars are densely covered, like a compass, moving in the dead and dark sky.

The earth, people in the dark night area, all looked up and looked at the spectacle of the starry sky, and the whole world was boiling.

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