If Li Zhenwu and others were here, they would definitely be surprised.

Because these monsters are the demons that attacked the original universe.

At this time, these demons were endless, covering the sky and the sun, covering hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and their vast bodies directly charged towards the people on Mount Tai.


The void trembled, countless ripples appeared, and the dust on the ground swept up into the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Wherever the demons passed, towering ancient trees collapsed, ten thousand zhang mountains collapsed, and everything in the world was turned into dust.

Not only that, the alien saint turned into a beam of golden light, bypassed the Immortal Killing Sword, flew out from the rear, and rushed out with the endless demons.

call out!

The sky is dazzling, the sword energy is surging, and the wind, fire and water surround the earth, and it falls strongly in front of the saint of the alien race.

With a bang, the sword body inserted into the ground, trembling and buzzing.


Seeing this, the alien saint sneered, his figure twisted, and he ejected in the void, trying to avoid the immortal sword in front of him.

However, another immortal sword shot from the sky again, blocking the retreat behind him.

The four-handed immortal swords, namely, the Sword of Immortal Execution, the Sword of Slaughtering Immortals, the Sword of Jue Immortal, and the Sword of Immortal Trapped, are divided into four directions for the saints of different races, and they are intertwined to form a terrifying sword energy.

At the same time, the supreme killing intent burst out from the four swords, like a stormy sea, drowning the opponent.

"The Saint Black Poro under the Destroyer Lord, long time no see, stay safe, right?"

At this moment, a magnificent voice came from the sky, echoing clearly in the prehistoric world for a long time.

At this point, the alien saint was completely trapped in place, unable to escape.

Everyone in Mount Tai was full of excitement.

"This is the teacher's return." Yun Xiao wept with joy, with the golden bucket of Hunyuan hanging above his head, guarding the people around him.

The stone that had been held in the bottom of my heart for countless years finally fell.

"Sage Tongtian is back, be good!"

The three emperors of the human race looked at each other and could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

Since Saint Tongtian has returned, it will not be far before Li Zhenwu returns!

All beings are solemn, looking at the sky, full of awe, welcoming the return of the sage of the Great Desolation, hoping to end the struggle that has lasted for countless years.

"You can protect yourself for the time being, and I will deal with this problem."

Above the sky, a stalwart figure descended, and the breath of a saint shocked the heavens and all spirits.

The leader of Tongtian's eyes was sharp, looking at the black poro saint trapped in the four swords, his heart was full of anger, and he could hardly hide it.


The Immortal Execution Formation figure fell, inspiring four immortal swords, and the killing energy swept through the floods.

"Tongtian child, dare you?" Hei Poro's face was full of anger, golden light was shining all over his body, and the holy aura filled the air, like a raging flame, and his divine power was surging.

His six-zhang body radiated dazzling divine light, resisting the supreme killing intent that came from oppression.

In this piece of heaven and earth, a large void cracked, and the earth, wind, fire and water reappeared, which was extremely terrifying.

"Why don't you dare? You have been chased by you for countless years in the Chaos Starry Sky, but you are arrogant and dare to throw yourself into the net, then don't go back."

Tongtian Sect Master's eyes were as cold as electricity, and he squeezed the magic formula, urging the formation on the ground.

Immediately, the whole world was covered with dense mist, and it was completely misty, as if it had fallen into chaos.


The Immortal Execution Array was stimulated, resonating with the four immortal swords, interweaving mysterious fluctuations, covering the world.

At the same time, the Immortal Execution Sword, the Slaughtering Immortal Sword, the Jue Immortal Sword, and the Immortal Trapping Sword floated and hung in all directions.

Swords rise, all things wither!

The meaning of supreme killing is everywhere, making people feel like they are caught in a boundless pursuit, and their souls are about to fight.

In the center of the formation world, the black poro was full of horror, yelling there, the holy light on his body transpired, and even began to burn, resisting the ubiquitous killing intent.

so horrible!

You know, as an alien saint, there is an inexplicable fear of this Fang Tiandao's first killing formation.

Back then, when Tongtian Cult Master was chased and killed in the chaotic starry sky, there was almost no way to go to the sky, and when he fell into despair, it was the Sword Array of Zhuxian, who repeatedly killed the Quartet, and finally let Tongtian Cult Master escape.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation has long had a fierce reputation in the Chaos Starry Sky.

It was a legend written with countless alien beings.

Even the master of the Black Poro, Destroy the Lord, coveted the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

The prehistoric world is blessed by the Dao, has complete and flawless rules of the heaven, and also has the unimaginable treasures of the alien world.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation is one of them.

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