There, a quaint figure stepped out from the prehistoric world.

The simple figure of the Taoist robe is floating, out of the dust and refined, as if everything in the world will be eclipsed in front of this figure.

"Haha, you are Hongjun, right?" The golden man couldn't help laughing when he saw the person coming, his attitude was arrogant and arrogant to the extreme.

Hongjun is floating, his figure is dreamy, his eyes are full of all beings, and there is a rhyme of fraternity without bounds.

At this time, in the face of foreign invaders, he was still calm, neither sad nor happy.

"Saints are not allowed to enter." The faint voice, transmitted from the simple figure, contained an indescribable mysterious rhythm.

The golden man was stunned for a moment and couldn't help sneering: "You are just the rules of heaven without self-awareness, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of me."

However, Hong Jun glanced at him lightly, and the quaint figure disappeared and no longer appeared.

As a result, the saint from another world was speechless.

"Hmph, saints are not allowed to enter, then I will cut the foundation of saints, and I won't believe that I can't enter." The golden man growled, for the perfect rule of heaven, he did not have to enter at all costs.

After all, the master he served was Chaos Starry Sky, an invincible existence with a mighty reputation.

As long as the task is completed, the rewards in the future are definitely not comparable to the saints.


The golden man was very decisive, waving his hand to cut off his own sage Dao foundation, the realm fell, and only the quasi-sage cultivation base.

However, after all, he used to be a saint, and he was the most peak and peak existence among saints.

Even if the quasi-sage cultivation base is now, it is enough to sweep the heavens and the world when the saints in the wild are withered.

"This time, I will definitely get the luck here." The golden man growled, enduring unimaginable pain, his face twisted and terrifying.

I don't know how long it took, when he calmed down again, he completely cut off the saint's Taoism.

The next moment, it sinks again, and it is about to descend into the prehistoric world.


Although it is not holy, it is still strong. When it falls, it triggers various visions around it.

This time, the rune rules that protect the floods fell silent, and there was nothing unusual about it.


In just a moment, the golden man, carrying the supreme power, descended directly into the prehistoric world and disappeared into the chaotic starry sky.

The lines that covered the edge of the Great Desolate gradually disappeared, and it was completely calm.


In the depths of the starry sky far away from the prehistoric world.

A dead celestial body, the body surface is dilapidated, if you look carefully, there are broken weapons on the ground, and there are even the corpses of huge creatures lying on the ground, strict and cruel.

At this moment, on the ground of the celestial body, next to the corpse of a magnificent chaotic alien beast, four swords with awe-inspiring murderous intent were scattered.

The master of the sword, I do not know where!


Suddenly, at the end of the sky, in the depths of a canyon, there was a huge sound.

Immediately afterwards, billowing dust, overwhelming, swept from there.

"Primordial child, bullying me to the sky and getting hurt, and actually colluding with the chaotic aliens, really humiliates the name of the original Sanqing."

As the dust swept away, a man in a golden robe stumbled out of it.

He has sharp eyebrows, handsome facial features, tough lines, and his every move is full of unspeakable righteousness.

One of the sages of the Great Desolation, the sect master of Tongtian.

"I feel the call of the teacher. It seems that Taishang and Primal shamelessly betrayed their prehistoric position, and sent the saint who destroyed the world to hunt me down. It's really ruthless!"

Tongtian Sect Master gritted his teeth, his clothes were tattered, his feet staggered, and he walked to the place where the four swords of Zhuxian were scattered.


The sword sounded loudly, and the supreme murderous aura erupted.

The next moment, the Four Swords of Zhuxian rose into the air, flew back to the back of the Tongtian Sect Master, and returned to their sheaths on their own.

He had been hunted down by alien saints before, despairing and lifeless, and a war broke out between the two sides.

Finally, under the desperate efforts of the sect master of Tongtian, he severely injured the opponent's saint, and his own foundation was damaged. At this time, it was already the end of the shot.

At the time of the battle of the saints, he was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep.

In the end, he drifted in the chaotic starry sky and was rescued by a chaotic creature. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

Just when he was almost recovered, he destroyed the world where the Lord was, and sent saints and supreme powerhouses to intercept him.

On the way back to Honghuang, let him fall here.

However, Tongtian sect master is not a vegetarian. Since he was put to death and then reborn, his realm has skyrocketed wildly, and he has become more profound about the way of slaughter.

In the face of the alien saint, he experienced nine deaths, and finally escaped.

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