In this case, it is better to return to Honghuang directly and wait for the arrival of the other party.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu flickered and disappeared from the spot.

When it reappears, it has returned to the place where the time-space centipede fell.

Emperor Bai Shaohao sat cross-legged, and although he closed his eyes to adjust his breath, his mind was always tense and he did not dare to relax.

At this time, he felt a space fluctuation around him, and he was suddenly shocked. He opened his eyes suddenly, and his body instinct was about to step back.

But when I saw the person coming, I couldn't help but be stunned.

"Patriarch?" Bai Di Shaohao exclaimed, finally letting go of the heart that had been hanging over him for many days.

"Well, let's continue on our way, I already have a hunch, the situation of the floods doesn't seem optimistic." Li Zhenwu nodded, but did not tell Shaohao the truth.

If you don’t reach that level and know too much, it will only become an obstacle to your progress.

"Yes!" Shaohao nodded vigorously with a solemn expression on his face.

It is not difficult to see that he is also quite eager in his heart, wanting to return to the prehistoric and help his father Xuanyuan.

In fact, after they left, Lingshan was too powerful, making it difficult for the Wu Dynasty to resist. Now, after many years, it is worrying.

The chaotic desert is a strange restricted area floating in the chaotic starry sky, and no creature can leave after entering.

In fact, everything is caused by the space-time centipede.

Now, when Li Zhenwu took Shaohao out of the chaotic desert, he turned his head and saw that there was a fog, and the consciousness could not enter, as if he was isolated from the world.

Around the Chaos Desert, the starry sky is lonely and there is almost no sign of life.

It is such a barren area, but it can be deduced by the saints. I have to say that the method is really admirable.

Xuanyuan and others, because they have a cause and effect with Li Zhenwu, it is not surprising that they can deduce it.

But the saints, it seems that there is a supreme existence to help, and Li Zhenwu is bound to be put to death.

"Hey, it's finally out. It shouldn't take long to return to Honghuang from here." Shaohao breathed a sigh of relief and pointed out a star road leading to Honghuang.

Follow the road, and it won't take long for the two to return to Honghuang.

It's just that, in the vast chaotic starry sky, countless celestial bodies are running slowly, and the years are not traced. I don't know if the trajectory has changed or not.

"We can go back if we don't need it for half a month." Li Zhenwu nodded, determined a direction, and galloped with Shaohao.

At this moment, his heart throbbed, and he had an ominous premonition.

It seems that if you don't go back, the prehistoric times will change. At that time, all traces of that world will be wiped out.


The two figures were wrapped in divine light and hurried in the chaotic starry sky.


In the prehistoric world, on the edge of the chaotic starry sky, huge celestial bodies are floating one after another, and each chaotic celestial body is as huge and vast as a galaxy in the original universe.

And in the prehistoric world surrounded by chaotic celestial bodies, from the outside, it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

There are rules to protect it, and outside creatures are difficult to invade and will be wiped out by heaven.


Suddenly, on the edge of the flood, a golden figure appeared out of thin air.

It was a man, six feet tall, with golden light flowing on his skin, as if it was made of metal, filled with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

"This is the prehistoric world?"

The man tilted his head, his eyes were red, overlooking the perfect world below, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, in the vast chaos, this kind of miracle really exists, and it is perfect. If you can grab it, the Lord will definitely achieve the highest level, and as the messenger of the Lord, at least I can be a world powerhouse."

This man is a saint of an ancient world in the depths of the chaotic starry sky.

Appearing at this moment, it is obviously for the flood.

His figure sank suddenly, and he wanted to come in. The majestic and magnificent momentum caused chaos around him, stirring up countless thunder lights and sparks.

However, when the golden man was about to approach the flood, he was blocked by a supreme rule.


The void is turbulent, and mysterious and complicated lines emerge one after another, and various energies are intertwined to form a supreme power, preventing the golden man from entering.

Moreover, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao gradually awakened, wiped out the power of the world, and exploded with a bang.

Chapter 1 The saint of another world is coming! ([-])


The loud noise erupted, forming a supreme power, and the golden man was bombarded out, hitting the chaotic celestial body in the distance, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Bang! .

The golden man soared into the sky, his body was charred black, he looked very embarrassed, and his expression was a little dignified.

"It's very dangerous, if I didn't react in time, I would be obliterated by the rules of the heavens in this world." He said in a deep voice, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly stared at the prehistoric edge of the world.

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