What does this represent?

Not only the visual impact, but even the soul - is trembling.

"Is this the final form of the starry sky's grand formation?" Bai Di Shaohao was stunned, shocked by this picture.

It is simply heaven and earth, representing the manifestation of the supreme rules.

"Let's go back."

At this time, Chi You reacted, shouted loudly, pulled the two people who were in a daze, and immediately retreated.

In the distance, the starlight giant standing in the vast universe slowly raised his right hand.

A slight movement is enough to span several galaxies, which is simply magnificent.


The three of Baidi Shaohao left the Dark Continent in an instant, and they were stunned when they looked at it from dozens of light years away.

On Earth, it was dead silent at this time.

Countless people looked at the picture of the suspended sky, and they were all stunned and completely petrified in place.

People were shocked and couldn't believe what they saw.

"Across dozens of galaxies, how huge is this?" Someone exclaimed in a low voice, trembling all over.

At this moment, countless creatures feel their own insignificance, even less than the dust of the universe.

In front of dark continents and starlight giants, the Milky Way is really not as small as dust, let alone humans on Earth.

You know, this is beyond imagination and subverts people's cognition.

Even Emperor Bai Shaohao was shocked, not to mention mortals, their souls were trembling, and there was an illusion of facing the vastness of heaven and earth.

Any creature will have this feeling in front of the star giant.


Completely condensed by the starlight of the vast universe, the vastness of the body spans dozens of galaxies.

No one can see clearly, the face of this giant is like the incarnation of heaven and earth, overlooking all things in the universe.

At this moment, it is raising its hand, spreading its five fingers, holding the Dark Continent in the palm of its hand.

"Is this the manifestation of the origin of the universe?" Trapped in the palm of the star giant, the demon general was desperate.

No matter how the army attacked, they would not be able to escape the five-fingered cage.

"No, we haven't completed the mission. As a demon in the abyss, how could it fall in such a primitive place?" The demon general screamed, unable to accept the result.

However, the starlight giant's five fingers slowly closed, wrapping the entire galaxy-like dark continent in the palm of his hand.


After a dull sound, the infinite demons all turned into cosmic dust and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene, the whole universe was silent.

"What power is this?"

Even the brawny Tie Niu, who was driving the starry sky, opened his mouth wide, feeling unbelievable.

It's so scary!

The powerful demon army just now was crushed directly by the starry sky formation in its ultimate form, and it was completely annihilated.

What kind of heaven-defying power is this?

Looking at the starry sky, countless creatures fell into silence.

On the surface of the moon, Li Zhenwu's eyes were deep, looking at the depths of the distant starry sky with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the power of all living beings!" He whispered, as if explaining, and seemed to be talking to himself.

In fact, that was his original incarnation.

When the universe is in crisis, as long as the starry sky is stimulated, the power of the source can be mobilized, combined with the power of all beings, to manifest his will in the world, thereby suppressing all enemies.

It is no exaggeration to say that under the saints, they cannot even resist.

Of course, if Li Zhenwu made his own move, even if the saint came, he would be sure to kill him.

However, when he is away, he will rely on the will he left behind to kill everything to commit the enemy.

This is also the most perfect method that can be achieved as the master of this universe.



When the demon army was annihilated, the starlight giant disintegrated, turned into wisps of starlight, and returned to its original position again.

It seems like it never happened.

Countless life planets in the universe, where the vision disappeared.

However, every creature knows that there are various races in this universe.

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