The rest of the people, although they were killed, were mostly injured and had fallen to their peak.

Otherwise, they would not have sealed themselves up, so that the stream of God would be a blessing in this world.


A wave of spatial fluctuations appeared, and above the moon, Li Zhenwu's figure appeared out of thin air and landed near the White Emperor Shaohao.

"Holy Father, the devil is not good!"

Bai Di Shaohao's face was solemn, and he cupped his hands and said in a deep voice.

You must know that the other party dared to break in even when the Titans had to be destroyed. Obviously, they came prepared.

When the enemy is unknown, it is difficult to judge how many demons have broken in.

"I know, it turns out that this is a demon. It is indeed a bit special, as if it was born to kill, it is amazing."

Li Zhenwu nodded lightly and told everyone to prepare for war.

This time, he still didn't want to shoot so fast, to see if everyone's potential could withstand the footsteps of the demon army.

After all, after returning to the Great Wilderness, everything here was guarded by these military soldiers.

Without inspiring the starry sky, if facing the demon army, Li Zhenwu will reconsider another plan.

However, Bai Di Shaohao and the others seemed very confident and extremely excited.

But the next moment, when Li Zhen told them the detailed strength of the demon, everyone was surprised.

"As far as I know, among the demons who came here this time, there is a big Luo Jinxian with strength, and the rest of the demons are at least in the realm of Earth Immortals, and the number is no less than [-] billion." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

The voice fell, and there was a dead silence in the field.

No less than ten billion demons?

You must know that the body of each demon has the size of the earth, and the combat power formed by the number of tens of billions is probably no less than a star field explosion.

Of course, Li Zhenwu actually said that there are few, and the number of demons covering the star field alone is definitely no less than [-] billion.

Even more than a trillion trillion.

If such a vast army's combat power is said, everyone present will be desperate, right?

But there are exceptions.

"Only [-] billion? If you add [-] times more, I can easily crush it."

In the distance, Chi You grinned wildly.

Since integrating the breath of a saint, his cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and the body of the Wu clan has become more complete, and has almost reached the peak and peak period of the previous life.

It's just that he has always suppressed his strength and pursued the pleasure of fighting at the same level.

Even, occasionally, the power is suppressed to the lowest level, and the weakest power is used to shake the stronger enemy.

This is a madman who was born to fight. Even the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty had to admire Chi You, which made people respect him.

Li Zhenwu glanced over, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a faint smile.

If you see the real number of enemies when the demon army arrives, you don't know how you would feel.

"The number of tens of billions, even if they are all in the realm of Earth Immortals, is a force that shakes the heavens and the earth." Bai Di Shaohao looked solemn, and analyzed: "However, demons do not understand battle formations, nor do they understand cooperation, in their souls In it, there is only killing."

"The only thing that worries people is that the demon with the strength of the Great Luo Jinxian. According to what we have contacted many times, the stronger the demon's strength, regardless of intelligence or means, is no different from normal creatures."

Actually, it's something to be suspicious of.

These creatures seem to be under the golden immortals, and their spiritual intelligence is not as good as that of ordinary people.

"It's really a bit weird, but looking at it now, it's not the point, because if you want to know where the devil came from, you can only learn the truth when you return to the prehistoric land." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

The number is the devil's advantage. The same strong physique is against the sky, and the defense is terrifying. The only weakness is that the attack method is poor and the intelligence is not high.

However, in the face of endless demonic attacks, even the meager means of attack can make people overwhelmed.

"Combine Formation!"

At this time, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and spoke lightly.

Then, under the confused eyes of everyone, he slowly turned around, turned his back to all beings, and looked into the depths of the distant starry sky.

Countless light-years away, the starry sky collapsed, and huge galaxies exploded one after another, destroyed by the demon army, and the scene was terrifying.

Chapter 3 Visual impact! ([-])

The vast starry sky, the magnificent and majestic stars, last forever, emitting a dazzling light.

The universe is boundless, and it is difficult to reach the end in a short period of time below the true immortal.

At this time, a spectacle appeared in the starry sky. In the wilderness of the universe, there were too many demons, densely packed, like a land as large as a galaxy, flying rapidly in the dead sky.

Wherever it passed, big stars exploded one after another and turned into cosmic dust, ~ gorgeous and dazzling.

However, when this vast land, [-] light-years away from the Milky Way, suddenly stopped-.


In the group of demons, the general demon has a body as large as half a galaxy, standing out from the crowd, with sun-like eyes staring solemnly ahead.

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