"Junior sister, don't persuade me any more. Since the saints are gone, my senior brother has lived a clean life. I really have no interest in the turmoil of the Great Wilderness."

Without waiting for Qin Yao to say anything, Zhen Yuanzi directly refused.

You know, the three parties, no matter which side they stand on, are quite unflattering.

If Li Zhenwu was here, perhaps because of his past friendship, he wouldn't be able to refuse.

But now, after the disappearance of the saints, he has looked down on the world and does not want to be entangled in the karma world...

However, Qin Yao's words were astonishing, and smiled lightly: "What if Junior Sister uses Hongmeng Purple Qi and the honor of a saint as a bargaining chip?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhen Yuanzi stood up suddenly, stunned, looking at the woman inside the curtain with a look of shock on his face.

"There should be seven saints under the ancestors of Hongjun Dao, but Pangu created the world, and under the karma of good fortune, there are nine saints in the prehistoric world. Now nine of them are gone, and the remaining two Hongmeng purple qi have not appeared for a long time. ." Qin Yao smiled lightly and stopped when she clicked.

Zhen Yuanzi froze in place, his mind roared, he felt blank, and his hands and feet were shaking.

You must know that as one of the oldest great supernatural powers in the flood, Zhen Yuanzi's road has been traversed by the way of heaven, and it is absolutely impossible to go further.

The only hope is sanctification.

But, the honor of the saint is so precious, if it doesn't appear, even if you search all over the world, it will be difficult to find a trace.

"Junior sister is joking, if Hongmeng Purple Qi is in your hands, will it be my turn?"

After being shocked for a moment, Zhen Yuanzi came back to his senses and couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that he was still not good enough to have such a big reaction.

"No, you can't believe it, senior brother, but the floods will soon usher in catastrophe. If senior brother can protect Mount Tai well, then 0.7 Hours of Heaven's Dao merit will be lowered, and you will naturally be the sage." Qin Yao's face tightened. , said seriously.

You know, she was shocked when she heard the news when she was on Earth.

But later, after Li Zhenwu's explanation, he gradually digested the shock, and finally accepted it calmly, and proceeded step by step according to Li Zhenwu's explanation.

The honor of a saint, in the prehistoric world, no one can refuse.

Zhen Yuanzi was naturally included, his brows were furrowed, and he had a feeling of deja vu about his mood at the moment.

"By the way, could it be that Li Zhenwu has returned?"

Soon, Zhen Yuanzi recalled how similar this feeling was to Li Zhenwu's persuasion.

Could it be that the alien that has been shocking for thousands of years has returned?

Chapter 2 Saint Tribulation! ([-])

After watching Zhen Yuanzi and his party leave from the magnificent stone house, Qin Yao lightly shook the phoenix robe and slowly turned back.

Some things don't need to be said.

Zhen Yuanzi is very clear about the meaning, the opportunity of sanctification will never come again.

If you don't cherish it again, you will really stand still for a lifetime.

"Teacher, how can you tell the truth from what the Empress said?"

On the way back, Daotong Qingfeng was puzzled.

"It's impossible to tell what's true from what's false."

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile when he heard the words.

Even if it's fake, he will shoot, and if it's real, the value can't be measured at all.

No matter which side you are on, in the face of the machine of sanctification, nothing matters.

As he said, true and false are no longer important, because in the face of sanctification, Zhen Yuanzi will not miss the slightest chance, and this is the essence of the problem.

The real thing is naturally the best, but the fake one is fine, at least it won't leave any regrets.

"So that's the case, it seems that Empress Huangtian is also a person with deep scheming." Daotong Mingyue shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Zhenyuanzi smiled bitterly, thinking that it was Yaochi's attention.

After all, he has dealt with Li Zhenwu several times, so he is naturally very clear about the behavior of the prehistoric and wild.

With the news released by Yaochi this time, Zhen Yuanzi is sure that if Li Zhenwu has not returned, he must be on his way.

Back at the Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi sent the two Taoist boys into the universe, and then sat directly under the ginseng fruit tree, waiting for the opportunity to come.


The prehistoric Mount Tai, vast and high, has experienced endless years, and now it is the place where the Wu Dynasty sacrificed to the sky.

At this time, the crowds were surging at the foot of the mountain, with many tents and clear banners, hunting with the wind, stretching for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which was very spectacular.

One of the huge tents is holding a meeting.

The high-level people of the prehistoric Martial Dynasty camp, people, witches, and demons, are all here.

"The war is about to break out. Lingshan and Tianting have been changing frequently recently. It seems that we are preparing something. We can't be careless."

"Heavenly Court's strength is inherently insufficient, and it cannot cause effective damage to us. It is the Lingshan aspect that really needs to be paid attention to." Yun Xiaodai frowned and said slowly.

Hearing the word Lingshan, the faces of the former Interceptors all looked ugly.

You must know that the Duobao Tathagata who is now leading Lingshan is the Taoist Daoist Duobao who intercepted the traitor at the beginning, which embarrassed them.

After all, when Duobao was intercepting the teaching, although Duobao was powerful, it was not as good as in Lingshan.

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