From this, it can be seen that the Great Desolation is in jeopardy, and the saints have broken away from the seal and embarked on the road of return.

Li Zhenwu didn't know what happened to the saints during the years when they were sealed, but it was certain that with so much power, the saints were stronger than expected.

Or in the long chaotic starry sky, what chance they got, maybe.

After all, chaos is vast and boundless, and the gods who have been sealed have experienced endless years and do not know where they will end up.

This is a mysterious place where even saints can get lost.

"Then will you be in danger?" Su Xiaoli's face tensed. It was the first time he heard such secrets. In addition to his happiness, he was more worried about Li Zhenwu.

That is a saint, above all things.

It is not comparable to the previous gods, and the chaotic starry sky is mysterious and endless. Who knows what the saints have gained in it?

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, put his arms around Su Xiaoli, shook his head and said, "As long as the cultivators of this world become stronger and stronger, the more certain they will be. Therefore, this important task will be handed over to you."

"Well, I won't let you down." Su Xiaoli nodded vigorously and said earnestly with a small face.

The next moment, Li Zhenwu let go of Su Xiaoli, stepped into the void, and headed towards the sky.

On the ground, Su Xiaoli looked up, his expression firm, his eyes filled with unprecedented determination.


The universe is vast and boundless, it is full of darkness, but by emitting light, the inner beings are changed in many ways.

At this time, the frontier of the universe was covered with dust, the violent aura, the surrounding star fields, and the nearby stars were all shaken in shock. It seemed that they could not bear this kind of pressure, and they would fall and explode at any time.

The army of demons is endless, and the end cannot be seen at a glance, just like the army of locusts, directly covering the star field of the cosmos.

This kind of scene is too shocking, the demons are endless, there are too many.

Among them, standing in front of the army of demons, there is a dark figure like ink, very vast, and the demons around him are as small as dust compared to him.

Its eyes, also blood red, when opened, are like two suns hanging in the darkness.

"From here, slaughter all living beings!"

The sound was very harsh, as if the metal was rubbing and rubbing, echoing in the starry sky, the shock swept all around, and the nearby stars exploded one after another, turning into splendid cosmic dust.

"Follow the orders of the general."

Countless demons answered in unison, their imposing manner was vast and amazing.

The next moment, the army flew over like locusts. Wherever it passed, the planets that blocked the way forward, regardless of whether there were living beings, all exploded and were instantly destroyed.

Looking at the army that covered the sky and covered the entire starry sky, the demon general grinned and showed sharp fangs.

"The demons of the abyss are invincible, no matter what the world is, they must crawl chandou at the foot of the demon army."

As soon as the voice fell, it turned into nothingness and turned into a dark cloud covering the sky, galloping away in the direction of the earth.

Boundless black clouds swept across the starry sky, and the lightning was dense. There was a galaxy as large as a galaxy, which was very terrifying.

Wherever he passed, all matter was annihilated, becoming the nourishment of the devil, absorbing all the energy in the universe.

The 2th Demon from Chaos! ([-])

When the demon army set off, Li Zhenwu left the earth, took one step, and came to the surface of the moon.

At this time, the strange fluctuations in the depths of the starry sky transmitted the entire universe, so that hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Wu Dynasty could clearly sense it.

"This breath is the devil."

On the moon, someone shouted with surprise on their faces.

When the voice sounded, everyone was shocked.

"Has the devil come again?"

"The gate of hell is really weird. If it wasn't sealed by itself, I would definitely kill those Titans with my own hands."

"We have been here all the way from the Great Desolation, and the biggest enemy is these demons from Chaos."

"New hatred and old hatred, just in time, we will use them for the first battle of our recovery."

"Back then, in the vast chaos, we couldn't stop us, and now it's even more impossible."

The devil's breath is too familiar to the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty.

It is no exaggeration to say that after a long road, what they faced the most was the endless pursuit of demons.

In the same way, the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty are also very strong, and they can be said to be sturdy to the extreme when they enter all the way.

"Demon? What is that?"


Chi You tilted his head and looked at the strong man in front of him, his eyes exuding blazing fighting intent.

"The devil is a kind of abyss creature. It is said that it does not belong to this universe, nor does it belong to the prehistoric world. It comes from the depths of the chaotic starry sky. It is a creature that exists only for destruction." Tie Niu said in a deep voice.

When he mentioned demons, his heart sank, and he felt an invisible pressure.

You know, those creatures are not strong in combat, but they can't stand in groups, and there are too many to count.

At the beginning, [-] soldiers of the military dynasty were outnumbered, so only [-] soldiers fell on the road.

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