Above the shady screen, the stars are like dazzling diamonds, extremely dazzling, moving extremely fast in people's sight, like shooting stars passing by, dazzling.

"Is this the Holy Father's method?" Qin Nantian's five Chinese bosses raised their heads and looked at the picture on the sky, and couldn't help but mutter to themselves.

The stars are galloping in the night, like meteors flying by, bursting with splendid light.

This picture shocked the world and made them in awe.

You know, when human beings enter the monastic civilization, they are very aware of the power of cultivators to destroy the stars with a single finger.

But wanting to achieve the spectacle on the sky, moving the stars countless light years away, is unheard of and unseen.

The vast universe, countless stars, and their trajectories are all in one thought.

What kind of insane means is this?

Soon, the position of the stars on the sky was completely changed.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, changing the movement of the stars at a distance, this is the power beyond the myth, is it true martial artist?"

"The original positions of Vega and Altair have disappeared."

"The positions of the twelve constellations are also gone."

"This is the new astronomical spectacle!"

Countless scientists on earth are speechless and feel unbelievable.

Especially the former aerospace research organization was already stunned at this time, and the stars in the night sky were completely different from the previous ones.

Shocked, shocked!

Other than that, there is nothing else to think about.

Moon, cratered surface.

The white emperor Shaohao had flying black hair, and his golden armor was shining brightly, and his handsome face showed a dignified look.

"General, why is the Holy Father doing this?" the guard beside him asked quietly.

"Through the sky and the latitude, comb the galaxy, and build a formation that spans the starry sky, it seems that the Holy Father really wants to return to the prehistoric world." Bai Di Shaohao took a breath and said slowly.

The sky is still dark.

One after another, the huge crystal stars floated up and down, radiant with brilliance, and endless starlight spurted out. In the dead night sky, they formed one after another intricate lines, spreading to the vicinity of the earth, outlining the mysterious pattern.

It was constructed by strands of starlight, and the complexity of the lines was far beyond everyone's imagination.

Seen from the earth and the moon, the dark universe, densely covered with stars, intricately intersecting, splendid and beautiful, is like a big net, completely wrapping the Milky Way.

These celestial phenomena are magnificent and vast, making people fascinated.

If you can participate in it, how wonderful is it?

"Huh, it's finally okay."

Li Zhenwu was slightly tired, and he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, like a chaotic sword, shattering a large mountain in the distance, and the movement was frightening.

The dust on the surface rose up, obscuring the sky, and the dust filled everywhere.

Li Zhenwurao was the master of the universe, and he felt a little bit of difficulty in building a large array that spanned endless galaxies.

You must know that before the display, I don't know how many times I have calculated it in my mind, and finally I feel that it is almost the same, and then I start the formation.

Of course, this is not the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, but a kind of God-killing Array.

Hundreds of millions of stars, endless starlight, the great formation constructed, the countless creatures linking this universe, the scale is unprecedented.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this starry sky map recovers, it means that countless creatures in the entire universe will take action, and no one under the saint can break it.

This is a living starry sky map, built by linking hundreds of millions of stars in the universe, it is very anti-sky...

Li Zhenwu looked at the starlight pattern in the dark, nodded with satisfaction, then turned around, stared at Baidi Shaohao, and smiled lightly: "Do you know the effect of this formation?"

In the distance, Bai Di Shaohao and the others were all stunned.

The pattern of the great formation in front of him is complicated and mysterious, and the complexity exceeds that of the Daluo Jinxian, or even the deduction of the prospective leader.

The White Emperor Shaohao was in the golden immortal realm. Although he knew that this formation was strong, he couldn't deduce the mystery.

"The Holy Father travels through the sky and the latitude, Shaohao is stupid, he doesn't know the role." Shaohao said with his hands up.

Li Zhenwu nodded, as if not surprised, and said to himself: "The vast starry sky is endless, and there are countless life planets in it. The earth is just a drop in the vast ocean, as small as dust."

"No matter what kind of life, it belongs to this universe. I used hundreds of millions of living beings as a guide to build this array across the vast star field to block the demons outside the door."


Baidi Shaohao and the others all had solemn faces.

You know, no one knows more about demons than them.

From the beginning of the flood, the road that I took was full of demons, and it was only after hardships that I entered this universe and came to Earth.

The horror experienced in it is still fresh in the memory of everyone.

"Shaohao, An 5.2 platoon has left the people who will control the great formation, and the rest are waiting, ready to go back to the Great Wilderness with me!" Li Zhenwu said lightly.

After speaking, he turned around, left the moon, and walked towards the earth.

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