At this time, Tongtian Sect Master stepped into the world of formation, holding Qingping sword, killing intent, and heading towards the place where Hei Poro was.

"Baby Tongtian, do you know the consequences of killing me?"

Seemingly sensing the terrifying killing intent, the Black Poro turned pale in shock and hurriedly shouted.

"Of course I know that the arrival of aliens will use the luck of the wild creatures to let you come in. Since sooner or later there will be a battle, then I will use you to sacrifice to the sky first." Tongtian Sect Master sneered, killing intent said.

After being hunted down for countless years, he already knew a lot about the chaotic alien race.

The only way to devour the Great Desolate Heaven is to get the approval of Heaven, and Heaven is all beings, and luck is the only way for them to break through the barrier of Heaven.

"When I die, the master will definitely take action himself. Have you thought about the consequences?"

Hei Poro was frightened and tried his best to scare him. After all, the Immortal Zhuxian formation was too terrifying. In the formation world, Tongtian Cult Master was almost an invincible existence.

"Without the blessings of all anger, do you think anyone can come in? The teacher will naturally protect me and wait."

The Tongtian Sect Master shouted, the Qingping Sword fell, thousands of sword qi crisscrossed, intertwined in and out of the cobweb, and directly shrouded the Black Poro.


The entire sword formation was completely recovered, the killing was supreme, and the sword energy was surging.

"Even if this seat dies, you will have to pay the price."

Knowing that he couldn't do anything better, the black Poro roared, and his six-zhang golden body shone with dazzling divine light, like a surging golden sea, sweeping the four directions.

Chapter 2 is tragic! ([-])

In order to enter the prehistoric world, the alien saint Black Poro cut himself the source of the saint in the chaotic starry sky, thus getting the opportunity to enter the prehistoric world.

This world is guarded by the Tao of Heaven. For balance, the power of alien saints cannot enter, and will be wiped out by the rules.

However, even if the Black Poro beheads the Saint Daoji, his strength is unfathomable.

After all, as a very ancient saint in the chaotic universe, even without the blessing of the source of the saint, the strength of the black poro is infinitely close to the saint.

And in order to return as soon as possible, Tongtian Sect Master had no time to recover from his previous injuries.

At this moment, it seems impossible to kill the opponent in seconds.

This is also the reason why Tongtian Sect Master, when he stepped into the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, told everyone in the Wu Dynasty to let them protect themselves.


In the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, surging energy fluctuations erupted.

In the world of formation, everything is annihilated, the earth, wind, fire and water reappear, and the power is extremely terrifying.

"According to what the teacher said, it is a saint of a foreign race. For a while, the teacher may not be able to take care of us."

Outside, Yun Xiao's pretty face was dignified, feeling the fluctuations from the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, his soul trembled.

That power is extremely terrifying. If it collides with the outside world, the floods will be shattered, and all living beings will be annihilated.

"If that's the case, then we're on our own. This group of evil monsters seems to be born to destroy. I'm afraid it's a monster kept by the alien saint."

In the distance, Fuxi sat cross-legged on the ground, with his knees on the guqin, and plucked the strings with his ten fingers.

The sound of the piano reverberates in circles, which is pleasing to the body and mind.

However, before reaching the infinite demon army, Qin Yin suddenly slaughtered and turned into an invisible city wall, blocking the impact of the demon.


The heaven and the earth shook, and the demon's body was huge and the mountains were vast and boundless.

At the same time, the body of the demon in front was shattered, annihilated by the powerful anti-shock force, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Yes, this destructive aura is even more dangerous than the original demon ancestor Luo Hu." Emperor Yan's eyes rose, his sleeves waved, and the universe was like a vast universe, sucking countless demons into it, infused with supreme power, and completely destroying the demons. annihilation.

These demons, pitch black as ink, obscured the sky and the sun, like dark clouds swept over, making a shrill cry.

Moreover, the demons released by the Black Poro Saint are obviously not comparable to those in the original universe. Among the infinite demons, dozens of them actually possess the power of quasi-sage.

"I never imagined that it was not Lingshan and Heavenly Court, but evil creatures from outside the realm that made me wait in embarrassment." Huang Di held the Xuanyuan Sword and slashed violently.


When the war broke out, the energy of this world was surging, like a chaotic ocean, annihilating everything in the world.

Some of the strong Jinxian of the Wu Dynasty waved their cuffs, concealed the universe, and took away the weak, so as not to be affected by the aftermath.

In front of endless demons, only quasi-sages can fight, and the rest can only retreat from the edge and dare not collide with them.

Really, there are too many of these skeletal monsters.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Wu Dynasty had dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses, they would have been crushed long ago.

At this moment, everyone is at stake, the scope of the war, and life is ruined.


Xuanming Ancestor Wu Jiao scolded, the black clothes were cold, turned into the body of a million ancestors, rushed into the demon group, and started killing.

Moreover, Hou Yi and Zhu Rong were accompanied by the three ancestors, who were very powerful.

Jiufeng followed behind, the body of the great witch, [-] zhang tall, and Xuanming Ancestor Wu they formed the front line of the city wall, blocking the collision of demons.

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