In this way, it will be much easier for the unification of all races in the universe in the future.

The [-] military soldiers, Chi You and others also returned.

After this battle ended, all that was left was parting sentimental.

Because everyone knows that the Holy Father is going to return to the Great Desolation, and there are not many people he can take away.

The rest of the soldiers will stay here to protect the peace of this universe.


On the surface of the moon, dense figures descended.

When the [-] soldiers of the military dynasty came back, looking at the boy's back, they felt incredible.

This is the Holy Father, who has the power to defy the sky.

"The gate of hell hasn't closed yet. After I leave, I will make up for the shortcomings there. At that time, it will not be so easy to get in."

Li Zhenwu turned around, glanced at the crowd lightly, and pointed out his intention directly.

"Holy Father, how many people do you need to take away?" Bai Di Shaohao respectfully asked.

The voice fell, and everyone's eyes were blazing, and they all looked at Li Zhenwu, all hoping to be with the Holy Father.

However, Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "It's enough to take you alone, the road ahead is unknown, and I don't know what danger awaits me."

You must know that when Bai Di Shaohao and the others came from the flood, they almost died on the road.

At that time, there were [-] soldiers of the military dynasty, and it was conceivable that there were many dangers among them.

"Yes, I will arrange my brothers."

White Emperor Shaohao looked stunned, saluted respectfully, then turned around and arranged for the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty to go.

On the spot, the three hundred cultivators of Chu Tianjun looked complicated and didn't know what to say.

"Instructor, we can't help much, I hope everything is safe." The volcano giant took the lead and said.

"You underestimate me too much, the saints can't do anything to me, let alone these demonic creatures." Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and said calmly.

However, everyone knows that the demon who invaded the universe is obviously not the opponent's trump card.

The road ahead is unknown, there are endless dangers, waiting for the instructor to enter.

After all, in order to prevent Li Zhenwu from returning to the Great Wilderness, the saints used their milk-feeding strength to either block or kill him.

Other than that, there is no other way!

Chapter 2: On the way home, ban the universe! ([-])

The demon invasion of the universe is over, and the universe returns to peace.

Under the powerful ability of Ying Zheng, the earth's monastic civilization began to radiate from the earth and gradually spread to all parts of the universe.

Any living planet is their target.

This is to integrate all living beings in the universe and push the cultivating civilization to a peak and a prosperous age.

The moon has become a forbidden place in the universe, where the guardians of the universe live.

And as the mother planet Earth, it is the holy place of the whole universe, and it is the place of pilgrimage for the powerhouses.

Jiangnan Su family, in the pavilion.

Su Xiaoli leaned on the railing to look up at the sky, her beautiful eyes glowed with brilliance, and her delicate face looked extremely holy in the sunlight.

"I hope you are safe on the road and come back as soon as possible." She whispered to herself, with deep feelings of longing.

Yes, Li Zhenwu had already left with the White Emperor Shaohao, and headed to the frontier of the universe. He had to enter through the gate of hell and find the way back to the prehistoric world.


This is a dead world, full of broken planets, floating in the long universe, without the slightest vigor.


Suddenly, two figures appeared out of thin air, it was Li Zhenwu and Bai Di Shaohao.

In the distance, there are strange fluctuations, a huge gap, which is constantly swallowing energy and matter in the universe.

"The gate of hell, it's really strange, why is it here?" Li Zhenwu frowned, puzzled.

"Master, when the father and the uncles and uncles deduced reasonably, although I don't know the reason, this gap is obviously a long time ago, or it is caused by some reason."

After getting along for many years, Shaohao gradually became familiar with Li Zhenwu and changed his name.

After all, Li Zhenwu was Xuanyuan Huangdi's teacher, and Shaohao's calling for the master seemed to be closer in his attitude.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu frowned deeper, stared at the so-called gate of hell, pondered for a long time, and then figured out the joints.

You must know that when the lotus seeds formed the universe and merged with his true spirit, the universe and him became one.

The causal relationship among them is very complex, absolutely beyond the scope of heaven, reaching a whole new level.

However, none of this matters.

The gap in front of him is obviously a lack of lotus seeds in the creation of the world, so it cannot be perfect, and it is difficult to complete the rules.

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