"There is news from the underworld, and the Holy Father may be returning." At this time, Xuan Ming, who was dressed in black and glamorous, spoke lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent was silent, and their expressions could not help but be solemn.

You know, decades ago, it was heard that the Empress Huangtian and others were going to return.

But it has never appeared, and it is not easy for everyone to find it.

Now it is said that the Holy Father is going to return, but everyone is not happy, because they are not optimistic, for fear of another disappointment.

All Saints Twilight, in the past long years, everyone has been desperate.

"Whether the Holy Father can return, although it is related to the fate of the Great Desolation, but before that, we still need to rely on ourselves." Emperor Yan Shennong smiled lightly.

After all, instead of placing illusory hopes, it is better to be realistic and strengthen yourself.

Moreover, this is also the belief that the Holy Father has always spread to the human race.

Just then, a messenger stumbled in and ran in.

"Report to the generals that the sky has changed outside, and there are unknown powerhouses descending on Linshui City ahead."

The messenger's forehead was covered in cold sweat, his voice was chandou, and his face was full of horror.

The voice fell, and everyone present changed slightly.

The next moment, their bodies swayed, their bodies radiated light, and they rushed out in an instant.

The tent has a formation to isolate the outside world, so they are here and do not know what is going on outside.

Visions appear frequently in the sky, lightning is dense, thunder and fire are intertwined, and a majestic breath is emitted.

In the countless horrified eyes, I saw a golden figure, wrapped in an invincible posture, descending from the sky.

The human city, which was dozens of kilometers away from the army camp, was suppressed by the terrifying momentum, and it turned into ruins with the rumbling sound.

"Is this the prehistoric world? It's really beautiful!" The golden man landed on the ruins of the city, looking around, there was a kind of indifference that looked down on the world.


Xuanyuan and the others, who rushed out of the camp, stared at them in disbelief.

It was the most prosperous city in the Wu Dynasty, and there lived millions of creatures from three clans, but at this moment, under the arrival of the golden man, they all turned into ashes.


Huang Di was holding the Xuanyuan sword, his eyes were red, and he was screaming in the sky, and his emotions went berserk in an instant.


The golden light flashed, reaching the extreme speed, directly impacting the past.

There is no need to ask why, because the other party does not take the three clan creatures seriously.

The Xuanyuan Sword was incomparably sharp, the space shattered along the way, and a dazzling light erupted, and its power was extremely terrifying.

"Oh, it seems that you are the remnants of the Wu Dynasty."

Feeling Rin 540 Ran's killing intent, the golden man was stunned for a moment, with a bright smile on his face.

At the same time, he raised his right hand, spread out his five fingers, and grabbed it directly towards Xuanyuanjian.


The blade fell, making the sound of Jin Ge.

"The strength is good, the creatures in this world are really interesting." The golden man smiled lightly, flicked his fingers, and landed on Xuanyuanjian.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, a crack appeared in the Xuanyuan Sword in Huang Di's hand, and a powerful force knocked him out and smashed it to the ground, forming a terrifying deep pit.


Xuanming, Shennong, Yunxiao and other martial arts powerhouses were all shocked.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

You know, the Yellow Emperor is a quasi-sage strongman, so he was sent flying like this?

"Who is this?"

Fuxi held the guqin horizontally, frowned slightly, and asked in doubt.

Not to mention it was him, even the expressions of other people were extremely difficult to see. They couldn't imagine that in the prehistoric world, when would such a strong person appear?

"I'm lucky, I saw you when I came, and just solved it together, lest I go to find them one by one."

At this time, the golden man smiled lightly, and was six feet tall, walking towards Mount Tai step by step.

The 1st chapter of saints ([-])


In the distance, the dust was rising into the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The Yellow Emperor flew out with the divine sword in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and roared, staring at the golden man with indescribable fear.

too strong!

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