However, after being hunted down for countless years, Tongtian Sect Master also suffered a lot, and his mind could not relax for a moment. Those years of escape were simply torture.

"It's a little weird. Recently, after I also practiced the way of true martial arts, it actually allowed me to break through the middle stage of the saint and step into the realm of the peak and the peak of the saint." Tongtian Sect Master Jian frowned and whispered to himself: "Could it be because of Li Zhenwu? ?"

Thinking of this, he felt more and more likely.

While fleeing, I occasionally heard that the Second Saint of the West, Taishang, Yuanyuan, colluded with the chaotic aliens, and wanted to be detrimental to Honghuang.

And the price is to hope that those invincible beings will take action and kill Li Zhenwu.

"Forget it, this place is not far from Honghuang, and I also feel the teacher's strong call. It seems that Honghuang has changed, and it is better to return as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Tongtian Sect Master adjusted his breath, dragged his body directly, and flew in the direction of the prehistoric world.

Although he was seriously injured, even the foundation of the saint was damaged.

But the imposing aura emanating from the Tongtian Sect Master is very fierce, and the whole person is like a chaotic sword, wanting to annihilate everything.

The prehistoric world is located in the wilderness of the chaotic starry sky. There is a blind spot in the chaotic starry sky. Even the existence of invincibility is difficult to find.

If a few saints were not shameless and exposed the location here, they might never have been discovered.

Chapter 1 The honor of saints! ([-])

The vast wilderness is boundless, the ancient trees are lush, the fierce birds are in the sky, and the original atmosphere is revealed everywhere.

Wudang Mountain was once a place of pilgrimage for the Wu Dynasty and the human race.

At this time, the ruins of thousands of miles, the mountain that stood tall in the sky, was cut off by a sharp sword, the incision was smooth, and it no longer existed.

The surrounding scene is desolate, the red land is thousands of miles away, and the earth clearly shows signs of being burned.

There had been a war here, and in the end the human race was defeated and had no choice but to retreat.

Now, after so many years, things have changed.

In the ruins of Wudang Mountain, there is a small mountain village hidden, which is particularly unusual in the crisis-ridden flood.

The mountain village is very large, occupying a radius of ten miles, and the stone houses are piled up, which is a primitive scene.

Inside one of the magnificent stone houses.

"Zhenwu hasn't returned yet, it seems that the floods are going to be in trouble."

The voice like the sound of nature, like the echo of the sound of the sky, makes people feel happy.

Qin Yao was wearing a phoenix robe, with a majestic manner and a beautiful face, she couldn't help showing a trace of worry.

Beside her, Xiaohua and Xiaocao bowed their heads in silence, equally worried.

This is their temporary residence. In the vast wilderness, if they hadn't deliberately searched for it, absolutely no one would have thought that after returning from the earth, they have been living in seclusion here.

Moreover, after returning to the Great Wilderness, even Dracula and the others did not dare to go back to the Netherworld, for fear of being discovered by the people of Lingshan.

"Forget it, Lingshan is strong, and we can't do anything about it." Qin Yao in this life, and Yaochi in the previous life, shook his head lightly, full of bitterness.

In fact, if it wasn't for the falling phoenix to cover up the atmosphere of the crowd, they would have been discovered near Wudang Mountain long ago.

Now there is smoke of gunpowder in the wild, and there are killings everywhere, which is extremely dangerous.

Even Daluo Jinxian can't save his life.

"Empress Huangtian, Immortal Master Zhen Yuan, the ancestor of Earth Immortals, is visiting."

At this moment, Mox made a loud announcement outside the stone house door.

Hearing this, Qin Yao and Xiaohua looked at each other, their eyes brightened, and they could see each other's intentions.


When the curtain fell, Qin Yao calmly sat upright, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a while, Zhen Yuanzi, who was Xianfeng Daogu, came in slowly under the leadership of Mox, and behind him, followed the two Dao boys Qingfeng Mingyue.

"Fairy Yaochi, it's a new year for him, and now we meet, are you okay?" Zhen Yuanzi's temperament is still the same, and he still has the same temperament, as if he doesn't care about the world.

"Zhenyuan Daxian, please take a seat!"

Qin Yao stretched out her hand to invite him, motioning for Mox to take a seat and pour some tea.

The atmosphere in the field was very relaxed. After all, they were both great masters of the Great Desolation, and Zhen Yuanzi was once a disciple of Hongjun, so the two were called brothers and sisters, and they communicated very happily.

However, Zhen Yuanzi is not stupid, he quickly turned back to the topic, and said with a light smile: "I don't know why Junior Sister Yaochi asked me to come here, why?"

Now the prehistoric war is chaotic, and the Wu Dynasty, Tianting, and Lingshan are divided into three parts of the world. It can be said that it has continued for a long time.

As an ancient great magician, Zhenyuan naturally became the guest of honor for everyone.

It's just that his nature is indifferent, and he doesn't like disturbance, so he used the book to create the universe inside, and brought in some prehistoric creatures who like purity.

Since then, the title of the ancestor of the earth immortal has been handed down in the flood.

Everyone was speechless about Zhen Yuanzi's move, but they couldn't say anything.

After all, no matter which side this great magician is on, it is not a good thing for the balanced tripartite.

Moreover, in order to make Zhen Yuanzi neutral, all parties turned a blind eye to some of his actions, and directly gave the most direct convenience.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment, then smiled lightly: "Senior Brother Zhenyuan, can you make a deal for your fellow student for many years?"

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