On the spot, everyone was stunned when they looked at the young man's light-hearted back.

"General, how many people do you need to control this starry sky formation?" a guard asked with a puzzled face.

Wherever spiritual consciousness is, there are complicated and mysterious star patterns. If you control this vast and boundless array, the cultivators you need are absolutely beyond imagination.

"One hundred thousand people is enough."

Bai Di Shaohao lowered his head and said as if talking to himself, his eyes showed a touch of bitterness.

This arrangement is to prevent these soldiers from taking any more risks.

Chapter 1 The gate of hell collapses! ([-])

Earth, Qin Family Manor.

After Li Zhenwu came back, he gathered with his parents for a while, and left some practice exercises before saying goodbye and leaving.

There is too much nostalgia on the earth. He is in a peaceful state of mind, walks the earth, and says goodbye to every old friend.

The Sujia in the south of the Yangtze River is antique, with blue bricks and green tiles, small bridges and flowing water, and a peaceful atmosphere emerges spontaneously.

In the pavilion, the three sat opposite each other.

Su Xiaoli has a beautiful face, a graceful figure, and her hair is tied up at will. She bows her body to pour tea for Li Zhenwu and Su Quan, her dark eyes, from time to time, aim at the young man beside her, her beautiful eyes looking bright.

"Are you really unwilling to leave?" Li Zhenwu asked after taking a sip of the tea, putting down the porcelain cup.

The origin of the universe has recovered, and the earth has entered a monastic civilization, which is unprecedentedly powerful and brilliant.

The deceased person in the past life, also due to various reasons, leads to the recovery of memory and the realization of the past life and this life.

Su Xiaoli learned from the memory of his previous life that he was the legendary Daji.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the world, and he said softly: "Daji has long passed away with the years, I am Su Xiaoli now, and I don't want to go to ask the grievances and grievances of the past life, just be an ordinary person."

Cultivation is popular now, but Su Xiaoli still hasn't practiced, and his heart is full of resistance.

What if the face stays forever?If she can't accompany you, she would rather grow old with gray hair and become a pink skeleton in the eyes of the world!

Beside him, Su Quan was silent, his eyes full of regret.

The granddaughter is like this, he is an old man, and after all, he can't intervene, he can only watch silently.

The atmosphere is subtly awkward.

Li Zhenwu looked indifferent, and immediately stood up, looking up at the starry night, and said, "The earth is not safe, and it will be invaded by unknown creatures at any time. Instead of staying here, why not return to the great wilderness with me?"

"I can't worry about Grandpa." Su Xiaoli shook his head, his face was beautiful and contained a touch of grief.

Su Quan was in a trance, and there was a warm feeling in his heart.

Just like Qin Nantian back then, in the eyes of the old man, no matter what her granddaughter's identity was in her previous life, she couldn't erase the feeling of caring for the younger generation in her heart.

"Holy Father Zhenwu, Xiaoli really has no intention of returning to Honghuang." Su Quan's face was full of bitterness, and he told Li Zhenwu that there were scars left by Su Xiaoli, so he was unwilling to go back.

In other words, from the moment Daji decided to reincarnate, she long ago wanted to cut off everything with Honghuang.

Now, she just wants to be an ordinary person, watching the prosperity of the world, until the end of her life, turning into a cup of loess.

This is very sad. Daji, who used to be so beautiful in the world, turned out to be as calm as water. How sad.

However, Li Zhenwu could only be silent, looking at Su Xiaoli's beautiful face, his eyes were filled with mist, but there was a smile on his cheeks, which made his heart suddenly tremble.

"Then stay!"

While speaking, Li Zhenwu turned around and left calmly.

Standing there, leaving a long sigh, Su Quan's old body, walking with difficulty, also left silently, leaving Su Xiaoli alone in the pavilion.

The silver moon shone down like a veil, and the mist on the lake surface was like a fairy home, revealing a refined atmosphere everywhere.

This is the natural wonder formed by the recovery of spiritual energy.

Su Xiaoli stood in the pavilion, leaning on the railing to look at the surrounding scenery, her face was beautiful, her skin was crystal clear, and her eyes were clear, like a fairy in the dust.

Although the body of a mortal, but the temperament of the dust, she is full of indescribable charm.

"The fate is born and the fate is destroyed, you and I are strangers after all!"

With a faint sigh, the bitterness in Su Xiaoli's heart was exhausted.

Followed from Honghuang, originally to accompany the king, but in reality, she had to let go of her personal feelings and be silent for the sake of peace.

"I said, this is my world, and you are here, how come you are strangers?"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded from the pavilion.

As the voice fell, Su Xiaoli's body stiffened, and the sadness on his pretty face solidified, like a sculpture, frozen in place.

A pair of firm and powerful hands slowly embraced her from behind.

"This is my world." Li Zhenwu said again with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoli's delicate body trembled slightly, feeling the warm chest behind her, and savoring its meaning.

The next moment, the eyes gradually brightened, and the beautiful face showed a hint of satisfaction.

"I am in your world."

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