
Chi You had black hair scattered all over his head, his eyes were cold and stern, and he took a step forward, rushing directly into the demon group to kill.

The fists bloomed with red glow, and every punch fell, the void oscillated, and ripples covered it, killing countless demons and turning them into dust in the universe.

However, these dead demons, in front of the infinite army, are simply a drop in the bucket, and they can't hurt their vitality.


A lotus flower outlined by a flame blooms in the void, with a surging red light, blooming beautifully.

The flaming lotus swayed and floated into the demon group, and the fiery temperature burned everything into ashes.

call out!

The golden spear is like a dragon, like a beam of light, passing through the void, causing Tianyu to create a gap in the sky, traversing the road ahead of the dark continent.

"You two, please follow me to kill the enemy!"

Emperor Bai Shaohao shouted, and the golden armor radiated dazzling light, like a bright sun, rushing directly into the boundless darkness.

Behind him, the volcano giant and Chi You followed, killing the demon when they saw it, unstoppable.

Although thousands of people go to me!

The demons that make up the Dark Continent are endless, but the three of them didn't hesitate, and rushed in directly, with an aura that shook the heavens and the earth.

on the earth.

When they saw this scene, countless people were in an uproar.

"Although it can't be reached, my heart yearns for it." Some people were very emotional.

What kind of attitude is that, even if there are thousands of enemies, they still have an invincible attitude and kill them forcefully.

"That's Emperor Bai, our ancestor." Some people in the Huaxia region burst into tears with excitement, and they were more and more in awe of their ancestors.

At this moment, whether it is the earth or other life planets.

Countless creatures are nervously paying attention to the pictures there.

Because from the pictures passed on, they all know that this is about the survival of this universe.

"Haha, kill whatever you want!"

In the center of the demon army, the demon general watched coldly, desperately urging countless men to fly over.

Death is not something to fear for them.

In other words, for the demons at the bottom, they don't know what death is at all, and they only know to obey the orders of the demon general.


At this moment, there was a violent fluctuation in the distance.

This vision of heaven and earth caused the entire universe to tremble slightly.

"This is?" Bai Di Shaohao turned his head to look, and his face suddenly became happy.

I saw that in the vast universe, countless starlights condensed here from everywhere, and the richness was golden, drowning everyone in the past.

At the same time, strands of starlight condensed, depicting mysterious lines in the void.

With the completeness of the lines, the world here has changed.


The whole universe shook.

The endless starlight is condensing here, coming from nowhere, and it is boundless and seems to drown the universe.

In the Wu Dynasty soldiers, the golden light was dazzling, and it was so intense that it almost turned into substance.

Gradually, in countless horrified gazes, starlight flowed, outlining a human figure that spanned hundreds of galaxies and stood in the universe.

It's huge!

The vision manifested in the stars cannot see the entire body of the star giant.

In front of this giant, the Dark Continent is just the size of a fingernail, which is not enough to see.

"This is?"

Not to mention the devil generals and the others, even Bai Di Shaohao, Chi You and the others were horrified, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

What a huge starlight giant, with a dazzling body, composed of starlight energy, overlooking everything in the world.

"God, what did I see?"

"A body that spans dozens or hundreds of galaxies, how huge must this giant be?"

On the earth, countless people are speechless.

Chapter [-] Destroy the heavens!

Beside the giant, dozens of galaxies, the stars are dazzling, just like the fireflies surrounding them, shining brightly.

The dark continent composed of demons is not as big as the palm of the starlight giant~.

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