If things go on like this, it will be too late to lose.

But now, the balance of victory is gradually tilting.

"It's just you, it's not enough to see."

In the distance, Chi You roared, his fists burst out, chasing the four golden demons to fight.

It can be seen that the four golden demons, covered with cracks, have lost their original luster and have become dull.

At this scene, everyone was stunned.

"The army obeys the order, move closer to me, and don't spread out."

The demon general laughed angrily, and immediately issued an order to surround himself with endless demon soldiers.

It's too much.

You know, all the demons combined can form a dark land as large as a galaxy. It is not difficult to imagine that the number of demons has exceeded common sense.

It is no wonder that it can come strong, and to flatten this universe, there is indeed this capital.

"No one can stop the devil's footsteps, you can't, and neither can this universe."

The Demon General stood in the army, urging all the demons to charge forward.

If you can't win, use crowd tactics.


Countless demons stood together and outlined the dark continent across Chen Tianyu.

They don't want to be entangled, and they will completely destroy this universe in a crude and simple way.

Chapter [-] The invincible pose!

Wisps of destruction aura overflowed, swallowing everything, and countless celestial bodies burst, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

Demons gathered to crush all things in the universe in absolute numbers.


Several beams of light gathered, and the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, Bai Di Shaohao and others appeared. Their faces were ugly, and they looked forward solemnly.

You must know that although their cultivation base is strong, they obviously cannot annihilate these demons in an instant.

"If you want to keep these demons here, you can only revive the starry sky." Bai Di Shaohao said in a deep voice.

Everyone naturally knows, but it is obviously not easy to revive the big formation.

After all, that formation is too mysterious and unpredictable, and everyone who has adapted to the primary power has been able to fight with the infinite demons.

If there is a complete recovery, I don't know how terrible it will be.

"It's easier said than done?" Chi You waved his fist and grinned.

If they can recover casually, then they need to come here to do something. Obviously, to stimulate the big formation, specific conditions are required.

In this regard, Chi You is too lazy to ponder, in his words, it is better to solve it with fists more directly.

However, this is very unrealistic.

The Dark Continent crossed Chen Tianyu, and in the ups and downs, countless stars were smashed into dust and turned into splendid fireworks.

The combination of so many demons can span across galaxies, and it is difficult to kill them with ordinary power.

"We have activated the initial power of Array 543 now, or need some kind of guidance activation, you can give it a try." The volcano giant smiled bitterly.

The Dark Continent in front rushed towards it at a high speed, and it was obviously useless to continue the discussion.

"I'll block it, you guys hurry up." Chi You said in a deep voice, then strode forward, clenched fists, blooming red glow.


The White Emperor Shaohao swayed, holding a golden spear and flying forward.

In the end, even the volcanic giants stepped forward to stop the demons from entering the earth.

Although everyone knows that if they can't resist, the Holy Father will definitely take action.

However, no one wants to rely on the Holy Father.

"The starry sky array, is it to stimulate the orbit of the stars, thereby stimulating the mysterious power?" The strong man Tie Niu said with a frown.

In his eyes, the starry sky formation should be similar to the famous Zhou Tianxingdou formation in the prehistoric wilderness. They are all under the orbit of the stars, producing unshakable power.

In this regard, Chu Tianjun and others were speechless, thinking about how to guide the operation across countless galaxies?

"Senior, it seems unrealistic to guide Zhou Tianxingdou to run. Why don't you try to guide the starlight in the sky and condense the lines of a large array?" Ye Tian said.

After all, guiding the starlight is indeed simpler than guiding the stars to run.

Hearing this, the strong man Tie Niu's eyes narrowed slightly, with a touch of admiration, and nodded: "Okay, the starlight depicts the lines of the great formation, which will lead to the recovery of the starry sky."

The next moment, the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty stepped on the mysterious position and began to attract the stars of the animation sky.


Ahead, the dark continent is vast and boundless, rushing towards it at high speed, and everywhere it passes, the space is shattered every inch, which is very terrifying.

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