The dense impact sound is endless.

Black Poro's seven heads, eyes wide and bright like the sun, stared at Tongtian Sect Master, his body swayed, and he took the initiative to attack.

"The rules of the prehistoric heaven, to make you ants enjoy it, is simply a waste of heaven." He roared, his voice was like thunder, shocking all the heavens and spirits, like the sound of the avenue, very powerful.

The strength that is infinitely close to the saint is all bursting out at this moment, and it is extremely powerful.

I have to say that the alien saints of the ancient chaotic starry sky are indeed terrifying and moving.

Even if he cuts the origin of the saint, his strength is hard to figure out.

If it is against the quasi-sage of the prehistoric wasteland, it will definitely sweep the whole area, and there is an invincible existence under the saint.

As a saint, Tongtian Sect Master felt exhausted.

In the face of Hei Po Luohan's fearless attack, his eyes were gloomy, and the Qingping sword in his hand gently swayed, affecting the endless sword energy in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and slashed out.


A loud noise erupted, the sword formation shook, and chaos was annihilated.


The black poro spit out a mouthful of blood, and the six-zhang golden body flew out, smashing into the void, and cracks appeared on the surface of the body, which was extremely terrifying.

In the distance, the Master of Tongtian Sect was expressionless, and his whole person was extremely awe-inspiring.

"It's really admirable to be able to support me until now, but it reminds me of an old friend who is like you, but stronger than you." He said coldly.

"Haha, you want to say that Li Zhenwu is right?"

Seeming to know what Tongtian Sect Master was thinking, Hei Poro staggered to his feet, bared his teeth and grinned.

"Oh, there are those two traitors, you know that Zhenwu is not surprising."

Tongtian Sect Master nodded and said lightly: "You are the second strongest among the non-sages I have encountered since I became a saint."

As for the first!

Of course, it is the true martial alien who once traversed the wilderness and faced the saints alone.

"Yes, but unfortunately, the so-called true martial alien may have died in the vast chaos." Hei Poro sneered.

He told Tongtian Sect Master that, as a reward for getting the position of the prehistoric world, the Destruction Master pushed the boat along the river, and with his peerless cultivation, he calculated the position of the true martial aliens against the sky, and then dispatched destroying creatures to go there to kill them.

The Lord of Destruction is a well-known supreme powerhouse in the vast chaotic starry sky.

He once killed eighteen chaotic worlds, and his methods were so ruthless that he was fearful and awe-inspiring, and he achieved the prestigious name of destruction.

"Master Master is temporarily unable to come out for some reason. If he takes action in person, the rules of the heavens in this world will not be able to stop it." Black Poro said, his tone full of endless awe for the supreme powerhouse.

"What does it have to do with me? Besides, Li Zhenwu is an outlier recognized by the teacher. I believe he will not fall like this." Tongtian sect master's eyes were like lightning, and two sword lights burst out, dazzling.

"Tongtian, you still don't understand? In front of the master of destruction, Honghuang will change hands sooner or later. If you submit to us, you can still..."

The black poro still wanted to continue to charm, both soft and hard, but Tongtian sect master was too lazy to talk nonsense, carrying the Qingping sword, and strode with murderous aura.

"No, you can't kill me, if I fall, the Lord will know..." Black Poro still wanted to fight, and shouted there.

"The nonsense is over, then this seat will send you back to Destroy 577 Destroyer Lord 1"

Tongtian Sect Master's tone was cold and his killing intent was surging. He came directly to the front, wrapped in the power of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and slashed over with a sword.


The sword energy stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, piercing the time and space, breaking the space restrictions, and instantly arrived in front of the black poro.

At the same time, the four immortal swords hanging on the sword gate burst out with supreme killing intent.

The power is vast, and it instantly drowns the black poro, destroying the dead, and terrifying to the extreme.

In the field, there was a shrill scream.

With the reappearance of the wind, fire and water, chaos poured into the sword formation world, completely annihilating the black poro, the alien saint.

His golden body cracked, turned into dust, was swept by chaos, returned to the chaotic starry sky in an instant, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Kill the saint!

Tongtian sect master spat out a mouthful of blood, and his injuries broke out, and he could no longer maintain the sword formation.

Between the heavens and the earth, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation disappeared, and that piece of heaven and earth turned into nothingness, with no grass growing and a mess.


Countless living beings in the Great Wilderness, at the same time, all felt the tremors from their souls.

The sky was full of blood clouds, and the rain of blood poured down, containing an inexplicable energy, moisturizing the deserted earth after the war.

Chapter 1 Jue Luo Tiansheng! ([-])

In the chaotic starry sky, magnificent and magnificent celestial bodies float up and down, each celestial body is as vast as half the universe, but in the chaos, it appears as small as dust.

It is infinitely far away from the prehistoric world, a world filled with darkness, standing quietly among the chaotic celestial bodies.

This is the world created by the Lord of Destruction. It is very huge and oval in shape. It is isolated by a layer of gray barrier, which protects the creatures and rules in the world from being annihilated by invisible chaos.

Compared with the prehistoric world, this elliptical world is even more vast, just like the earth and the sun.

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